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An Announcement from TLR and NPO

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1330936651' post='2933796']
The reason people say that CnG/TLR etc are vassal states to the Mushroom Kingdom is because in most every major event over the past 3+ years from that area of the treaty web Archon/The Mushroom Kingdom has been the public face and identified as the leader. That's fine and well for you when it suits your purposes. But when people outside your blocs think it's the truth you always get upset and deny it. Like it or not, DH/CnG and even PB to a large extent are viewed by a large number of players as MK toadies because MK has been at the forefront of so many of your affairs for so long.

As for the treaty, eh, I am not particularly enthralled with it to be honest.

Something in particular comes to mind, and that was that there was this little business of your alliance getting rolled in December of 2009.... I wonder who started that? Huh. Must have been MK. ;) If MK has more fully taken the limelight now, consider perhaps that this is because others no longer choose to do what it takes to participate in the limelight sharing? Hmmmmm? Because everything I've seen from MK suggests to me that MK is in fact a good team player when there is a "team".

[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1330961980' post='2933934']
Purple has never been the same without his guidance :(

Come back Stumpy, we need you.

I miss Stumpy.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330964598' post='2933965']
Considering they proposed attacking NPO months before for !@#$% and giggles, I don't agree. At some point after that, some sort of OOC relationship formed between the active members/gov and NPO's gov. How Athens views preempts is entirely based on whether or not they like the alliance in question.

"I was for the war before I was against it." - Athens

Letum even admitted that he knew NPO was going to get rolled at some point anyway in GATO's embassy. The naivete of people here never fails to astonish me.

In the Redoubt of Mind, we have institutions at our Universities called fraternities. When someone is coming to join a fraternity, the existing fraternity members enact a period of hazing to both assess and develop the character of the inductee. Our military also does something similar. We are given to understand that this has [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazing]sociological parallels in other universes[/url]. Do not imagine that I am so uncreative as to always intend the same thing by "war". I am more creative than that. There is a war to destroy, and there is a superior war which is intended to make your foe ONE OF YOU. The strongest warrior turns his respected enemies into comrades, and if we do not allow this to occur, the political dynamic remains identical for unending time. I regularly discussed with NPO Imperial Officers the amusing possibility of tech raiding NPO back in 2010. I have been labeled as an attack dog by many, but the truth is far more shocking. ;)

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That has to be like the dumbest thing I have ever heard Londo, tbh.

Anyway Rush,

Given that Umbrella members and even a MoD could give an accurate account of the situation, you don't make any sense, but I love how "war weariness" is an acceptable excuse for you.

In addition, given the various communication failures in the "Hard earned victory" and "Nominal Power" coalition, I don't really want to hear about how you're any better, Rush.

1337 made a big deal of saying he was in charge and that the only reason the DoSs went through is because he was out drinking or something.

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[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1330987151' post='2934188']
Something in particular comes to mind, and that was that there was this little business of your alliance getting rolled in December of 2009.... I wonder who started that? Huh. Must have been MK. ;) If MK has more fully taken the limelight now, consider perhaps that this is because others no longer choose to do what it takes to participate in the limelight sharing? Hmmmmm? Because everything I've seen from MK suggests to me that MK is in fact a good team player when there is a "team".


That 6 day war ended up not being a particularly major world event. And I'd have to wager that it was all cleared via MK before the first shot was fired.

So I will still stand by my statement. MK has been at the forefront and seen as the voice of the coalition for the major global events of the past 3+ years from that sphere. So it's not like MK is just now doing it. It's been the case since Karma.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1330987875' post='2934192']
That 6 day war ended up not being a particularly major world event. And I'd have to wager that it was all cleared via MK before the first shot was fired.

So I will still stand by my statement. MK has been at the forefront and seen as the voice of the coalition for the major global events of the past 3+ years from that sphere. So it's not like MK is just now doing it. It's been the case since Karma.

It was, lol, but they didn't bother to consult any swing allies. You're right, though, Karma elevated MK to the top and lead to a massive stat increase in terms of members.

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If you had asked me a year ago I would have said this was impossible, I was wrong. Congratulations to all involved.

[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1330834178' post='2932917']
Ha. I'll believe that when I see it.

It makes me sad that ODN is now tied to the most evil hegemonic power the Cyberverse has ever seen.

Master of wit! What rock have you been hiding under :P?

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330987696' post='2934190']
That has to be like the dumbest thing I have ever heard Londo, tbh.

Anyway Rush,

Given that Umbrella members and even a MoD could give an accurate account of the situation, you don't make any sense, but I love how "war weariness" is an acceptable excuse for you.

In addition, given the various communication failures in the "Hard earned victory" and "Nominal Power" coalition, I don't really want to hear about how you're any better, Rush.

1337 made a big deal of saying he was in charge and that the only reason the DoSs went through is because he was out drinking or something.

Here is the thing Roquentin. You will never hear from me that we are better. Than you or anyone else. I may, in fact, be equally the !@#$%* leader I accuse you of being, Im sensitive to perspective. But no matter what point you are arguing, you seem to be convinced, in your little head, that if you somehow throw out 2 random names , well known names, that will back up what you say, then you are speaking in 100% fact, and that the whole world should accept what you say as fact. You have no concept of perspective. That is just, quite simply, a fact.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1330988270' post='2934200']
Only in your head

whoo, the accusations once again from the guy who doesn't read. Rush said that I pissed =LOST=, Athens, and GR so much that they merged together.

A MoD and former triumvir aren't random names, Rush. I think a lot of people know who Natan is.

Basically, what I have gotten from this thread is that people enjoying feeding my ego even though they want to call me out on being egotistical.

Can I get a spot as a TLR founder?

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330987696' post='2934190']
That has to be like the dumbest thing I have ever heard Londo, tbh.

Fortunately for me I do not derive my self-worth from your approbation or disapprobation. I know what I did, and that's all that really matters.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1330987875' post='2934192']
That 6 day war ended up not being a particularly major world event. And I'd have to wager that it was all cleared via MK before the first shot was fired.

So I will still stand by my statement. MK has been at the forefront and seen as the voice of the coalition for the major global events of the past 3+ years from that sphere. So it's not like MK is just now doing it. It's been the case since Karma.

Not a major world event? You don't think that the disbandment of Frostbite and Citadel (two very powerful and influential blocs) as a result of a little 6 day war (in which your allies didn't seem to be able to defend you) was a [b]major world event[/b]? You don't think that TOP's increasing paranoia that fed into their making the mistakes they did that cost them dear and let us win the war that they made inevitable was major? You sure are hard to impress. I don't have logs from that time period, but I believe that what happened was more of a notification to MK that we *had* to hit TPF, and why. We would have sought approval for something we wanted to do that was risky and not an imperative - from all of CnG. Why? Because that is what allies do for one another. The attack on TPF was absolutely demanded by our sense of honor, and there was no question about that. The entire Athens government was fully unified. We had not been wanting to attack TPF at all, it had not been a topic of discussion, but when we were notified of the CB we felt we had no choice but to attack to defend our honor.

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Yeah, it was them, they made it inevitable.

It's not a mistake if the fix is in before they declare, lol.

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Maybe it's just me but I never really counted Frostbite as all that influential. In fact, I had totally forgot about them until just now. That isn't a slight at the AAs involved or anything but I genuinely cannot remember anything they did that was a truly epic.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330989017' post='2934205']
Scumbag Roquentin:

Says you don't have comeback besides "roq is insane"

Ignores serious response.

Can you refresh my memory? I have a lot to respond to, as you can tell, since I am taking on your entire posting squad single-handedly.

Charles: Frostbite was basically the Mjolnir of 2009/2010

Was it Londo's "CN is a fraternity" thing? I hope no one enjoys stockholm syndrome that much.

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Page 23. You responded to the post before and the post after so it seems a bit odd that you managed to miss it.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330989356' post='2934208']
I am taking on your entire posting squad single-handedly.
Being a vocal CN martyr has its costs.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330989356' post='2934208']
Can you refresh my memory? I have a lot to respond to, as you can tell, since I am taking on your entire posting squad single-handedly.


Maybe you should just consider that you have lambasted? congratulated? pooped yourself? enough over TLR and NPO's fine treaty and quit [url=http://www.heritage-history.com/books/baldwin/quixote/zpage080.gif]tilting at windmills[/url].

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330985249' post='2934167']
I have a long standing personal rule regarding the OWF that I rarely break:
Never make serious posts when the other person's mind is already made up.

You are not worth serious responses because your views are completely cemented and self-advertised over every corner of the world. The only reason you receive the slightest bit of credence from anyone anywhere is that you used to lead Umbrella. If not for who you were in the past, you would be on the same level as Myth, alterego, and D34th. I say that to set the stick by which you are now measured in my eyes.

I generally can't stand the way those three post, but to the best of my knowledge, they have never straight up betrayed people who once called them friends and they stick to their allies. The way you chose to break with Umb/MK/others through betraying the trust that was placed in you ensures that no matter what the future holds for you, you will only be a tool for the agendas of others and cannot ever again be fully trusted.

Whenever your time on this world comes to an end, you won't be remembered like you were last summer when it was, "ugh roq could be a pain in the ass but he was a good leader for Umberlla." You will instead be remembered as the guy who sold out his former allies to boost his ego in an attempt to prove something to a world that you didn't need to prove anything to.

Look at that, a serious post from rsox.

I don't really get that since the betrayal occurred long before I ever pulled a knife out. You sold me out, not the other way around. It takes a lot for me to turn on someone.

I argue seriously and I don't argue ironic points.

Also Londo: that's great coming from the real Don Quixote of CN.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330989017' post='2934205']
Scumbag Roquentin:

Says you don't have comeback besides "roq is insane"

Ignores serious response.

I'm sorry you want to be taken seriously all of a sudden?

Why should anyone take you seriously again?

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330989775' post='2934217']
I don't really get that since the betrayal occurred long before I ever pulled a knife out. You sold me out, not the other way around.

I argue seriously and I don't argue ironic points.

Also Londo: that's great coming from the real Don Quixote of CN.
You weren't betrayed. You left, came back, and threw hissy fit after hissy fit when you came back and weren't immediately worshiped as a savior.

People disagreed with you and you took it personally. Then you proceeded to alienate almost anyone who might have agreed with you.

You were never stabbed, you just jumped on the knife to make yourself feel better.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1330990001' post='2934221']
You weren't betrayed. You left, came back, and threw hissy fit after hissy fit when you came back and weren't immediately worshiped as a savior.

People disagreed with you and you took it personally. Then you proceeded to alienate almost anyone who might have agreed with you.

You were never stabbed, you just jumped on the knife to make yourself feel better.

Haha. Yes, the embassy posts were full with !@#$ about me. That totally didn't happen. I mean, it's not like JoshuaR didn't say "well, they didn't have problems with the rest of us, all on you, so we don't really care."

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330989814' post='2934218']
I'm sorry you want to be taken seriously all of a sudden?

Why should anyone take you seriously again?

You can't dismiss non serious posts AND serious posts. It betrays your biases and merely confirms my personal rules about never giving serious responses to savants like you.

EDIT: I wish we had let you into MK. It would be hilarious to watch you try to post now.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330989775' post='2934217']
I don't really get that since the betrayal occurred long before I ever pulled a knife out. You sold me out, not the other way around. It takes a lot for me to turn on someone.

I argue seriously and I don't argue ironic points.

Also Londo: that's great coming from the real Don Quixote of CN.

What makes you think I was going to let you be [b]DON[/b] Quixote? I'm still puzzling out which one of the trinity of Schattenmann, Roquentin, and Myth gets to be Don Quixote and which gets to be Sancho. Right now I'm leaning towards Schattenmann as Don Quixote and you and Myth as Sanchos, but I'll keep an open mind.

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