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CNRP World Map


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That's being a sore loser. You could simply ask the GMs to clarify. After all, Triyun does have the tendency to act as if he's still a GM, and thinks whatever I say is putting things in his mouth when I perfectly stated the problem.

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I don't care any longer. There is no mutual respect in this community. You all may do what you wish now. Continue on. I'm sure you'll find replacements for all the people your collective ill will are running off.

I come here to try to enjoy myself. If that is not happening due to attitudes in the community, I have no reason to stay. Adieu.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Kankou's uncalled for !@#$%*iness aside, all you were being asked to do was take an SDI roll. You turned it into some huge !@#$ fest. You're welcome to reverse it.

Edit: Also Cent since apparently, people get confused, mark Antarctic World Heritage as Tianxia Protectorate in parenthesis, I don't like it aesthetically but bleah.

Edited by Triyun
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Convince me why I should bother Triyun? Every day someone has another take on the rules. Every day someone attempts to use a clique to manipulate the rules so that at any point and time something completely implausible becomes plausible with no documentation in order to screw folks over. This is not a creative community, it is a competitive and destructive one. You are master of it with all your pals so its your sandbox. I'll leave you with the sand. I have better toys to play with.

Isaac is correct, I simply came here to note my removal of state. This is the map thread. Since I give respect where none is given I ask we respect the OP and get back on topic, map issues only here please.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Please add Neo Roma to the Imperial Commonweath of Umbrella. PLEASE can I have a change of colour

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107755&view=findpost&p=3014270 - Add westeros to the Empire
http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112379&view=findpost&p=3014264 - Neo Roma

Made a map for you

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Update, a small note/ The server the maps are hosted on is undergoing some maintenance soon. The map might be unavailable for up to 24 hours in some countries but likely no more than 2.

As for the color request change, Zoot it's really hard to find a different color in the Americas to make Umbrella work so I fear I can not do that request.

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The Antarctic World Heritage has enjoyed a special status on the map since its inception, the color change is to more properly show Tianxia ownership as the old color was of the former state that held it.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1343239700' post='3015193']
The Antarctic World Heritage has enjoyed a special status on the map since its inception, the color change is to more properly show Tianxia ownership as the old color was of the former state that held it.
[/quote]Does this mean it's too late for me to stake a claim on it?

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1343239700' post='3015193']
The Antarctic World Heritage has enjoyed a special status on the map since its inception, the color change is to more properly show Tianxia ownership as the old color was of the former state that held it.

Is it part of Tianxia or open land for new RPers? From what I understand we have two types of territories: Annexed land and protectorates. Protectorates, for as long as I can remember, have been white.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1343239700' post='3015193']
The Antarctic World Heritage has enjoyed a special status on the map since its inception, the color change is to more properly show Tianxia ownership as the old color was of the former state that held it.
Actually, the previous purple-ish colour was requested specifically by Shan and was not, as far as I remember, the same colour as his nation's, which was a similar dark blue to mine. Just a little fyi.

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its not the map discussion thread. Its a place to update the map, the color is not something that is up for debate as it is between the map maker and the RPer. I check then when something is posted to see what new claims are up or where the Vicidalian people decided to teleport most recently.

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