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An Announcement from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1344060002' post='3018385']
I never even once spoke about the choices made regarding Legion and GATO. I really don't know where you are getting this from.

Sorry - I assumed you actually read the discussion before marching into the middle of it to deliver the shocking news that you don't like my alliance. If you're not here to discuss Legion and GATO then you're off topic.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1344065918' post='3018408']
I agree with you, obsessing over the past is ridiculous. I for one am sick of people claiming they deserve respect for their part in things like Vox. As far as I'm concerned, the only one who can still claim credit for that and be respected in the least is Schatt, and that's because he's freaking Schatt. Not trying to inflate his ego or anything, but he's Schatt.

If you'd prefer a legitimate discussion without you making irrational, childish and downright retarded assumptions, I'm game.
All I can add to this is, [b]SHATT HAPPENS![/b] He was a bud & an ally back in the day, and still amusing to read today.

FWIW, I had problems with GATO's attitude pre-viceroyship. Seems most of the powers-that-were are gone now, so no beef no more. Haven't lost a moments' sleep over it since forever. <shrug>

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1344065918' post='3018408']
6.4 million NS is not "overwhelming odds". I'm sorry bub, it just isn't. I know numbers are confusing, but try to take them slow. Also work in your reading comprehension needs improvement. I never said you were on the losing side. In fact, I didn't know, nor care what side you are or were on. I was referring to the losing side, but if you're so incompetent that you assume you're losing at any given time, who am I to crush your moronic, raving dreams? In terms of the hegemony, I know full-well the ins and outs of it. As a founding member of CDT, I can assure you I know what it was like to be a part of it. And when said hegemony screwed over my alliance (Europa) at her birth, we decided we were going to stop getting stomped for their idiocy and we moved away. Forcibly, but still.

I agree with you, obsessing over the past is ridiculous. I for one am sick of people claiming they deserve respect for their part in things like Vox. As far as I'm concerned, the only one who can still claim credit for that and be respected in the least is Schatt, and that's because he's freaking Schatt. Not trying to inflate his ego or anything, but he's Schatt.

If you'd prefer a legitimate discussion without you making irrational, childish and downright retarded assumptions, I'm game.
You claim numbers confuse me, yet you still continue to argue even odds here. It's a joke and nobody believes you in the least. Not to mention, you bash my reading comprehension while making a grammatical error. Come on, now. You stated that you were tired of the losing side whining in response to me. If that wasn't aimed at me, then why even state that to me? There's literally no point. If that makes me retarded for assuming you were talking to me in a post addressed towards me, well then I guess I'll accept the title, as the meaning has clearly changed.

If you could make an argument without lobbing insults left and right, I'm game. Until then, grow up and come back at me. Your entire post was literally nothing but insults, and no substance. I'm not surprised, it just doesn't reflect well on a person when they aren't even mature enough to have a debate without slamming on their keyboard, because someone didn't agree with them.

[quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1344087230' post='3018437']
Sorry - I assumed you actually read the discussion before marching into the middle of it to deliver the shocking news that you don't like my alliance. If you're not here to discuss Legion and GATO then you're off topic.
My comment was not directed into your conversation, but merely defense of a friend who you were bashing. You've taken defense of a friend the wrong way, and interpreted it as me defending what he was saying. If I am off-topic for defending him from your insults, then you would also be off topic for sending those insults at him.

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I am baffled by the last two pages. You guys are all quoting each other, but none of you is replying to each other.

But I do agree that I am awesome.


Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1344317569' post='3019452']
I love ya baby, but that 'sup Polar' thing only works when you can kick Polar's ass without assistance.

Otherwise, it's an empty 'thingy.' :smug:

Sup Polar? :awesome:

amidoinitrite? :P

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1344135455' post='3018678']
You claim numbers confuse me, yet you still continue to argue even odds here. It's a joke and nobody believes you in the least. Not to mention, you bash my reading comprehension while making a grammatical error. Come on, now. You stated that you were tired of the losing side whining in response to me. If that wasn't aimed at me, then why even state that to me? There's literally no point. If that makes me retarded for assuming you were talking to me in a post addressed towards me, well then I guess I'll accept the title, as the meaning has clearly changed.

If you could make an argument without lobbing insults left and right, I'm game. Until then, grow up and come back at me. Your entire post was literally nothing but insults, and no substance. I'm not surprised, it just doesn't reflect well on a person when they aren't even mature enough to have a debate without slamming on their keyboard, because someone didn't agree with them.

Arguing semantics, eh? You've really fallen far from your former post of glory (haha just kidding). I quoted you, yes, but I was not referring to you. The part that was referring to you was the part where I addressed you. Again, calm down, take a step back, and relax. I stated it to the global community at large. If it were directed at you, I'd have made it very clear.

The numbers we had were by no means overwhelming odds. The point we've been trying to make is that they could have done more damage to our side if they'd actually come out and fought the war they started with ODN (A preempt is a preempt no matter the reason). I do, however, appreciate the age-old technique of dodging a debate by claiming to hold superior maturity over ones opponent. I've used the same tactic on younger siblings many a time, but I stopped doing so when I turned 16 and grew some peach fuzz down there. The world isn't the way it was when you left it, and you've got a lot of learning to do to keep up with the modern times. Hurry home now, you're going to miss "Murder She Wrote".

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