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The Amazing Sanction Race


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I like politics in this topic. Stats can only entertain you for so long. :P

I prefer the stats. At least that's the only unbiased thing that can be posted in here <_<

And GATO can't be added until they pass the add line, which happens to be frozen, so good luck with that :P

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May 2nd, 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [921] (-4) New Pacific Order : 60.81 --> 59.47 (-1.34)

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [738] (+0) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 52.35 --> 50.05 (-2.30)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [655] (+1) Sparta : 49.43 --> 49.44 (+0.01)

4 [208] (-1) The Order of the Paradox : 45.23 --> 45.00 (-0.23)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 5 [639] (+2) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.43 --> 44.32 (-0.11)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 36.56 --> 37.85 (+1.29) Super Dooper Glowy!

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 6 [379] (+1) New Polar Order : 34.72 --> 34.59 (-0.13)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 7 [381] (-3) Fark : 34.41 --> 34.00 (-0.41)

sanctionodnto4.png 8 [449] (-4) Orange Defense Network : 33.76 --> 32.77 (-0.99)

9 [620] (+11) The Democratic Order : 29.59 --> 29.74 (+0.15)

sanctionrokyt0.png 10 [453] (-1) Ragnarok : 29.50 --> 29.24 (-0.26)

sanctionvedj7.png 11 [387] (+1) Viridian Entente : 28.76 --> 28.36 (-0.40)

sanctionfokqu8.png 12 [262] (-1) FOK : 28.36 --> 28.20 (-0.16)


13 [208] (-2) Green Protection Agency : 25.88 --> 25.90 (+0.02)

14 [427] (-12) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 26.24 --> 24.63 (-1.61)

{103} (+0) The Grämlins : 24.81 --> 24.59 (-0.22)

[317] (-4) The Order of Light : 24.58 --> 24.52 (-0.06)

{151} (+0) World Task Force : 19.07 --> 19.08 (+0.01)

{157} (+1) Mushroom Kingdom : 19.08 --> 18.85 (-0.23)

[220] (-3) The Phoenix Federation : 19.49 --> 18.42 (-1.07)

[369] (+0) The Legion : 17.87 --> 17.87 (+0.00)

{194} (+0) Nueva Vida : 17.14 --> 17.15 (+0.01)

[229] (+0) Monos Archein : 16.62 --> 16.46 (-0.16)

{159} (-1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.23 --> 16.22 (-0.01)

[283] (-2) United Purple Nations : 16.17 --> 16.13 (-0.04)

{188} (-1) Greenland Republic : 15.87 --> 15.52 (-0.35)

{148} (-1) M*A*S*H : 15.43 --> 15.28 (-0.15)

[214] (-1) The Dark Evolution : 14.32 --> 14.15 (-0.17)

---------- Add Line: (14.10)

{179} (-3) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.32 --> 13.92 (-0.40)

---------- Drop Line: (13.80)

{167} (-2) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.81 --> 13.79 (-0.02)

{159} (+15) Karma PoW : 12.95 --> 13.77 (+0.82) Intern Camps Overflowing!

{78} (+0) Umbrella : 13.63 --> 13.34 (-0.29)

{121} (+0) Echelon : 13.33 --> 12.80 (-0.53)

[244] (-2) Grand Global Alliance : 12.33 --> 11.86 (-0.47)

{115} (-1) Valhalla : 11.77 --> 11.31 (-0.46)

[196] (-1) Global Democratic Alliance : 10.78 --> 10.87 (+0.09)

Biggest Gainer

9 [620] (+11) The Democratic Order : 29.59 --> 29.74 (+0.15)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 36.56 --> 37.85 (+1.29) Super Dooper Glowy!

{159} (+15) Karma PoW : 12.95 --> 13.77 (+0.82) Intern Camps Overflowing!

Biggest Loser

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [738] (+0) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 52.35 --> 50.05 (-2.30)


Green Protection Agency passes Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

World Task Force passes Mushroom Kingdom

World Task Force passes The Phoenix Federation

Mushroom Kingdom passes The Phoenix Federation

Karma PoW passes Umbrella

Karma PoW passes Echelon


So, who wants to do commentary?


Well, more of the regular war shenanigans today. The Karma POW camps are on the verge of overtaking the NADC, with the new addition of fifteen wimps to its ranks. Seriously, are that many people pansies? In related war fallout, reports are in that 99% of all people on Bob now have third arms, and additional... other organs. Yes, GRL is a point away from overtaking MHA. Glad to say I contributed :awesome:

The Neutral Menace(s) are all showing small gains today. TDO especially, with an 11 member and .15 score gain <_<. In other news, the original NM is just over two points from resanction. Huh. Conversely, major losses of the day include MCXA, TPF, ODN, and, as usual, IRON and NPO, all posting 1 or two point losses, with IRON seriously taking a pummeling.

Shoutout goes to RoK and their war boner. Viagra OD = FTW :awesome:


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

End of line.

Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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Political opinions aside, I think the fact that Pacifica still holds it's long-time position at the top, despite the vicious pounding it has received lately, is quite a testament to its size & power, and to the legions of Pacificans who've contributed to it's growth in the past.

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Well, more of the regular war shenanigans today. The Karma POW camps are on the verge of overtaking the NADC, with the new addition of fifteen wimps to its ranks. Seriously, are that many people pansies? In related war fallout, reports are in that 99% of all people on Bob now have third arms, and additional... other organs. Yes, GRL is a point away from overtaking MHA. Glad to say I contributed :awesome:

The Neutral Menace(s) are all showing small gains today. TDO especially, with an 11 member and .15 score gain <_<. In other news, the original NM is just over two points from resanction. Huh. Conversely, major losses of the day include MCXA, TPF, ODN, and, as usual, IRON and NPO, all posting 1 or two point losses, with IRON seriously taking a pummeling.

Shoutout goes to RoK and their war boner. Viagra OD = FTW :awesome:

Outside of commentary, I'll be doing a Day 13 update (15 days since OV attack *shrug*) to see just how well everyone's faring after one cycle of wars. Will be done whenever.

Edited by thor gold
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God damn MA, couldn't you guys have lost a bit more? :P

I don't wish you any harm, but we lost our #1 maroon spot exactly one year ago, would have been cool had we gotten it back today. Oh well. :(

Sorry Guys, but you aren't ever going to get that back... Number two sounds pretty cool though, eh? ;)

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Yup! But we still aren't going to loose Maroon #1 spot though.

We're far too cool for that! B)

[229] (+0) Monos Archein : 16.62 --> 16.46 (-0.16)

{159} (-1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.23 --> 16.22 (-0.01)

I suppose we'll have to wait and see... :ehm:

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Political opinions aside, I think the fact that Pacifica still holds it's long-time position at the top, despite the vicious pounding it has received lately, is quite a testament to its size & power, and to the legions of Pacificans who've contributed to it's growth in the past.
Or to the fact that IRON is getting hurt worse than them.

Or maybe it may be that NPO has more than 25% of thier nations in peace mode while RON has 9% in peace mode.

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Special Update - May 2nd, Twelve Days Into the Karma War

sanctionnpoec6.jpg[930] --> [930] (~0)New Pacific Order : 86.20 --> 59.47 (-26.73)

sanctionironcd8.png[779] --> [738] (-41) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 75.3 --> 50.05 (-24.80)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg[702] --> [655] (-47) Sparta : 50.50 --> 49.44 (-1.06)

[197] -->[208] (+11) The Order of the Paradox : 43.77 --> 45.00 (+1.23)

sanctionmhadc4.gif[613] --> [639] (+26) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 45.6 --> 44.32 (-1.28)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 1.06 --> 37.85 (+36.79) HOLY CRAP

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg[375] --> [379] (+4) New Polar Order : 34.76 --> 34.59 (-0.17)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg[397] --> [381] (+4) Fark : 38.11 --> 34.00 (-4.11)

sanctionodnto4.png[481] --> [449] (-32) Orange Defense Network : 35.59 --> 32.77 (-2.82)

[555] --> [620] (+65) The Democratic Order : 27.31 --> 29.74 (+2.43)

sanctionrokyt0.png[464] --> [453] (-11) Ragnarok : 32.93 --> 29.24 (-3.69)

sanctionvedj7.png[393] --> [387] (-6) Viridian Entente : 32.02 --> 28.36 (-3.66)

sanctionfokqu8.png[259] --> [262] (+3) FOK : 29.34 --> 28.20 (-1.14)


[213] --> [208] (-5) Green Protection Agency : 25.53 --> 25.90 (+0.37)

[534] --> [427] (-107) Be Ashamed! Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 41.26 --> 24.63 (-16.63)

{105} --> {103} (-2) The Grämlins : 28.52 --> 24.59 (-3.93)

[341] --> [317] (-24) The Order of Light : 31.09 --> 24.52 (-6.67)

{143} --> {151} (+8) World Task Force : 17.71 --> 19.08 (+1.37)

{150} --> {157} (+7) Mushroom Kingdom : 20.67 --> 18.85 (-1.82)

[241] --> [220] (-21) The Phoenix Federation : 28.90 --> 18.42 (-10.48)

[391] --> [369] (-22) The Legion : 21.11 --> 17.87 (-3.24)

{194} --> {194} (+0) Nueva Vida : 17.08 --> 17.15 (+0.07)

[237] --> [229] (-8) Monos Archein : 17.23 --> 16.46 (-0.77)

{154} --> {159} (-1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : ? --> 16.22 (?)

[284] --> [283] (-1) United Purple Nations : 18.01 --> 16.13 (-1.88)

{188} --> {188} (+0) Greenland Republic : 17.85 --> 15.52 (-2.33)

{158} --> {148} (-10) M*A*S*H : 16.14 --> 15.28 (-0.86)

[229] --> [214] (-15) The Dark Evolution : 15.47 --> 14.15 (-1.32)

---------- Add Line: (14.67) --> (14.10) (-0.57)

{181} --> {179} (-2) Random Insanity Alliance : 15.03 --> 13.92 (-1.11)

---------- Drop Line: (14.37) -->(13.80) (-0.57)

{168} --> {167} (-12) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.90 --> 13.79 (-1.11)

{0} --> {159} PANSIES! (+159) Karma PoW : 0 --> 13.77 (+13.77) Intern Camps Overflowing!

{78} --> {78} (+0) Umbrella : 15.61 --> 13.34 (-2.27)

{132} --> {121} (-9) Echelon : 19.26 --> 12.80 (-6.46)

[283] --> [244] (-39) Grand Global Alliance : 21.53 --> 11.86 (-9.67)

{116} --> {115} (-1) Valhalla : 16.27 --> 11.31 (-4.96)

[196] (-1) Global Democratic Alliance : 10.78 --> 10.87 (+0.09)

Biggest Gainer

The Democratic Order : 27.31 --> 29.74 (+2.43) )): Neutral Menace )):

Karma PoW : 0 --> 13.77 (+13.77) Intern Camps Are FULL already!!!

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 1.06 --> 37.85 (+36.79) HOLY CRAP

Biggest Loser

New Pacific Order : 86.20 --> 59.47 (-26.73)

Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 75.3 --> 50.05 (-24.80)



This message of the apocalypse is brought to you by Kirby, the oversized wad of bubble gum. That eats you.



Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

Edited by thor gold
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