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Everything posted by Bilrow

  1. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1292727509' post='2543551'] "Two days = awhile" [/quote] I've been quite inactive for the past month and I knew about it for a while.
  2. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1291064386' post='2525999'] Yeah just like the OoO would never be broken or Q was never going to fail. Get a new line Bilrow. Read what i said again if the opportunity arose NPO would jump at it as to living in fear far from it, once again your egos get in the way of your understanding. [/quote] Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
  3. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1291063341' post='2525993'] NPO has never hit TORN but if given the chance NPO will do what it can to grind it in to dust. Pretty much the same for us at Valhalla im sure. So im not sure where the skeered part comes in..... So if it helps you sleep better at night to think we are scared then please feel free to think that way, but when reality sets in ill hate to see your world crumble around your ears. [/quote] Sounds like you are scared of some fairy tale of NPO coming to grind you into dust. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt the idea of going to war with TORN and/or Valhalla has never come up. Sorry to ruin your "reality". You can look for your boogie man somewhere else or continue to live in fear of some wild idea. Your choice.
  4. Poor Schatt will have a mess to clean up. MK isn't known for keeping a clean embassy. [img]http://mimg.ugo.com/201002/37968/01hoarders.jpg[/img]
  5. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289962028' post='2515572'] The why is close to the post you quoted. At that juncture of the thread, the only brought up case of the famed "editing of words of diplomats" was your thread's title. That was the only thing we had to go on (those not being on line at the time). At that point, it just seemed to me as I said as well, that the issue came out of "cultural misunderstandings", of sorts (missed lulz and !@#$z) But then again, as thread progressed,...I am at a total lost as to what that "grievously insulting" editing of words actually then was, as it seems that Bilrow and you had some fun. [/quote] Bros and I always have fun...but he never cuddles.
  6. [quote name='bros2' timestamp='1289961880' post='2515566'] you should be stripped of your medals and your pacifican flag. we all know that the first thing a pacifican learns in NPO Trolling Schoolâ„¢ is to call ex-LUE members LUE sucm [/quote] [color=red]*Bilrow resigns from New Pacific Order in shame.[/color]
  7. [quote name='bros2' timestamp='1289961554' post='2515557'] Bilrow told me on IRC that he was essentially joking around like 5 minutes after I posted the topic: "I responded bros " I'm LUE scum, and they are NPO scum <3 [/quote] Damn...I missed out calling you LUE scum. I only called you MK Scum. I fail.
  8. [quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289961203' post='2515543'] Old retort. I think Brennan tried it last year. [/quote] Well from what I understand, he doesn't like you either. I'm in great company.
  9. [quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289960749' post='2515529'] Bilrow has no tolerance for jokes. He'll even ban you when he doesn't have the authority(last year '09 Intelligence Director). Overturned that faster than an SUV on a highway but it gave me a good outlook on his personality. [/quote] No, I just don't like you.
  10. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289960361' post='2515516'] I won't disagree with you there. But I stand by my point that Bilrow has a very thin tolerance threshold for fun and jest. [/quote] It wasn't me that edited the topic title. And I responded back in jest to bros due to the friendship he and I have with the forum stuff we help people with. My post in jest was deleted.
  11. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289953535' post='2515360'] [color="#0000FF"]That is it? Seems less like a malicious attack than something done in good fun and jest. I thought our friends at the Kingdom were known for their sense of humor. What ever happened to that?[/color] [/quote] It's only funny when they are the instigators.
  12. That only edit that was done was the thread title of Bros' thread from "hello npo scum" to "hello my beloved pacificans". Well, and also my response to Bros calling him MK Scum being deleted. I will start a thread complaining about my posts being deleted posted haste.
  13. Thanks :P

    Pico is a Dachschund/Chiuhauhau (sp) mix.

  14. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1288310970' post='2495755'] Who did he replace? [/quote] No one. Congratulations, iamthey.
  15. I know of at least one person who's IP and email was used from his use of the Mercy Board and him harrassed outside of the game.
  16. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1287454613' post='2487357'] Bring on the fail. [/quote] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=53&showentry=1299]Link to who said the below excerpt along with the rest of the content[/url] [quote]I've long been a believer in the mantra that leadership should be distinct from the Average Joe; that the people running politics - big and small and in between - should have class, civility, and respectability. If you think these are just buzzwords, you're part of the group I sincerely hate.[/quote] Let's check it out real quick on the score card. Class [img]http://pacificorder.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/no.png[/img] Civility [img]http://pacificorder.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/no.png[/img] Respectability [img]http://pacificorder.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/no.png[/img] Thinks these are just buzz words [img]http://pacificorder.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/yes.png[/img] Congrats to Exodus. I knew about this when you were still in your mother's womb.
  17. [quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1287310133' post='2486308'] I said I doubt that it is limited to the one member. Obviously I can't be certain of that. But given the tone of this and the other thread dedicated to PB, I feel it a safe assumption. In addition, the responses in the two threads and general outcry indicate a certain level of uncertainty towards the bloc if not genuine fear. I was simply pointing out a personal observation of a perceived attitude from the members of this new bloc. I think you're getting a bit more defensive than warranted. But seeing as you are a high ranking government member, if you believe that my assumption is false, I would certainly highly value your assessment. I certainly did not intend to offend. [/quote] Well considering that attitude was part of the selling to the general membership are you surprised? [quote]This action will make VE the largest member of the largest bloc in the game. Our influence would increase, but so would the target we'd be painting on our backs. The new era of politics we would be bringing CN in to would be an exciting one, one that hopefully breaks some of the stagnation the world faces. I want VE to be right there front and center.[/quote] [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1286333011' post='2476748'] You're reaaaaaally stretching those two sound bytes for all they're worth Bilrow. I'm sure when NPO leadership attempts to sell members of the BR (who may not always be as politically knowledgeable as the gov members) on a significant new treaty like a bloc that they are sure to touch on the impact that the treaty would have on the alliance's influence and its position in the game. This bloc has already started to fulfill part of what I said, it is breaking up stagnation in the game simply by such a seemingly polarizing issue being talked about. Hopefully it becomes a reality and then we can all continue to have fun with each other. [/quote]
  18. Congratulations, Grandroff. This promotion is well deserved.
  19. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1286493373' post='2478251'] EZI was an accepted and widely used practice, we are far from the only ones to utilise it. Though no one was actually deemed 'EZI', they were just kept as a target until they made amends, at which point they were released. [/quote] Hmmm, odd. This sounds so strikingly similar to someone that will make up the Pandora Box. They just keep someone a target (EOG) until they make amends (Mercy Board), at which point they are released.
  20. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1286380225' post='2477206'] The sarcasm was in Bilrow implying many other alliances don't do the same thing, or specifically that VE doesn't. [/quote] Your assumption that my response had anything to do about you/VE or was sarcasm makes you look foolish. I was just responding to Kalasin while backing up Haflinger on his point. I'm sorry if I struck a nerve with you. You should have that checked.
  21. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1286370372' post='2477110'] Read Bilrow's post....... [/quote] Haf is right. The Body Republic participates in Q&As. We let them come up with their own opinions on alliances, not some talking points laid out to convince them to accept someone as an ally. We have many Q&As with many alliances rather we become allies or not. The Emperor rules with the Body Republic's feelings in mind and in return the Body Republic trusts the Emperor to make decisions on who we treaty.
  22. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1286336158' post='2476839'] I pity you for having a membership who isn't in tune enough with the world to care when the government does something against the status quo. One of the beauties of Viridia is that we have a myriad of people who all have the ability to form opinions on things, and we like to inform them so they aren't surprised by something we have already made into law and give them a chance to share those opinions. [/quote] Different strokes for different people. Depends on what type of alliance you want to be in. Anyone can "vote with their feet" and find an alliance that operates the way they like if they are unhappy.
  23. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1286333011' post='2476748'] You're reaaaaaally stretching those two sound bytes for all they're worth Bilrow. I'm sure when NPO leadership attempts to sell members of the BR (who may not always be as politically knowledgeable as the gov members) on a significant new treaty like a bloc that they are sure to touch on the impact that the treaty would have on the alliance's influence and its position in the game. This bloc has already started to fulfill part of what I said, it is breaking up stagnation in the game simply by such a seemingly polarizing issue being talked about. Hopefully it becomes a reality and then we can all continue to have fun with each other. [/quote] Actually being led by an Emperor, the Body Republic usually finds out the same time as it is announced here on any treaty. Typically there aren't rationals given.
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