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The American Forum

Michael McBride

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1326560454' post='2899452']
OOC: Ignore it, he has no country and he cannot RP anyone elses citizens.
[color="#0000FF"]OOC: I have my own citizens. The Rebel Virginia horde rises.


From the great uncharted territory of Ohio the horde spilled out, bent on reclaiming all that had been wrongfully taken by the heathens. Hundreds of thousands of angry Rebel Virginians spilled into Maryland and West Virginia, quickly overwhelming the underdeveloped forces of the usurpers. There was no need to occupy, as these lands they had no interest in. Rebel Virginia would rise from Tidewater, so all lands between were burned and pillage.

Nothing was off limits. Not even civilians. A nuclear missile was launched, destroying the city of Pittsburgh. The world would not deny the might of Rebel Virginia now.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1326566876' post='2899545']
[color="#0000FF"]OOC: I have my own citizens. The Rebel Virginia horde rises.


From the great uncharted territory of Ohio the horde spilled out, bent on reclaiming all that had been wrongfully taken by the heathens. Hundreds of thousands of angry Rebel Virginians spilled into Maryland and West Virginia, quickly overwhelming the underdeveloped forces of the usurpers. There was no need to occupy, as these lands they had no interest in. Rebel Virginia would rise from Tidewater, so all lands between were burned and pillage.

Nothing was off limits. Not even civilians. A nuclear missile was launched, destroying the city of Pittsburgh. The world would not deny the might of Rebel Virginia now.[/color]

OOC: Sorry, the Horde exists already, few weeks late.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1326565039' post='2899526']
"Louisiana has fallen and we have done nothing to stop Athens from claiming it as theirs. If none of you will shout objections and demand freedom, I shall!" Harold Cheve gathered his belongings and left the meeting, angered by the lack of backbone in these squabblers.

OoC: edited for grammar

Technically, Louisiana was the one to attack the Athenian possession.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1326566876' post='2899545']
[color="#0000FF"]OOC: I have my own citizens. The Rebel Virginia horde rises.


From the great uncharted territory of Ohio the horde spilled out, bent on reclaiming all that had been wrongfully taken by the heathens. Hundreds of thousands of angry Rebel Virginians spilled into Maryland and West Virginia, quickly overwhelming the underdeveloped forces of the usurpers. There was no need to occupy, as these lands they had no interest in. Rebel Virginia would rise from Tidewater, so all lands between were burned and pillage.

Nothing was off limits. Not even civilians. A nuclear missile was launched, destroying the city of Pittsburgh. The world would not deny the might of Rebel Virginia now.[/color]

OOC: Ummm.... No. Seriously, if you're going to make something like this at least don't clutter up a thread it doesn't belong in.

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Ignacio had sat in silence the entire forum simply observing the other speakers make their points. He would simply listen and type down notes on his laptop in order to keep up with the variety of talking points being made at this conference. After a few speakers the conference itself would soon devolve into chaos as these speakers would soon begin shouting at each other as some attempted to make the focus on geopolitical concerns and others on economics. Finally Ignacio would grow tired of this aimless squabbling and quietly stand from his seat and begin to speak.

"If I may have your attention for a moment. I have a few words I'd like to say.[i]"[/i] Ignacio would wait until the room was drenched in silence; a condition that had long since been absent in the room of unwieldy leaders yelling across the aisles at one another. He would begin. "Thank you for your attention... now I will start by saying I am deeply unimpressed by the conduct many of you have displayed tonight. When I was dispatched from New Spain by order of the King it was under the impression that it would be a serious effort to expand American cooperation with one another. Not become a forum to promote jingoism or egotism from American states hijacking the values of freedom as a facade for these aims. Additionally, when I arrived here it wasn't in order to entertain some grand idea of a Pan-American defense pact or economic cartel or anything of the sort... Why would New Spain be interested in entering a pact with newborn nations that we have never ever spoken too in an official capacity? The idea is simply ludicrous and speaks to the naivety that has swept this land and more importantly this conference. You cannot simply bring about a conference of regional leaders and slap down a treaty with pretty clauses demanding this and that without any prior communication. It simply does not work like that. Now, I understand many of you feel threatened by foreign powers and the guise of "colonialism" as some of you have called it. But the idea that you wish to simply chain up all our countries together in an effort to demand the expulsion of foreign powers from American lands is ridiculous. Or may I remind some of the parties here that New Spain is not native to this land? We are Spaniard's by blood and by the blood of our soldiers we have carved out a Kingdom. And by that blood we will remain entrenched there until the lord returns anew and the Kingdom of Heaven is proclaimed to reign over this land. Until then the Kingdom returns however, New Spain will remain in America and beyond. Lastly, while some of you are stuck in the archaic 20th century mind of thinking with protectionism and non-sense about America for Americans. New Spain is continuing to strive for the future by making headway with other like-minded powers. To put it simple, Globalism is here and it's here to stay. So it would serve many of you a great deal of good to accept that and live accordingly; not threaten New Spain, Athens, Tianxia, France, Kuklos, California, or any other power with it's roots from another land with these underlying threats of violence."

Ignacio would finish his comments and continue standing with an expression of displeasure; the kind a father gets when his child has made a mockery of himself in public. He was already anticipating the replies of his peers, expecting some to be offended others to be taken aback and speechless and the few parties with sense to be relieved that New Spain did not share the seem idealistic views that had thus far dominated the conference.

Edited by Owned-You
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At the door of the UN building Harold Cheve stopped upon hearing the faded speech from New Spain. Once he heard it was over, he stepped back into the room, and called out from the doorway, his voice weak from the lack of a microphone in the massive hall.

"My friend from New Spain, there is a mighty difference between imperialism and globalism. Learn it." With that, he finally walked out the UN doors and headed for his cab.

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[quote name='Suiza' timestamp='1326475394' post='2898841']
President Wilmington nodded his head, "Vizier Church, you have my support. Through all of this mess, we are finally begining to press on some headway." Taking the podium to address the whole forum, "I realise now that even Mutual Hemispherical Defense is just as exclusive an agreement as ATOPEN. Let each delegation speak on which ever agreement would involve them, but more importantly let us re-engage in conversation of common issues, as Vizier Church had stated."

Pulling a paper from inside his coat as he headed back to his seat, he began scribbling out portions of the document and writing in more to it. Folding up the large paper he dropped by Seretary O'Malley, who would presumably catch the note. It was a draft for a pact, and the outside portion read, "This draft has shared with me by the Virginians, edited by myself for the general audience of the forum. Tell me what you think?


O'Malley wrote back, "We're going to need to make this treaty in baby-steps and grow it up further. I suggest tier levels of signatories. Here's my proposal." He would send this draft back to Wilmington and pass it on to Mara and Secretary Damon. Furthermore, more copies would be passed out to New Spain, Canada, Pravus Ingruo, and Kuklos. A post-it note would say, "This is a draft only, tell us what you think?"

[b]Article I - Sovereignty[/b]

Signatories recognize the sovereignity of each State of this Pact as well as the Hemisphere from which we hail, that each signatory shall endevour to respect all others. This pact shall see the sovereignity of all signatories mantained and no action be taken by any party whatsoever that could potentially infringe apon the sovereignty of a signatory.
[b]1.[/b] Violations of sovereignty include but are not limited to military operations, espionage or economic sanctions.
[b]2.[/b] Support of third-parties seen in violating another signatories sovereignty defined in Article 1, Section 1. will define responsibility equally to the signatory supporting it.
[b]3.[/b] Actions or resolutions taken by this Organization shall not violate the established laws of signatories.
[b]4.[/b] Other treaties signed by all signatories will not be affected by this treaty.

[b]Article II - Non-Aggression[/b]

Signatories recognize that fighting amongst themselves is a futile effort and will refrain from declaring offensive actions against each other to seek greater unity amongst American nations. Any grievances should be made in the Forum for the dispute to be settled. However, this organization recognizes any attempts to solve it through private means and other mediators.
[b]1.[/b] Other mediators maybe representatives of a non-American government; however, if talks breakdown towards war, the forum will address the conflict directly.

[b]Article III - Diplomatic Relations & Communication[/b]

All signatories recognize the importance of strong and constant communication both during war and in peace and will remain in contact through any means necessary. A common Forum of signatories shall be established where all signatories are to share, debate, and comment on information relevant to the goals of this Pact, politically, military, and/or economically.
[b]1.[/b] All signatories will establish basic diplomatic embassy in each others' nations to develop relations further.
[b]2.[/b] All signatories will be encouraged to develop individual or smaller group treaties with one another.
[b]3.[/b] Recognize that diplomatic recourse is the first action to take and not boundlessly go to war unilaterally.
[b]4.[/b] A Forum will be formed by the signatories at a later date and determine a location as defined in Article IV.

[b]Article IV - The Forum[/b]

All signatories realize the need for a central legislative body for this pact to discuss their nation's interests to each other in a peaceful manner.
[b]1.[/b] Each signatory nation shall be allowed two members to the Forum to represent their interests at the Forum.
[b]2.[/b] The Forum will only address matters pertaining to the pact.
[b]3.[/b] Under Article 1, Section 3, the Forum will not address issues pertaining to a signatory's external and internal issues.
[b]4.[/b] All voting on resolutions and manners will be a 50%+1 majority vote; however, unless otherwise signified.
[b]5.[/b] Abstention from a vote will be considered not stating a vote within 72 hours when voting begins on any issue.
[b]6.[/b] The Forum will elect a moderator amongst them every year. The moderator will serve as a spokesperson for the pact.
[b]7.[/b] Forum members can be voted out by a vote of no confidence, which is not limited to the moderator.
[b]8.[/b] Location of the Forum is to be temporarily in New York City, a permanent location will be voted on later when this pact is signed.

[b]Article V - Membership[/b]

In order to strengthen the pact and that nations may come and go, the signatories realize new members will be added to this pact defined under this article.
[b]1.[/b] Existing signatories may nominate new members to the forum to be voted on for acceptance. Applicant members maybe allowed to be given Tier 4 status as defined in Article VI, Section 5.
[b]2.[/b] Approval of a new member is with a simple majority of 50%+1.
[b]3.[/b] Violation of Article I is grounds for immediate expulsion.
[b]4.[/b] Members of this organization may begin expulsion procedure against another, such a procedure shall require unanimity in the forum.
[b]5.[/b] Members may leave this forum on their own accord with 96 hours notice. Articles defining defense will expire on the withdrawing nation by the end of the 96 hours. Other articles defined in this document will end within Seven days.

[b]Article VI - Membership Support[/b]

All signatories recognize that while we may not agree with each other all the time, we believe in the simple unity that binds us to refrain from attacking each other.
[b]1.[/b] Signatories have options to be bound by different agreements within this pact, which shall be called Tier Level Signatories (1, being highest and 4, being lowest).
[b]2.[/b] Tier 1 Signatories agree to all of the articles outlined in this document, including mutual defense defined in Article VIII.
[b]3.[/b] Tier 2 Signatories agree to all of the articles outlined in this document, most of Article VIII; however, agree to optional defense defined in Article VIII, Sections 2 and 3.
[b]4.[/b] Tier 3 Signatories agree to articles in regards of Articles I through VII, the basis of non-aggression and economic free trade.
[b]5.[/b] Tier 4 is temporary observer status granted by Forum members pertaining if the observer could be affected by Forum action.
[b]6.[/b] Signatories may change their level of support in the pact at any time as they feel that is within reason as defined in Article V, Section 6a.
[b]6a.[/b] Changing of support level frequently will be subject to other signatories voting on that change, degradation to Tier 3 until further notice, or possible expulsion from the pact.

[b]Article VII- Economic Development[/b]

[b]1.[/b] All signatories hereby agree that free trade shall exist between us. This entails the immediate dismissal of any tariffs, quotas, or other trade restrictions that may exist prior to the signing of this document. This free trade shall be done for the betterment of all nations involved and by this, encourages local and regional trade agreements that particular States seek to expand apon or establish completely seperate of the Free Trade of this Pact.
[b]2.[/b] This organization realizes the need to develop better financial stability to between all signatories to provide better economic health and future development.
[b]3.[/b] The signatories will encourage the development of economic partnerships to further develop each others industries and projects.
[b]4.[/b] All signatories are bound to this article.

[b]Article VIII - Military Affairs[/b]

[b]1.[/b] Any direct attack on any signatory (including espionage, territorial incursion, and the like) is recognized as an attack on this entire
Pact, and thus initiating the mobilization of all Tier 1 signatories' armed forces.
[b]2.[/b] Tier 2 signatories may initiate the mobilization of their armed forces in the defense of an attacked member if they desire to do so.
[b]3.[/b] Tier 1 signatories are obliged, while Tier 2 signatories may give willingly to provide military and financial aid to the others if requested.
[b]4.[/b] The Pact will not be made to support acts or wars of aggression.
[b]5.[/b] The respective parties are not obliged to offer assistance should either signatory alliance become involved in a conflict via other treaties with other alliances or blocs. Any signatory alliance may offer assistance in such an event but any assistance would be voluntary.

[b]Article IX - Intelligence Sharing[/b]

[b]5.[/b] If any signatory receives information detailing a threat towards any other (direct aggression, threat of war, espionage, etc), they are obliged to inform the pact forum immediately.
[b]6.[/b] Signatories shall link intelligence gathering assets and organizations to increase the combined efficiency. However, this section is only agreeable by a vote of member of whom agree, those that vote no are not allowed to join, although may change at a later date.

[b]Article X - Foreign Encroachment[/b]
The signatories will agree [u]not to[/u] address the issue of foreign encroachment though the means of war. This pact agrees to address this problem diplomatically and peacefully to promote American security in the Western Hemisphere.

[b]Article XI - Amendments[/b]

This pact may be amended by a motion introduced into the Forum, an amendment shall require unanimity to pass.

Edited by Tanis777
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The Lord President began to lose intrest and began playing TETRIS on his brand new Gameboy and thought to him self [i]'these things should be in color they would be so much cooler.'[/i]..The Lord President was so bored he let out a loud yell "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he quickly redacted "sorry...its erm...turrets...."

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326584576' post='2899741']
The Lord President began to lose intrest and began playing TETRIS on his brand new Gameboy and thought to him self [i]'these things should be in color they would be so much cooler.'[/i]..The Lord President was so bored he let out a loud yell "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he quickly redacted "sorry...its erm...turrets...."
"Just where the hell do you think you are? How dare you insult us in this way. I would expect this sort of behavior from my 8 year old son, not the supposed leader of a nation who is currently attending a conference to determine the fate of the Americas. If you are so bored that you can't sit still for a minute to listen I suggest you leave. I mean if anticipated your boredom to the point where you actually decided to bring a portable games console to this conference I suggest your colleagues and citizens take a look at your ability to lead a nation. What was it that made you so bored anyhow? The progress that has been made with a variety of treaties being presented? Or just your own ineptitude and attention span that a student would be proud of. We did not come here to facilitate your boredom, we came to discuss how to move forward as a continent united. If you are not interested I suggest you leave now."

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Mara has in fact been playing a game involving birds knocking over objects with the intent of killing pigs on her tablet computer for much of the time since Pravus Ingruo's appeal to reason, knowing the cause for anything worthwhile coming out of this forum was lost before it even began, and had infact missed the New Spanish ambassador's speech entirely because of her distraction.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1326587164' post='2899761']
"I apologize for my out burst as a symptom of my erm turrets...and my portable communication device because i have just been told Gallifrey is in a war. Please continue."
"I'm not blind, it's a gameboy."

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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1326587689' post='2899773']
Mara sidled over to Matt Damon. "Hello there, friend..."

[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1326587799' post='2899774']
"$&@! this and $&@! you." He said leaving the conference once and for all.

Matt grabbed Mara's hand and slid over a little. He then got up and had her follow him as he followed the Panamanian representative out of the Forum. When he would let go of her hand she would find a small card with his personal cell number on it.

[i]If you ever need anything, call ;)[/i]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Ignacio would rise from his seat completely annoyed with his time having been wasted. "This whole debacle was nothing short of a joke. If anyone wishes to speak to New Spain in an official capacity then you may do so on your own time; not mine." As he walked through the doors of the United Nations building he could not help but feel unsettled by the lack of intelligence that had been displayed by American leaders.

With that he would depart the forum in a black limousine and return to New Spain to deliver his comprehensive report to King Enrique. For many of these nations this forum was the first official interaction with New Spain and the overall misconduct of it left a poor impression in his eyes with some notable standouts proving themselves to be reasonable powers. Ultimately, this event would help shape New Spain's agenda heading forward.

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The Lord President decided that this was a waste of time and nothing is being accomplished. "I redact my last statement thank you Pravis for allowing us in this beautiful city but now I must depart as many important things are happening in my nation." The lord president turned on his Gameboy and walked out playing TETRIS. The delegates in the room still could hear profanity from the other room as the president gathered his U.N.I.T troops and proceeded on his TARDIS back to Gallifrey.

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Before he left, President Dominic would give his Canadian friend, Rulfe a note. It would read

[i] Nice to see you, my friend, but time for me to leave. If there is any-thing you would wish to discus with me concerning our two nations, please meet me at the following hotel, and room, here. Time will also be noted in this. Hope to see you there soon."[/i]

Before Dominic left, he also would stand to speak to the people who were left. "Well, this was a..... Interesting use of my time. If there is anything that I missed that may concern me, please send me A e-mail. It could be found on my nation site." At that, President Dominic would return to his hotel, were he'd find his family, and go about the city for a wile before going home.

Edited by Shadow hawk
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