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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Actually Rsox just told me to join the chan I had no idea who was there or why I was going. Last I knew Ro was in TGR before they merged with the Sith. When I was in Soldier she hung out in our chan and used to huggle me randomly. That's neither here or there though. I know for a fact Claud returned. Very recently though so he may not have been out much yet.
  2. You were hostile in IRC before I did anything. Hell it's been months if not longer since I even spoke to you before that. Also P.S. sure he does just not as Claud.
  3. Hey I made up with everyone else from OFS. Ro and I are good. Claudius and I are cool. E_J just don't want to let it go I guess. Hell, I wouldn't have said anything if he didn't wanna act hostile first. I would've even been friendly. Still willing to be honestly. I don't know why he hates me so much to tell the truth. Maybe he can query me about it sometime.
  4. Of course not. That's the beauty of it.
  5. Brown Lumber and Lead. Also some of my guys probably have the resources to help fill this out.
  6. What else is there to say really?
  7. People keep letting RV into their alliance too.
  8. Meh, if you've read any of my posts in the last 6 months you know I'm obviously against everything in the op.
  9. Of course. Taking damage is a punishment all by itself. There should be a trade off.
  10. I'm sick of you begging for peace so I guess I'll tell my guys to accept if it is offered and be done with you. Good luck the rest of the round I think you'll need it.
  11. Awww...... Well I hope the term "They always come back" applies. We'll always have the Nude Bea Arthur Museum. I know you looked.
  12. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
  13. Krunk apperently since he can't grasp why GATO got involved.
  14. From your op in your Declaration thread-Jun 28 2009, 10:48 PM Time the sigs were posted in IRC- 01[22:45] <05~magicninja> magicninja 01[22:45] <05~magicninja> GATO Governor-General [22:45] <RG[Olympus]> Ryan Greenberg [22:45] <RG[Olympus]> TDB MoFA/MoD 3 minutes. Just like I said in the op of our dec thread. Whatever man.
  15. Both will be rejected. What else is new? hmmmmm....... war.
  16. He doesn't get that we wanted them to hit us first. Look at it this way we dclare a few wars but don't go full out. You guys think you are teh awesome and go full out on us in some cases declaring three offensive wars to our none. Then what happens ohhh GDA comes in and all of a sudden our nation are 3vs1 while yours are 6vs1. They need to fire the scientists.
  17. You would like to think that wouldn't you? How unfortunate. The GDA-GATO MDP has been in place since day 1. Maxinumus Thrax who is a GATO SE member told me he had been playing TE with GDA for sometime and could set up a treaty and we did. and just because and not just to embarrass you: [22:26] <RG[Olympus]> Ok, finished writing the treaty. Want me to show it to you right now or another time? 01[22:30] <05~magicninja> Whenever you are ready 01[22:30] <05~magicninja> PM it to me on the CN boards [22:31] <RG[Olympus]> One question. MDP or MDoAP? [22:35] <RG[Olympus]> Who really cares now. We'll talk about later. Sending it to you now 01[22:35] <05~magicninja> Cool 01[22:35] <05~magicninja> It really doesn;t matter to me 01[22:35] <05~magicninja> Optioal aggression is fine 01[22:35] <05~magicninja> My guys are down to scrap [22:39] <RG[Olympus]> Ok, sent it 01[22:44] <05~magicninja> Looks good 01[22:45] <05~magicninja> magicninja 01[22:45] <05~magicninja> GATO Governor-General [22:45] <RG[Olympus]> Ryan Greenberg [22:45] <RG[Olympus]> TDB MoFA/MoD 01[22:46] <05~magicninja> Go ahead and post it whenever you like [22:46] <RG[Olympus]> will do [22:56] <RG[Olympus]> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=61915 - We were just attacked. How ironic? Still want the treaty or do you want to back down. It will be a pretty even fight. 23 nations(our side) vs. 17 nations [22:57] <RG[Olympus]> Thats TE for ya 01[23:02] <05~magicninja> We'll do it 01[23:02] <05~magicninja> I'm sick like that [23:03] <RG[Olympus]> lol [23:03] <RG[Olympus]> First major TE war 01[23:05] <05~magicninja> I'm sure my guys will be down for it 01[23:06] <05~magicninja> I should post a poll to see 01[23:06] <05~magicninja> Give us til tommorow to hit or quit.I'm almost guaranteeing hit [23:07] <RG[Olympus]> Postpone the MDoAP announcement to tomorrow than? I assume it would be better 01[23:11] <05~magicninja> Yeah 01[23:11] <05~magicninja> I suppose it would [14:15] <Maximinus_Thrax> so MDAP? [14:15] <@sippyjuice[GDA]> sounds good to me [14:15] <Maximinus_Thrax> next question, do we make it known on the boards [14:16] <@sippyjuice[GDA]> hmm [14:16] <@sippyjuice[GDA]> Doesn't matter one way or another to me [14:16] <Maximinus_Thrax> Majic? 01[14:16] <05magicninja> Me either really but I haven't even announced that GATO is a TE entity yet [14:16] <Maximinus_Thrax> no big deal So don;t tell me these things were pulled out of thin air partner. You picked on the wrong alliance. You took a swing and didn;t expect to get one thrown back at you. It happens. Now comply with the peace terms and your suffering will end.
  18. Well, so much for that. When you truly want peace let me know. Refresher on the terms: [23:32] <+Mathias> if we apologize 05[23:32] <+Mathias> GATO has to switch to WAE [23:33] <+Krunk_the_Great[LoSS|MoRE]> LOL mathias [23:33] <+Krunk_the_Great[LoSS|MoRE]> 01[23:33] <05~magicninja> If you don;t apologize you never get to grow this round [23:34] <+Randy> im sorry for destroying TDB [23:34] <+Mathias> if you don't switch to WAE 05[23:34] <+Randy> and making GATO find someone to fight for them [23:34] <+Mathias> neither will you [23:34] <+Mathias> 04[23:34] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> neither will you, ninja 01[23:34] <05~magicninja> Oh we will [23:34] <+Randy> too bad you cant do it yourself [23:34] <+Randy> :0 [23:34] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> :you aren't doin a great job at that right now 01[23:34] <05~magicninja> I'm not worried about it [23:35] <+Randy> i wouldnt either if i had other people doing my work [23:35] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> lol 01[23:35] <05~magicninja> You tried to [23:35] <+Krunk_the_Great[LoSS|MoRE]> Word [23:35] <%Greg23[GATO]> Meh [23:35] <+Krunk_the_Great[LoSS|MoRE]> what Randy said [23:35] <+Krunk_the_Great[LoSS|MoRE]> [23:35] <+Randy> actually we didnt 01[23:35] <05~magicninja> I talked with RE 01[23:35] <05~magicninja> So don;t lie [23:35] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> RE is full of people with crabs [23:35] <+Randy> good for you [23:35] <+Randy> we didnt want them to help us 01[23:35] <05~magicninja> lol [23:35] <+Randy> we were trying to setup a treaty so they dont attack us [23:35] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> and people whose faces are stuck like this [23:36] <+Randy> if we wanted help you guys would have been done w/ 01[23:36] <05~magicninja> Indeed [23:36] <%Greg23[GATO]> ... [23:36] <+Mathias> ok so [23:36] <+Mathias> the terms we agree on are [23:36] <+Mathias> We apologize 05[23:36] <+Mathias> GATO changes to WAE [23:36] <+Mathias> and the war ends [23:36] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> I can live with these terms 01[23:36] <05~magicninja> Well whenever you feel like you've had enough just post an apology to Ryan Greenburg and TDB and acknowledge your defeat by GATO and GDa and you can move on [23:36] <+Mathias> for TDB as well? [23:36] <%Greg23[GATO]> <3WAE jokes 01[23:36] <05~magicninja> Until then keep talking 01[23:36] <05~magicninja> It's all you have left [23:37] <+Randy> LOL [23:37] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> lol [23:37] <+Co_God_Ben[LoSS]> defeat? [23:37] <+Randy> i can see an apology [23:37] <+Randy> but not defeat 06[23:37] * ~magicninja shrugs [23:37] <%Greg23[GATO]> Idk what else do you call it? 01[23:37] <05~magicninja> then please continue 01[23:37] <05~magicninja> Have fun
  19. Damn you're right. Oh well sounds like fun for them. I'll probably GOWAB when my time is up. I don;t see that happening for awhile though.
  20. Elaborate please. We might as well address all personal grievances against me now. Form a line. Single file. Ladies to the front. Thank you.
  21. An interesting turn of events it seems.
  22. Yeah like 7months before the war. What's your point? Second chance? I never knew I used up my first one. My integrity? I've always only ever stood up for my friends. Even while in TPF I stood up for GATO. You remember don't you? My trustworthiness? When have I ever done anything to have people distrust me or my intentions? I agree that the way I used to argue and post on these boards is not in line with the way GATO presents themselves. Maybe you haven't noticed that it has been quite some time since I've engaged in those sort of debates? Hell, I was having a conversation with Stumpy about just that on IRC the other night. He said it was too bad I was giving up the old ways. HE said I was a good nemesis and then of course claimed victory. All in all I think you misread me. In the coming months you may be surprised at what you see. I'm happy to say that those who truly know me won't be.
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