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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1295981780' post='2600612'] Whereas some are petty enough to want two pounds. [/quote] Doomhouse certainly proves this, yes.
  2. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295979510' post='2600529'] It shows a lot more about you than it does NPO. That GATO never got to extract a drop of blood for that crime is a travesty. [/quote] Not everyone is so petty that a pound of flesh must be extracted for each sin.
  3. [quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1295964733' post='2600058'] OOC: a Nazi comparison, really? Thread has been Godwin'd, thanks for posting everybody! [/quote] Actually - I think that's gotta be the most fitting. Grasping to the 'oh noes nazi' piece is rather narrowminded. Take the saying for what it really says and drop the bias.
  4. Ugh .. Well this just makes the wiki's that much harder to cite propaganda in.
  5. [quote name='ProdigyNL' timestamp='1295936227' post='2599115'] As the Doomhouse is a separate war (CB has nothing to do with this war and its all new alliances), shouldnt there be a new topic made for the Doomhouse - NPO war? [/quote] I agree. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97721
  6. As DoomHouse has seen it fit to bring a new war forward, the propaganda needs to be kept seperate .. [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/DoomHouse_vs_Ivan.png[/IMG] [color=#800000][i][b]Ivan[/b] - "Oh. Hello guys. May I ask what you're up to?" [/i][/color] *Edit: ([url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97693&st=540&p=2599374&#entry2599374]Used here[/url]).
  7. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1295940360' post='2599415'] 500 tech says NSO disbands within a year. Or is Admin's intervention what you're banking on? [/quote] Banking on? No I'm just sayin that's the only way you're gonna see it ... Hold your tech, you're gonna need it more.
  8. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1295939946' post='2599393'] Although tbqh I wouldn't shed any tears if NPO disbanded in this war. [/quote] Holy Admin will end this existence before any of the Orders disband.
  9. [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/DoomHouse_vs_Ivan.png[/IMG] [i](A small stretch because none of them were involved directly in the 6m War - but it's to "that whole side" in that that war and the war on Polaris were both attempts to draw out Pacifica)[/i] Who's next?
  10. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295931015' post='2598405'] You will be the [s]first[/s] second victim of the CN holocaust. [/quote] Darth Sion said it best, "As long as the dark side flows through the cracks of my flesh, I cannot be killed."
  11. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295930090' post='2598282'] Karma Kontinued. [/quote] It will kontinue, and it will kome bakk around again.
  12. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295928962' post='2598071'] None of the doomhouse alliances fought NPO in Karma, so don't say they wanted round 2, this is round one. IMO everyone in CN should have a chance to take NPO down a few pegs. [/quote] NPO 2.0 is right behind - don't you worry, you'll be knocked down a few pegs too.
  13. WEEEE ... And !@#$ just got fun [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295928088' post='2597854']We cannot allow any chance of a return to power by the New Pacific Order. For years they ruled with an iron fist. They engineered a multitude of first strike "curbstomps," the most grossly abusive among them being the glibly named Woodstock Masscre against the Green Protection Agency. Never one to face an enemy with an even remote chance of victory, and always one to beat on the weak and the vulnerable, the New Pacific Order was a true master of the first strike attack. They could not only beat down the weak, but they had maneuvered the politics of the day such that they could do so with impunity. [/quote] This was my favourite part. It was so wrong for them to do it, but it's so right for you and your friends now. At least there was finally an honest declaration tho - to prevent their re-rise to power. I'll give you props on the honesty.
  14. Very classy And a nice blitz to go along with it Good luck
  15. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295836798' post='2595197'] Though, I tend to think the Sith are good entertainment. So please do allow them to stay in a unrelated thread [/quote] Anything we can do for our war-wearied friends Campinkiller - you and me, we gots a date. As soon as the leash is released. I don't like to be left disappointed at the end of a first date.
  16. [quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1295780655' post='2593783'] [IMG]http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r160/qinqe/CN%20Graphics/AS6TheRayvon.png[/IMG] I have decided that such an epic-self-wedgie-fail deserves to have an award with a prestigious name. I have created one in your honor and therefore it shall henceforth and forever more be known as "THE RAYVON". Please consider this the initial award. I and possibly others shall examine your posts and make sure that your future gaffs are so graced. [/quote] 4 years and I finally get my very own Antonio original. I'm honoured, thanks buddy
  17. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1295723253' post='2592191'] any CB is good enough depending on the alliance. you seem to think that there won't be issues in the long run for VE though. sure you have some blind fools out there, but not everyone is blind. This CB is not good enough and all those defending Polaris or on Polaris's side has stated as such. [/quote] It's the deceitful, "two-faced" CB that isn't good enough. If he really had any integrity, he would have called it as it was. And that would have been good enough. Still would have sucked for Polaris being on the end they're on, but it would have been good enough.
  18. [quote name='King Chill I' timestamp='1295720071' post='2592126'] I dont get what all this boo hoo is all about. It was obvious after the first 5 minutes that this was a sting op. Why is everyone acting all surprised and shocked is beyond me. [/quote] The only shock and surprise is that Impero would actually go to such extreme lengths (it was already expected he could go to some length) -- and then still continue to act all righteous and innocent.
  19. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1295717348' post='2592078'] karma was and is a force of nature [/quote] Actually, Karma has nothing to do with nature. It's an essence of life held by a religious belief. But - at that time, it was very much a coalition. Not a tight-knit, everyone on the same side coalition - but one with a specific and unified agenda. A coalition.
  20. [quote name='Mark XIII' timestamp='1295716046' post='2592050'] I suppose it makes your case easier when you just look at a subset of the events that occurred. Before Lennox ever spoke with Impero he went to Dajobo and Dajobo directed him to us, which was when Lennox told of us this. As you can see in the logs posted in one of the other topics, that was not enough for us to believe that such a high ranking official in NpO would advise and accept information from the spy. So we gave him some information to get to the bottom of it, and what was Dajobo's response? I can't see the screenshots, re-upload them. But you can continue regurgitating your fictional opinion, I don't really mind enough to keep posting on the OWF. As for those of you who say Dajobo only trusted a friend, trusted a friend to do what, be a good spy? That he would get some good information from him? Obviously he trusted him not to reveal their communications, but that's obvious since he didn't tell us about it until he found out we knew. [/quote] The snipped logs (by the mods) posted by Impero himself showed he talked to, identified and bypassed the academy with Lennox before Lennox spoke with Dajobo.
  21. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1295715248' post='2592041'] No, I'm good. You guys might need one to wipe away the tears though. [/quote] Yeah, you're right ... We've been laughing so hard at Impero through all this .. Still - so very sorry for all those who got played by him. Not only does he not care about his own alliance and is willing to put them in harms way for his amusement, but he's also willing to do the same to all of them.
  22. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1295714305' post='2592024'] If there ever comes a day when Pandora's Box is truly acting like tC and their ilk, there will be a new Karma. That's how the world works. [/quote] You've got something dribbling down your chin there, need a tissue?
  23. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295713009' post='2591997'] Man, what is with you people? Idiot juice on your cornflakes? We did not 'hire', 'run', employ, commission or anything like that Lennox. What we did do was run a sting operation to conclusively prove Dajobo's involvement [/quote] So - you did or you didn't use (employ, run, hire - they all mean the exact same here) Lennox.
  24. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1295678132' post='2591386'] I love pointing out hypocrisy "You suck at this" "You suck for saying he sucks" [/quote] You made enough of a fool of yourself in the propaganda thread, you really should step out and let the big boys play. [quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1295706605' post='2591842'] Hey look, another post by Schattenmann. I wonder what kind of well informed reasoning he will put forth. You make a persuasive argument. This helpful contribution really convinced me of your position. Thanks for the constructive dialogue. [/quote] Constructive? No. But he was right. Impero has never been anything less than brute. Solaris, at least, can pass off for intelligent. But those words paint an accurate picture of Impero.
  25. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1295711260' post='2591951'] Right, because he was "an experienced former player". Which implies that Impero was aware of who Lennox was before he applied to VE. [/quote] [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295711611' post='2591959'] Yes, experienced players can skip the academy at the discretion of certain senior people. (For example I didn't have to go through it either.) So yeah I think he said to Impero 'Yo I'm Lennox, remember me, don't make me do the academy' and Impero agreed. I don't have the details of that though. [/quote] Yes - in the logs, Lennox had spoken to Kyber first I think who told Impero that he (Lennox under whichever name it was at the time) wanted to skip it. Impero insisted he had to know who it was. Lennox had not yet been accepted to VE till that conversation. And yes, it was before Lennox went speaking to Dajobo.
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