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A new alliance

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[quote name='bill95' timestamp='1307501726' post='2726559']
Your not officially an alliance. You need at least five people to be recognized as one. Why don't you just merge into a bigger alliance.

[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1307502729' post='2726570']
Pretty sure you do not dictate what is and isn't an alliance.

Generally speaking, an alliance is the state of being allied to someone or something. So unless the OP suffers from dissociative identity disorder; it would be awful hard to form an alliance of one person.

And plus, I think we can all agree that no matter what your thoughts are on one-man AA's, this numbskull by himself does not an alliance make.

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[quote name='Cobalt' timestamp='1307546354' post='2726986']
Generally speaking, an alliance is the state of being allied to someone or something.

Quite far off the mark actually, going by your words Grämlins is not a alliance.

General definition of a alliance is " a collection of nations/persons after the same goal/outcome". Now while this is not a alliance by definition, it's definitely can be seen as a foundation of one.

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[quote name='bill95' timestamp='1307501726' post='2726559']
Your not officially an alliance. You need at least five people to be recognized as one. Why don't you just merge into a bigger alliance.

^ # Posts: 1 ^

[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1307502729' post='2726570']
Pretty sure you do not dictate what is and isn't an alliance.
[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1307503705' post='2726578']
You made me agree with BloodFury. fffff
[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1307545635' post='2726976']
This man beat me too it :gag:

Yes, let's all jump down the new guy's throat.

Julianopolis...WHYYYYYYYYYY? :facepalm:

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[quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1307548852' post='2727020']
^ # Posts: 1 ^

Yes, let's all jump down the new guy's throat.

Julianopolis...WHYYYYYYYYYY? :facepalm:

I guess the poor man has never looked up the definition of a alliance before.

Edited by nutkase
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I guess that's why he doesn't get to define what is and what isn't an alliance then. Not that there's multiple definitions of it and he's probably just reciting what his alliance considers to be a valid alliance.

This thread is about some !@#$ new alliance, not what makes up an alliance, it's not worth a !@#$@#$ ten page debate on what you do and don't consider an alliance is it really?

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[quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1307549881' post='2727036']
I guess that's why he doesn't get to define what is and what isn't an alliance then. Not that there's multiple definitions of it and he's probably just reciting what his alliance considers to be a valid alliance.

This thread is about some !@#$ new alliance, not what makes up an alliance, it's not worth a !@#$@#$ ten page debate on what you do and don't consider an alliance is it really?

ahaha you angry bro?

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[quote name='Cobalt' timestamp='1307546354' post='2726986']
Generally speaking, an alliance is the state of being allied to someone or something. So unless the OP suffers from dissociative identity disorder; it would be awful hard to form an alliance of one person.

And plus, I think we can all agree that no matter what your thoughts are on one-man AA's, this numbskull by himself does not an alliance make.
Greetings Cobalt.

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[quote name='Cobalt' timestamp='1307546354' post='2726986']
Generally speaking, an alliance is the state of being allied to someone or something. So unless the OP suffers from dissociative identity disorder; it would be awful hard to form an alliance of one person.

And plus, I think we can all agree that no matter what your thoughts are on one-man AA's, this numbskull by himself does not an alliance make.

Well, I suppose if you want to throw technicalities and what you view an alliance is into this argument...I suppose I can pull out my old friend the dictionary.



the act of allying or state of being allied.
a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.
a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states, or organizations




a city in NE Ohio.




A complete set of CAD tools for teaching Digital CMOS VLSI Design in Universities. It includes a VHDL compiler and simulator, logic synthesis tools, and automatic place and route tools. ALLIANCE is the result of a ten years effort at University Pierre et Marie Curie (PARIS VI, France).
It runs on Sun-4, not well supported: MIPS/ Ultrix, 386/ SystemV.
Latest version: 1.1, as of 1993-02-16.

So I guess if you want we can continue getting technical. The Term of Alliance on Planet Bob by all mighty Admin was something set up long before Treaties existed. When treaties started to exist, it lost it's true meaning. It is just used for lack of a better term anymore and the fact that we have become so used to it.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1307551347' post='2727057']
ahaha you angry bro?

What, for pointing out that you're derailing this stupid thread about a pointless alliance (of sorts) with crap about what you think does and doesn't constitute an alliance? Not really, [i]bro[/i]. You? :blink:

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