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A...! :O DECLARATION!!! ...of waaaar?! \o?

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No, those are your words not mine so quit trying to say they're mine. I said Skaro is not as experienced as many are new nations and just want to learn the game. I've given many Daleks advice so I know how new many are to the game. If you wanted to fight a well known competent alliance then their are many who you could have hit but we all know why you didn't. I'm sure one of those alliances will show you true competence and make you look incompetent to.

Maybe the biggest problem with Skaro is your advice. I mean your not the best builder.
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Hmm. I happen to find this topic terribly entertaining. PM me if you can't organize your over sized alliance , HD!

Fixed it.
They would be giving us a good kick in the rear if they could just organize.
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Maybe the biggest problem with Skaro is your advice. I mean your not the best builder

I build enough to hold my own and If all of Skaro followed my advice, they'd all have a decent WC when the war started.

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Hey bomb, maybe you should look over my wars and tell me? Considering all 3 of you hold more infra than me. I can only attack so many with GA before my soldier count is too low to do much for me. Also ask the game mechanics, you might get a better response.

Skaros top nation isn't even at war :(. Jesus do I even want to look more into how many wars they can declare...

Even better
Well crap maybe I need to pay more attention. 2 of my own guys aren't even at war. :(. My apologies, my life is a bit busy so I don't get into the details at the fullest....be right back got some yelling to do.


You attacked while you were at 1000 Infra, stop trying to make it out to be that you were down near 100 like you are now. I had around 1000 soldiers left, with a 1K Infra deploy it wouldn't be hard to win both GAs.


I build enough to hold my own and If all of Skaro followed my advice, they'd all have a decent WC when the war started.


You held your own against the weakest members of Hellas/WDs, good for you. 

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I build enough to hold my own and If all of Skaro followed my advice, they'd all have a decent WC when the war started.

Whatever it is of your own which you may be holding,  :gag: , it is certainly not worthwhile thoughts or opinions as regards advice to your alliance. B-)

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You attacked while you were at 1000 Infra, stop trying to make it out to be that you were down near 100 like you are now. I had around 1000 soldiers left, with a 1K Infra deploy it wouldn't be hard to win both GAs.



You held your own against the weakest members of Hellas/WDs, good for you. 

They were all within the same NS as me so what exactly makes them weaker? All but 2 of them are attacking daily but they all have no coordination and nearly all combined war chest levels were smaller than mine and still could be even after I was forced to buy max spy's. They were granted the exact same privileges and access to build. It's not my fault they'd rather spend their money on infra and tech which by the way half of whom have more infra and tech. You obviously know little so you should stop commenting on what you know little about.

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Finally, an honest explanation for the Daleks' defeat....................... :lol1:

Whatever it is of your own which you may be holding,  :gag: , it is certainly not worthwhile thoughts or opinions as regards advice to your alliance. B-)

Hahahaha, you should really post more, ARCHEIN. :laugh:

*does an ARCHEIN themed cheer*
^ since I'm a cheerleader now, and all Edited by Kurdanak
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They were all within the same NS as me so what exactly makes them weaker? All but 2 of them are attacking daily but they all have no coordination and nearly all combined war chest levels were smaller than mine and still could be even after I was forced to buy max spy's. They were granted the exact same privileges and access to build. It's not my fault they'd rather spend their money on infra and tech which by the way half of whom have more infra and tech. You obviously know little so you should stop commenting on what you know little about.


So I finally stopped being lazy and decided to check your war stats... you are getting destroyed by Tyler Canoe and Santa's Village is beating you. I'm glad I forced you to buy max spies after I spied your Threat Level. Obviously the people that have more infra/tech aren't getting rolled that much, right? Or they would have less infra/tech than you. Just check my wars, all 3 targets now have the combined infra of a few hundred less than me, its going to get much worst now that they ran out of nukes as well. Oh really? If you are such a big talker why weren't you up in the upper tier? It wouldn't be hard at all to get into Skaro's upper tier... you were granted the exact same privileges to build, oh wait its not my fault you suck. 


I obviously know very little about warfare, building or TE as a whole. I'll just go over and be a cheerleader alongside Kurdanak. 

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So I finally stopped being lazy and decided to check your war stats... you are getting destroyed by Tyler Canoe and Santa's Village is beating you. I'm glad I forced you to buy max spies after I spied your Threat Level. Obviously the people that have more infra/tech aren't getting rolled that much, right? Or they would have less infra/tech than you. Just check my wars, all 3 targets now have the combined infra of a few hundred less than me, its going to get much worst now that they ran out of nukes as well. Oh really? If you are such a big talker why weren't you up in the upper tier? It wouldn't be hard at all to get into Skaro's upper tier... you were granted the exact same privileges to build, oh wait its not my fault you suck. 


I obviously know very little about warfare, building or TE as a whole. I'll just go over and be a cheerleader alongside Kurdanak. 

Your one spy op is not the reason why I bought max spy's but do keep pretending they are. And Tyler only just went a head in damage because of nukes and I don't waste to much GA's on those with no cash. I'm not here to be the best builder, or flag run, or highest casualties, I just play for a few rounds of war and have some fun at the same time. We ain't all trying to be the best like you but do keep sounding like a 10 year old who loves to brag about always winning. It's very classy for a AA leader.

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 I'm not here to be the best builder, or flag run, or highest casualties, I just play for a few rounds of war and have some fun at the same time. We ain't all trying to be the best like you but do keep sounding like a 10 year old who loves to brag about always winning. It's very classy for a AA leader.


Then stop bragging as if you are. Every single one of your posts is stating exactly what I'm stating, except saying that I am doing what you are doing. I don't always win, and where did I state that? You've gone on and on about how you are so fucking good, and all I've stated is that you ain't fool. Keep backing up, we ain't going to let up. Your time to prove yourself is near. 

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Then stop bragging as if you are. Every single one of your posts is stating exactly what I'm stating, except saying that I am doing what you are doing. I don't always win, and where did I state that? You've gone on and on about how you are so !@#$@#$ good, and all I've stated is that you ain't fool. Keep backing up, we ain't going to let up. Your time to prove yourself is near. 

You sound butt hurt. Good! Come at me bro!!!!!

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and I don't waste to much GA's on those with no cash.

Aww Buttercup, are you trying to call me broke? I'm sure I have much more money than lil ol' whiney pants. If that post-war spy op of yours had of been a gather intel instead of changing my defcon after our leaders already agreed to peace than you would have seen I'm sitting around 10m still.

Try making less excuses for everything, you sound like such a sore loser.
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Best of luck War Doves and company!
Kurdanak FTW :)

War just ended, but I appreciate the shoutout nevertheless! ^_^

Do you play TE, Lucius? If so, what AA? If not, you should join me in War Doves!
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War just ended, but I appreciate the shoutout nevertheless! ^_^

Do you play TE, Lucius? If so, what AA? If not, you should join me in War Doves!


Based on the date in which it was posted i assumed if would be, but it was worth a shot. I played TE a while back, but do not play it currently. However i will certainly ponder the offer! :D

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Haha awww .. Someone really is a little sore in the ass; you can stop spying my nation any time darlin. War's over. Unless you wanna put on some big girl pants and step into my darkness.



Edited by Rayvon
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Hahaha, I like you. ^_^Also this made me laugh: "CN:TE Alliance Name: SKARO DALEK KILL YOU AA OF DOOM THINGY"


I like you too. Simply because you are the first to comment on that xD

As soon as you've done more damage than me.

Challenge Accepted.


Sorry Rayan, but I think it's impossible to outmatch the damage Daenerys has done to Skaro's reputation.

Watch me.

Ermagherd SKARO fox evry1 sux Daenrys is knob I'm beaast get rekt noobs!!1!
#reallyfe #knobsforlyfe #lyfe #skarolyfe

Also, are 3BRs better than 5BRs, I need third party advice xD (KURDANAK, SAMWISE)
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Also, are 3BRs better than 5BRs, I need third party advice xD (KURDANAK, SAMWISE)

There is a debate that a 5 BR offers long term savings on infra compared to 3 BR but in 60 day rounds of the past the 3 BR reigned and tgat is what I use. But what do I know.
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I like you too. Simply because you are the first to comment on that xD

Challenge Accepted.

Watch me.
Ermagherd SKARO fox evry1 sux Daenrys is knob I'm beaast get rekt noobs!!1!
#reallyfe #knobsforlyfe #lyfe #skarolyfe
Also, are 3BRs better than 5BRs, I need third party advice xD (KURDANAK, SAMWISE)

Hahaha Best. Post. Ever.

As for the trade advice, I'm partial to 3BR's because I've been using a 3BR since '08. I do agree with what Paul said, but I'll expand on it a bit. The advantages to a 5BR vs 3BR are the added infra cost and upkeep reductions. The drawbacks are less pop boosters and slightly less hap bonuses - so you have a collection vs. build/upkeep. You can easily take advantage of both since in TE resources can be changed every 7 days, or make a friend create a temp trade nation. I don't bother with temps because I hate organizing them as well as relying on other folks to keep active. The round I planned my flagrun I wasn't bothered to set up temps even then. So if you're like me, do the 3BR. Both are well rounded sets, but TE is about early nation development so pop boosters are important to unlock improvement slots, and TE already provides extra infra cost reductions (such as the 50% discount if you're below your peak infra level) which gives the edge to 3BR's imo.
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10BR is where it's at guys, get with the program. 


I automatically feel like I should purchase 50 cruise missiles. Gingervites, you want to work in the War Doves econ dept? 

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