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Gn0xious Jr

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Everything posted by Gn0xious Jr

  1. that's better, i support this product and/or service
  2. [quote name='Lusitan' date='04 February 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1265345907' post='2160302'] MK attacked Aqua. NATO attacked FoB who is black team [/quote] an attck on FoB is an attack on C&G, thus MK.
  3. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='03 February 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1265258467' post='2157955'] The war flag is funny. I like the frown and the red eyes. But, is it now a unicorn polar bear? That doesn't seem very scary. [/quote] what if i told you he could fly?
  4. [quote name='savethecheerleader' date='02 February 2010 - 10:31 PM' timestamp='1265178712' post='2155798'] You're right, STA are in the wrong. I am sure there is a clause in their treaty with MK that absolves them of all obligations should MK find itself on the larger side of the war [/quote] New Treaty clauses presented in this war: 1) each signatory shall not attack each other, each others' allies, or their allies' allies. 2) should a signatory be sided with the larger side of the war, negate any/all obligations I weep for the future alliances on Bob who'll end up writing 3-4 page treaties >_<
  5. wow, a difficult position STA, to be sure but staying classy perhaps this war needs to be renamed "The War of Uncomfortable Situations"
  6. [quote name='WarriorConcept' date='02 February 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1265150078' post='2153948'] I eagerly await NpO to help GR and MK. [/quote] I don't expect these discussions to take place on OWF, private channels FTW and all. Gn0x - MoFA GR
  7. [quote name='HeinousOne' date='02 February 2010 - 09:22 AM' timestamp='1265131378' post='2153385'] Common sense would tell me that if an alliance has a plethora of its members come out openly and publically to denounce you then that in itself would go against the wording of the treaty that you seem to hold as an end all contract. [/quote] I don't recall GR members openly denouncing NpO. I've tried to keep our members respectful during these troubled times, as well as the rest of GR's .gov. I think everyone has been in a tight spot during this conflict.
  8. [quote name='Oktavia' date='01 February 2010 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1265070151' post='2151498'] TOP would be considered an aggressor since they declared a completely new war without a clause basis. Yes, CnG was very likely to be showing up on their doorstep, but it was still an aggressive move. The only middlemen were the defense treaties they could of activated that would of just opened up counter attacks. So instead of potentially throwing some nations in the fire to relieve pressure off their allies, they went for the takedown. [/quote] ^this - if they saw an opportunity to try and take everyone down, great, just don't complain to the masses if it doesn't go as planned. on a side note: i never did understand how it is not "aggressive" to attack someone based on any information you receive. if you want to play the defender, great, wait to be the defender. take steps to prepare yourself, but don't punch first. if someone i work with tells me they are going to kick my $@!, and i punch them in the face, i get fired. however, if i increase my awareness and when he punches, and i duck, then punch, i don't get fired.
  9. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='01 February 2010 - 03:53 PM' timestamp='1265068435' post='2151428'] [color="#0000FF"]Like I am going to believe CnG was going to remain uninvolved in that war. You were making quite clear what you thought of it, and intelligence showed you were coming in.[/color] [/quote] i'm not saying that CnG would remain uninvolved, but to believe that every nation in every alliance in CnG was 100% backing "the raiders" side is ignorant. on a personal note, had CnG entered the war in defense of allies tied to "the raiders" side, i feared a rift. if they wanted CnG destroyed, they should have waited. instead, by declaring war preemptively out of fear, it united everyone once more since all those treaty conflicts were null and void...
  10. i don't know what these good ol' days are... my nation has been in existence since Sept2007 and all it has known is heartache, war, darkness and silence. from day 1, i started an alliance with 10 other friends, all but 2 have been driven from the world by tech raiders. the 3 that remained have learned, and moved on. from there, i've seen deceit, curbstomps, and fear for what you say or have in your nation bio. good ol' days? good riddance...
  11. i've got $1.00, thinking about leaving the war altogether and getting a 5-piece of spicy chicken nuggets.
  12. A few tips for the day 1. don't aggressively attack non-combatants 2. don't wine about NS count being in favor of the non-combatants that were aggressively attacked 3. Assumptions make an "$@!" out of "u" and "mption" - don't make em' 4. CnG are the new evil overlords of CN, and are currently accepting sacrificial goats/chickens/kittens/etc... That is all
  13. /me puts a plate of chicken out and eagerly awaits midnight
  14. i thought i'd be a sad panda... but i'm not... burn pixels burn!
  15. oh hai thar pyroman, still searching for your avatar
  16. It seems ilselu1 needs reminding that he is no longer allowed to post in the OWF without express permission of the Vice or MoFA. This is your final warning ilselu1, I am extremely disappointed. on a side note, grats to new senate!
  17. I hereby award you with the following medal: This is also available to those that attacked, were attacked, went into peace mode, did nothing, or trolled the forums.
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