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A Personal Apology to IRON

Pacifist Ninja

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[quote name='Samus' timestamp='1340460023' post='2993537']
Can we just get some tech and be done with this yo
I doubt this will end with reps being exchanged when the dust settles.

[quote name='Pacifist Ninja' timestamp='1340396256' post='2992881']
I come here to the OWF today to apologize for my role in creating the insincere apology to IRON. Right now our two alliances are fighting a war that was started over misunderstanding and stupid mistakes that I directly contributed to and that that I am sincerely sorry for. Our hope, as an alliance, is that we can not only come to a peaceful resolution with IRON, but form a peace that does not set the precedent that this kind of behavior is acceptable. Not a single voting citizen of the LSF, and I say this quite literally, desires to further fight IRON, for we have no qualms with that respectable alliance. In fact, the only reason this war even started in the first place was because of the sheer idiocy myself and select few others in LSF have displayed and that IRON had no choice in responding to. So I hope that we can bury the hatchet, and move forward on a path that is just and right.

Seeing as peace is such a desirable goal, and my personal actions are so clearly in the wrong, I write this apology not out of force, but freely and without the demand of IRON. Whatever your views on the matter, I humbly request you do not blame my comrades for the mistakes I and few others in our alliance have made. Everyone with sense can see what I did is wrong, my only hope is that I can be forgiven. Like Dag Hammarskjold once wisely spoke "forgiveness is the answer to the child's dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is made clean again."

Lastly, I still do stand by my claim that the concept of Quantum Superposition is awesome :) .
Thank you.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1340403385' post='2992967']
You want the war to end as quickly as possible? Sell all your infra. As soon as the entire alliance is at ZI, I will argue strongly for white peace. :)

It lets you save your tech and your minimal warchests, in addition to bringing the war to a quick halt. You should go for it.

I can't see any reason to be merciful to an alliance that did their best to start a fight, and responded to diplomatic attempts with "$%&@ you in the ass". You did the sowing, now it's time for the reaper to do his job.
Mad as [i]hell[/i], homie.

Chill your pill.

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seriously man little piss off? yeah that was posted. cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it. PN wanted to apologize for the part he played he playing the part of the big boy.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1340577973' post='2994772']
If you don't want someone pissed at you, perhaps you shouldn't tell them "$%&@ you in the ass".

To hold hate, defeats the point of a peaceful resolution.

You sir, are the only IRON member I've seen holding hate.

Taking one persons actions for the representation of the entire alliance is wrong, and you should reconsider your tone with some of LSF's members. I don't get along with all of them either, the ones I do get along with I have a good friendship with, we can discussion OCC issues like they're nothing.

But you, all I see from you is a snake spewing venom, I also see a uncontrollable temper. Be good to get that in check.

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[quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1340577973' post='2994772']
If you don't want someone pissed at you, perhaps you shouldn't tell them "$%&@ you in the ass".
If you want to be pissed at someone and throw your !@#$ around, do it for a reason that isn't completely ridiculous

Edited by Neo Uruk
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I appreciate the sincerity behind the apology, but as they say, too little, too late. The time for war came and we delivered it. It will end when it does but thank you for the sincerity implied behind the apology. We're all human at the end of the day, but when the war ends, our hatchet with you will be done, as simple as that.

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I appreciate the apology, to me it seems sincere. As MIA said we'll are human at the end of the day, and though i wish this would of been done earlier in order to prevent the actual conflict that is now engaged, i hope at least a resolution at some point be made. This at least shows LSF in a better light then it had prior

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All of us decided to provoke IRON? Somebody show me the vote thread where we [i]all[/i] agreed to this. If it exists, it'll be one of a handful of unanimous votes in the entire six-year history of the LSF. [i]No, really.[/i].

Do some fact-checking.

[OOC]And let me get back to work.[/ooc]

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[quote name='keeology' timestamp='1340578998' post='2994781']
seriously man little piss off? yeah that was posted. cry me a river build me a bridge and get over it. PN wanted to apologize for the part he played he playing the part of the big boy.

Nice to see MCXA trying to be playmaker here :v: . Had a honorable fight, LSF, Post a formal apology now. Should have done this much earlier.

Edited by sap3179
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[quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1340601626' post='2995457']
All of us decided to provoke IRON? Somebody show me the vote thread where we [i]all[/i] agreed to this. If it exists, it'll be one of a handful of unanimous votes in the entire six-year history of the LSF. [i]No, really.[/i].

Do some fact-checking.

[OOC]And let me get back to work.[/ooc]

you gents need to understand that the inner workings of your alliance are of little concern to others.

regardless of how you decide to organise yourselves you are all expected to assume responsibility of your individual members' actions. otherwise you just cease to be an alliance.

Edited by Istado
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[quote name='Istado' timestamp='1340756124' post='2997659']
you gents need to understand that the inner workings of your alliance are of little concern to others.

regardless of how you decide to organise yourselves you are all expected to assume responsibility of your individual members' actions. otherwise you just cease to be an alliance.

Well said. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good to see that most* everyone here wants a peaceful solution to the problem. Always nice to see everyone at least trying to work together, and nice to see a somewhat* resolution come of it.

I'll be the first to say, I rather think some of LSF's stuff funny. They toe the line, and cross it often from what I've seen since I started about a month ago. But at least the perpetrator is sincere in his apology, as seems to be the rest of the group. Good show.

*1- With the obvious exceptions.

*2- In reference to the "No hard feelings"'s.

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