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Everything posted by WorldConqueror

  1. Well done Methrage, keep up your tradition of transparency in LNs FA. Anyway wonder how long Tywin will be.
  2. join kashmir and your bags too can be dirty
  3. At least he realized it'd be a pretty dumb move to come after us again.
  4. You're incredibly confident in the strength of your glass house, I'll give you that Methy.
  5. Right, because things went so well for you last time you danced with RPK.
  6. people still sign treaties because 2 gov members get along eh
  7. wouldn't it be uncanny if he was making the exact same point!
  8. will you please just shut the fuck up. you are always wrong about literally everything
  9. And here you are 7 years later, still gloating about it. Bad. Ass.
  10. Not even knights111 could benefit from the kind of knowledge and assistance you bring to the table.
  11. Yeah I knew about the coordinated spam, didn't know he actually joined though. Stunning victory for inanity.
  12. lmbo he actually succumbed to the badgering eh
  13. Does it matter? What point are you trying to make exactly?
  14. Enjoy your retirement Rayvon, you can be proud of what you did for NSO.
  15. Thank God you told us, we were all anxiously awaiting your stance.
  16. Smart, you can only imagine how expansive their fingerprint database is these days.
  17. I'm not calling you stupid, I'm criticizing the way you talk down to everyone like you are the sole bearer of ultimate truth and are unwilling to consider opposing information presented to you. That's fine, you don't have to like MK. But to slam the charity drives on the basis that they were administrated by a MK member is ludicrous.
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