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Warriors war

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People are just not getting the point i am trying to make.  did i chose who we were to go to war with no, not my decision, status of the people i am told to attack, dont care the only point i am trying to make is that you have a problem with us being 24 days without a fricken war get some balls team up with other alliances and attack us for once for crying out loud that is all i am saying.  yes we could have gone to war sooner but always being the one attacking is boreing, what is wrong with hopeing someone mans up and makes us have a defensive war for once?


Are you seriously this retarded?  All of us did grab our balls and declare wars while you guys didn't.  This isn't rocket science, mate.  You yourself are the epitome of fail that defines your alliance   Nice job declaring on two nations with no nukes while you have nukes.  If you really wanted a challenge you would have gotten better targets.  Your actions define you, not your words.

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People are just not getting the point i am trying to make.  did i chose who we were to go to war with no, not my decision, status of the people i am told to attack, dont care the only point i am trying to make is that you have a problem with us being 24 days without a fricken war get some balls team up with other alliances and attack us for once for crying out loud that is all i am saying.  yes we could have gone to war sooner but always being the one attacking is boreing, what is wrong with hopeing someone mans up and makes us have a defensive war for once?

Most sense made!

Everyone is complaining about downdeclares too early in the round.... Well guess what? Warriors are smarter! They have had more time to bulk up than the rest, not their fault? All i see is an alliance thats managed to squeeze out more time to build an lets be fair, had they not declared now, they would be far ahead of everyone!

Well done Warriors.... Citadel? Take it like men :) 24 days in? We all have plenty of time to rebuild.

Whether Hades is small or not... What difference is there from them being their own aa to being part of citadel? Either way the odds would be the same. If both aa's dont communicate with their wars then thats their own damn fault ;)
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Are you seriously this retarded?  All of us did grab our balls and declare wars while you guys didn't.  This isn't rocket science, mate.  You yourself are the epitome of fail that defines your alliance   Nice job declaring on two nations with no nukes while you have nukes.  If you really wanted a challenge you would have gotten better targets.  Your actions define you, not your words.

get your facts straight sir i attacked on non nuke nation and one nation with nukes around my ns as i was told.  Protocol did have nukes when i attacked i just spied them away.  I am just a grunt in this war direct your anger elsewhere

Edited by Polarbear
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As for Hades, I agree that hitting them is just a stat-balancing BS move (which TPC & Citadel also pulled in their war against OP, as a note) - in fact, I'd recommend just peacing with them. I've taken plenty enough downdeclares this way, and it really sucks and leaves the small alliance that bunched in basically reliant on its "allies" as it usually burns to the ground as collateral damage.


They're basically at peace already. 6 offensive wars. Might as well peace them out, and take out that big, bad, meany Citadel. :P

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They're basically at peace already. 6 offensive wars. Might as well peace them out, and take out that big, bad, meany Citadel. :P

Actually, they've got a bunch of nukes pointed at them that are liable to get launched ;)

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The entire community recognizes that Citadel's first "war" was quite illegitimate; Citadel should be perfectly prepared to fight the Warriors for a first war, and it is. As for Hades, I agree that hitting them is just a stat-balancing BS move (which TPC & Citadel also pulled in their war against OP, as a note) - in fact, I'd recommend just peacing with them. I've taken plenty enough downdeclares this way, and it really sucks and leaves the small alliance that bunched in basically reliant on its "allies" as it usually burns to the ground as collateral damage.


I disagree with EVERYTHING you have said.


Polarbear, you dont need to keep talking.


Anyone with any brains can see that this is about as close to even as it gets. ALL FACTORS CONSIDERED.

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All factors were considered and I called it crap.  I can imagine that if I was on the other side of this I'd try to find a way to explain why I avoided war for 24 days and then declared on two alliances who just got out of war, some nations wars only ending a couple days prior, but all within the last 5 days.  Great strategy trying to blame your actions on other people not attacking you first regardless of the fact that they attacked someone else.


Stewie, your post is the best.  You used some caps so you must be right.  Because anyone with brains knows WHEN YOU USE CAPS YOU ARE RIGHT.

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Hey, I know Stewie and please don't confuse NG Stewie with StevieG.

Also, please consider that as far as my war charts tracking are going, Citadel apparently seems to be curbstomping Warriors, not the other way around, despite Warriors' attempt at throwing in a small alliance along for the ride.

It appears even with overwhelming NS superiority, numerical superiority, and even with an "ally" pitched in that apparently has either morale or command and control problems, Warriors cannot defeat Citadel.

The last I checked, Warriors had less total infra than Cit + Hades.

Edited by Instr
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I stand corrected.


Hey, I know Stewie and please don't confuse NG Stewie with StevieG.

Also, please consider that as far as my war charts tracking are going, Citadel apparently seems to be curbstomping Warriors, not the other way around, despite Warriors' attempt at throwing in a small alliance along for the ride.

It appears even with overwhelming NS superiority, numerical superiority, and even with an "ally" pitched in that apparently has either morale or command and control problems, Warriors cannot defeat Citadel.

The last I checked, Warriors had less total infra than Cit + Hades.

 What overwhelming NS superiority? Havent we already established that total NS doesnt mean squat, ditto sheer numbers. I dont get your point. If anything this is an uphill battle due to Cits ANS/NUKES.

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All factors were considered and I called it crap.  I can imagine that if I was on the other side of this I'd try to find a way to explain why I avoided war for 24 days and then declared on two alliances who just got out of war, some nations wars only ending a couple days prior, but all within the last 5 days.  Great strategy trying to blame your actions on other people not attacking you first regardless of the fact that they attacked someone else.


Stewie, your post is the best.  You used some caps so you must be right.  Because anyone with brains knows WHEN YOU USE CAPS YOU ARE RIGHT.

Noone avoided war. As it played out, anyone we hit would have been at a significant disadvantage. Honestly, I feel like im dealing with muppets around here, who cant even look at anything objectively.


Im not sure about HADES, I dont even know who the hell you are, I know for a fact that the OP war was not very damaging for Cit, and they have had sufficient time. They are all ex LE for goodness sake. They know how to rebuild their nations.

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I'm disappointed in warriors. 25 day build up vs. our 5 day recovery. They have more anarchies, less nukes, and more lost strength. 








Sometimes I think citadel wars would be better if we just declared on ourselves. 



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I'm disappointed in warriors. 25 day build up vs. our 5 day recovery. They have more anarchies, less nukes, and more lost strength. 








Sometimes I think citadel wars would be better if we just declared on ourselves. 



I didnt complete my trade circle till like 5 days before the war. Your "war weary/just out of battle" nations are in far better shape than mine to start with :P

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  •  StevieG, I never suspected you could talk so much crap in one thread.

First, there was never a nuke advantage - you've had 98 before war and we've had 100. Two nukes are an advantage?


Second, you said : "They are all ex LE for goodness sake".   An obvious lie. 


You are talking a lot about other people being stupid. To troll so much, proving that there is no difference between an alliance with 24 days of peace and 5 days of peace - just a huge pile of crap with you on the top as a decoration.

If Warriors couldn't get their war chests for 24 days...no comments .

I'd expect more from an alliance with such an ambitious name.


We may have sustained not much damage in our first war, but we surely have spent all our money.


Get your head checked, mate and just stop trolling for a change.

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Kong, I wouldn't call your curbstomp a war, from going through your nuke reports page, the last Citadel nation to eat a nuke was April 1st a week and a half before your current fight. That is more than ample time to rebuild. Unless of course you guys blew your ability to generate cash by building so thoroughly for early war.

Edited by paul711
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I had my trade circle completely re-organized too so don't use lame excuses. It was a curbstop of a war because OP doesn't know how to fight and it still cost us tons of dineros. Warriors just sat around all round long like couch potatoes and they blame the kids outside playing for not calling them when all they had to do was walk out da door. 


Glad you finally tried to make the jump into war. 



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Kong, I wouldn't call your curbstomp a war, from going through your nuke reports page, the last Citadel nation to eat a nuke was April 1st a week and a half before your current fight. That is more than ample time to rebuild. Unless of course you guys blew your ability to generate cash by building so thoroughly for early war.

Hi Paul! Let me repeat your order back so I can make sure we got it right.... One box of tissues, and a wh-aaambulance, with a small side of dwelling on the past? Sound right? Great! Pull forward to the 2nd window, please. For being such a loyal customer here at McCrybabies, we're throwing in a free large "move the !@#$ on". 


Seriously dude. Just move on man.  :huh:

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Hi Paul! Let me repeat your order back so I can make sure we got it right.... One box of tissues, and a wh-aaambulance, with a small side of dwelling on the past? Sound right? Great! Pull forward to the 2nd window, please. For being such a loyal customer here at McCrybabies, we're throwing in a free large "move the !@#$ on". 
Seriously dude. Just move on man.  :huh:

Just pointing out hypocrysy wherever I find it and I am seeing alot in this thread.
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I had my trade circle completely re-organized too so don't use lame excuses. It was a curbstop of a war because OP doesn't know how to fight and it still cost us tons of dineros. Warriors just sat around all round long like couch potatoes and they blame the kids outside playing for not calling them when all they had to do was walk out da door. 


[center]Glad you finally tried to make the jump into
Sheer ignorance displayed in this post.
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  •  StevieG, I never suspected you could talk so much crap in one thread.

First, there was never a nuke advantage - you've had 98 before war and we've had 100. Two nukes are an advantage?


Second, you said : "They are all ex LE for goodness sake".   An obvious lie. 


You are talking a lot about other people being stupid. To troll so much, proving that there is no difference between an alliance with 24 days of peace and 5 days of peace - just a huge pile of crap with you on the top as a decoration.

If Warriors couldn't get their war chests for 24 days...no comments .

I'd expect more from an alliance with such an ambitious name.


We may have sustained not much damage in our first war, but we surely have spent all our money.


Get your head checked, mate and just stop trolling for a change.

Im not sure of your numbers, I thought it was 90 to 100. Anyways, thats just semantics.

On another topic. How goes the war? Are you getting your faces smashed in? Or are you giving as good as your getting? It certainly doesn't feel like a lopsided war from where im sitting.

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On another topic. How goes the war? Are you getting your faces smashed in? Or are you giving as good as your getting? It certainly doesn't feel like a lopsided war from where im sitting.



How how..as if you can't see. I've been nuked last war and being nuked that one...without being able to nuke back.  Not that I'm complaining.

More nukes for me - less nukes for those who really matter.


Let's just fight and stop trolling.

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i do think Citadel has the morale advantage in this fight due to the circumstances and thats definitely one reason we're doing a good deal of damage. hell the night of us being attacked we launched quite a few counter attacks. however, since we were in the middle of rebuilding, many had just now spent their money on infra jumps to rebuild what they had lost. With that said, Warriors definitely have the warchest advantage minus a few members so a few of us might actually hit bill lock before the war is over for that. they also have their nuclear nations spread out more than ours while ours are clustered into a few top end nations.


here's to seeing how much more damage we can cause, you may blacken our eyes but we're going for the KO ;)

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Hi Paul! Let me repeat your order back so I can make sure we got it right.... One box of tissues, and a wh-aaambulance, with a small side of dwelling on the past? Sound right? Great! Pull forward to the 2nd window, please. For being such a loyal customer here at McCrybabies, we're throwing in a free large "move the !@#$ on". 


Seriously dude. Just move on man.  :huh:

Caused me to spit out my morning coffee with this post Far.

Has to be close to one of the funniest I have ever read here in the OWF.  :laugh:

You guys really should shoot more for funny in your posts as it makes the reading here so much more enjoyable.


Good luck to you Warriors and thanks for putting up a decent fight guys.


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