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[quote name='Old Major' timestamp='1321891598' post='2848139']
I do understand the frustration and irritation, that was half part of my own goal here. What I don't understand are the calls for us to confess to something, as if we are lying about something. BC lays it out in the first post: this is a **** move so that we can have fun at your expense.

Finally, if you're complaining about a nuke and NS differential while sitting on 35mn, calm down. Go buy yourself some troops with that massive warchest and hit back.
1) It's 33 million. I realize you have a need to make this look better, but I'm not going to allow you to do that.
2) It's not really massive. I'm sure my [sarcasm][i]honorable[/i][/sarcasm] opponents have more. If not, they are even bigger morons than I first believed.
3) What makes you think I'm not planning to hit back?
4) The NS difference is 6,842.689 vs 17,381.005 and 19,244.374 now. A good even fight, isn't it?

Everyone is calling out PS here for hitting disparate AAs, most of which will have zero chance at coordination. Everyone is calling out PS for trying to call this an updeclare. Protip: it's not.

Edited by jraenar
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[quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1321860423' post='2847998']
i demand cellardoor and you peace out.
Peace has to be agreed on both sides. I never asked for peace, and I'm certainly not going to grant it because a cretin [i]demands[/i] it.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1321893710' post='2848160']
Glad to know all of PS's moral preaching has lead them to [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99589&st=0"]this[/url].

Oh hey I just pulled a bcortell :smug:

Anyways, congratulations on winning Round 19 LE. No wonders why people wait over 30 days to not go to war anymore, they win flags that way! :awesome:
Was waiting for that one lol. Not apples to apples from my POV, but that's a discussion that will go nowhere.

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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1321892727' post='2848153']
Well, considering I don't like RE or Anon as AAs, I don't really care. It kind of warms my heart actually. See ya on the dustpile.

Yea last time we danced when it was a legit war, we knew what happened then. Payback?

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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1321892727' post='2848153']
Well, considering I don't like RE or Anon as AAs, I don't really care. It kind of warms my heart actually. See ya on the dustpile.

I'll take that as an admission of guilt, then. :D

Again... this was my first and last round in Anonymous. However, I have known PS as an honorable alliance for quite some while and it saddens me to see that they had to resort to something like this (where everybody in an alliance is automatically regarded as a moral enemy).

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[quote name='NeoGandalf' timestamp='1321895643' post='2848183']
I'll take that as an admission of guilt, then. :D

Again... this was my first and last round in Anonymous. However, I have known PS as an honorable alliance for quite some while and it saddens me to see that they had to resort to something like this (where everybody in an alliance is automatically regarded as a moral enemy).
NeoGandalf, you can join OP if you'd like.

Edited for spelling....

Edited by paul711
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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1321895820' post='2848185']
Serenes, you can join OP if you'd like.

I've already promised kong92 that I'll be joining him in Citadel next round. I appreciate your offer, though :)

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[quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1321895500' post='2848182']

Yea last time we danced when it was a legit war, we knew what happened then. Payback?
Not sure why payback would be needed one way or the other. I'm glad that you guys have gotten better over the rounds though. TBH the only person I want payback on is Bear Island from LE, that guy's smashed me a few times. But I don't think he plays TE anymore.

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[size="4"]Hardly worth wasting my time trying to reason with Pork Shrimp [s]cowards[/s] leadership[/size]

[indent]So I'll ask the [b]leaders of honourable alliances[/b] what they would do in this position


- You've had NO WARS for over 5 weeks and your nations are holding Massive Warchests + 584 Nukes-[/indent]
Apparently the Options are as follows
[*]Attack LE and give your members a memorable challenge to end Round 19
[*]Attack Nations who are still at war, in nuke anarchy, and can't fight back

Up 'til now, the worst percieved case of cowardice shown in TE was [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103449"]Fark's declaration on TFK[/url] (last round)
A declaration Not popular with many, including(NOW) PS Leadership

[b]But I challenge ANY of TE's dwindling number of players to fing ANYTHING more Cowardly than this 'declaration'[/b]

Finally ..
[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1315113706' post='2794384']

Last round Pork Shrimp was, rather conspicuously, not a part of TE.

bcortell, Livintoolive, Cellardoor, Schad

Do us ALL a favour & skip round 20 too - or choose your leaders more wisely.
(Pork Shrimp USED to be respected in TE)

Edited by The Landlord
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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1321865229' post='2848035']
(And not many of our defensive slots have been taken yet, besides the counters by tW and RD.)

On RD, we had 16 wars declared on 9 people.

Couple more dec's to come in as guys wake up..


Well, I guess we got the lion's share... all you had to do was ask and we would have told you we already ate the bacon cake so don't come looking for it:):)

and my last count was 16 return decs from RD:) we're going to have a good fight:)

of course we've already had 3 full out alliance wars.. this is pretty close to a fourth.. not much left for this fight but we'll try:):)

[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1321887061' post='2848105']

And arcticllama, sorry bro, you're a cool cat, but you were on my list. Man you're a big !@#$%^&. I fully expect to be beaten mercilessly.

and after getting beat down 3 times already this will be rough.. but keep sending those paper planes and foreign aid attacks and we'll be fine:):)

want some cheesybacon?

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[quote name='NeoGandalf' timestamp='1321895643' post='2848183']
I'll take that as an admission of guilt, then. :D

Again... this was my first and last round in Anonymous. However, I have known PS as an honorable alliance for quite some while and it saddens me to see that they had to resort to something like this (where everybody in an alliance is automatically regarded as a moral enemy).

It's mortal. And TBH that's how I'm wired. I might be cool with some of the individuals that I've fought, but I usually detest their AAs. And there are some AA's that I hate more than others. If I was on your team, you'd be my comrade in arms and I'd kamikaze for you all day. But you're not, so you need to be smashed.

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[quote name='arcticllama' timestamp='1321896254' post='2848192']
and after getting beat down 3 times already this will be rough.. but keep sending those paper planes and foreign aid attacks and we'll be fine:):)

want some cheesybacon?
Well, you need to reload your WC somehow. Was hoping for the [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6FczV1j0FK8/Teha8mZsq1I/AAAAAAAAJsI/2tg4Mk28TZk/s1600/underdog2.jpg[/img] but alas....

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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1321893803' post='2848162']
One thing for sure
we all know who isn't going to enjoy the next round of TE

pay backs a mofo bith


You can bring it now OR you can bring it later - just bring it.

Look, every single one of the alliances who have members complaining and calling Pork Shrimp "cowards" (say that we're being "unfair" and/or showing favoritism to LE and/or OP all you want - there is truth in that, but "cowards" is truly missing the mark and anyone who knows us knows it) at this point COULD HAVE decided to attack us (or LE for that matter) instead of those your leaders chose to attack instead.

Not our fault that the leaders of your alliances decided to attack The Flying Kiwis, Anonymous, The Empire (hello RE), TPC (hello OP and Synergy) State of United Nations (hello Fark) or Loss and Black (hello Warriors - but at least you all are not complaining).

Who are the cowards here?

If it takes doing the unexpected to get people to consider taking on the big boys and girls of TE, so be it. I do feel bad that we didn't attack LE, but only because fighting them is a total blast :gun: Certainly NOT out of any sense of fairness or because I want them to win anything over any other group.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1321896586' post='2848198']
Couldn't resist. :rolleyes:


Also, the guy whining about having 6k NS and that hasn't hit dock or I back yet with his 33m...my bad. I misread the target list. I guess that's the problem with having joint threads without having identical targets. (I'm looking at you BC. And Hoop) I've actually offered him peace so I can declare on someone else. His call now.

And for the umpteenth time, what do you guys think is going to happen in two days when these guys' mates DO clear NA, collect their stacks and jump in? The stats aren't the end of the story here from either side (our opponents have lower WCs than normal, and on the flip side when these alliances counter we'll be overwhelmed by numbers/nukes) I'm not sure who's called it an updeclare, I used the word saying call it whatever you'd like, but that I wouldn't call it a down declare. It wasn't my personal ideal scenario, but it's far from a down declare/curbstomp imo. Cest la vie.

Edited by Cellardoor
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[quote name='bannyfaws' timestamp='1321897953' post='2848209']
easy sorted guys ,next round we get together and smash the clowns in PS right from the start,then every time they build ...smash them again ,dont give them the chance to hide as they have done this round :ph34r:

Hide? Pork Shrimp has been right where we are this entire round. Anyone could have attacked us at any time. I like the attitude but get the facts straight.

Here's the DoE

I'll quote the relevant part:

"Frankly, we at PS are a little sick of the shadow games. Who’s hiding, who’s helping who, who’s running, and what it all means. In an effort to keep things simpler for everyone involved: What you see in PS is what you get. We don’t give a **** about anything other than destruction, and no one is going to be particularly safe if we have our way."

If that's not a statement that we're right here and a warning by our leadership that we're not planning on playing nice, I don't know what is :war:

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Well, what are the chances that it's actually a Pork Shrimp member that wins the round, and we're all just looking at it in the wrong perspective with regards to LE's laxness?

Or alternatively, like many of the past 50 rounds, one of confusion's flagrunners can always pop out of no where.

Good times

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I can definitely understand this not being popular, and it's our own damned fault that it ended up going down in this fashion. As bcortell alluded to, we'd been trying to get together a much larger war for some time...basically, us + someone vs. the world, with the hope being to level everyone and everything (including ourselves and whoever we partnered with), and truly scramble the flag chase. None of that came to fruition; other alliances had other plans, and we ended up being left with two possibilities...hit LE, or just hit everyone else.

So my advice to the rest of TE is this: if you're fighting non-PS opponents and they are so willing, peace them out. If you're in nuke anarchy, hit us when it expires. Hit LE. If the rest of you work together, you can actually drag both of us down...I've checked, and there are enough nations out of NA and with slots in range of their/our top tier to be able to cover everyone. Do so, and it'll be epic. Fail to do so, and we fully understand that we're likely going to be fighting for virtually the entirety of next round. This sucked on our part, but we kinda left ourselves without options that didn't suck.

[quote]Well, what are the chances that it's actually a Pork Shrimp member that wins the round, and we're all just looking at it in the wrong perspective with regards to LE's laxness?

Or alternatively, like many of the past 50 rounds, one of confusion's flagrunners can always pop out of no where.

Good times [/quote]

Odds of us winning are probably 99-1 against; it's possible, but only if the win line gets beaten down extremely far, because we didn't set anyone up for it.

On the flag-runners popping up out of nowhere, I'd like to see that happen...not necessarily to win, but if people coordinate and drag us/LE down, I'd love a scenario where this goes down to the last hour without anyone having a clue who could take it. There are nations sitting on nine-digit warchests right now, so it's definitely a possibility.

Edited by Schad
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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1321896324' post='2848194']
It's mortal. And TBH that's how I'm wired. I might be cool with some of the individuals that I've fought, but I usually detest their AAs. And there are some AA's that I hate more than others. If I was on your team, you'd be my comrade in arms and I'd kamikaze for you all day. But you're not, so you need to be smashed.

Welp, if I wanted to fight someone I would at least let my opponent get out of NA to collect first :rolleyes: But you already said earlier that you don't have a problem with stomping others, so I guess that's a moot point. Anyways, I've already left Anonymous because I don't agree with Confusion but don't think I won't fight.

Cellardoor, I cannot collect before I get nuked again and neither can anybody else in Anon or RE that has been nuked throughout the war. I'm not sure about the other alliances.

White Chocolate, look at what The Landlord posted about your alliance growth charts. PS has been out of war for 5 weeks, while the other alliances have all fought (with the exception of LE).

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[quote name='dealmaster13' timestamp='1321899266' post='2848217']
Well, what are the chances that it's actually a Pork Shrimp member that wins the round, and we're all just looking at it in the wrong perspective with regards to LE's laxness?

Or alternatively, like many of the past 50 rounds, one of confusion's flagrunners can always pop out of no where.

Good times

My bet is on LE or Confusion.

If I get the sense anyone in PS has more than 10m left by day 86, I'm nuking them myself, so don't worry about us in that regard at least.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1321900395' post='2848223']

If the rest of you work together, you can actually drag both of us down...I've checked, and there are enough nations out of NA and with slots in range of their/our top tier to be able to cover everyone. Do so, and it'll be epic. Fail to do so, and we fully understand that we're likely going to be fighting for virtually the entirety of next round.

I think we're going to have butthurt people coming after us next round regardless. My nation will have the same name...just so you know where to find me.

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1321900791' post='2848228']
I think we're going to have butthurt people coming after us next round regardless. My nation will have the same name...just so you know where to find me.

Oh, most definitely. And I'd come after us, too.

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