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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. You'd get some good chuckles if you got caught up. ;)
  2. Yes - but find me a "white peace" that contains two no re-entry clauses ....
  3. Didn't tell him to, but was still MORE THAN AWARE of what was going on. And so MADE AN ACTIVE CHOICE to put yourself in the middle. No BS here my dear. He's been given more than 4 or 5 warnings in such a short period and comes back doing the exact same every time. That's beyond 'trouble adapting.' Again, that lack of accountability you had in PNU is very clear in your choice of activities tonight. He wasn't supposed to switch, he was a Sith chasing a worthless Jedi who wanted involvement with the Sith. Nor do I have any desire to touch that ass.
  4. Again, YOU put yourself in the middle of it. And you want to demand everyone else bow to your authority and just walk away. And you call everyone here assholes? Your authority means shit, Fire Fox.
  5. Is that like how PAN didn't deserve any ire either? You don't stand for accountability, I understand. You're well on your way to making it in IRON gov. Remember though, YOU put IRON in the middle of Buckaroo and Rey's mess.
  6. IRON doesn't accept nations at war. But then again, IRON also honours treaties ...... So, I guess perhaps he [i]is[/i] with you.
  7. Leave it to a neutral to hit the nail on the head so squarely, I always hated when no re-entries get appended to a 'white peace' ..
  8. You've really displayed a strong and unquestionable understanding as to why NATO/TIO didn't accept that peace. It was certainly quite the amusing display, anyways.
  9. Educate yourself on his history before you white knight him and tell everyone else what they should do with him. Hell - maybe you should sign a protectorate with him if you want him to be treated by your standards.
  10. CIN .. If CobaltWolf's little troupe is even still around :popcorn:
  11. Very same could be said about those MQ'ers hiding out in PM at TOP, as mentioned earlier in this thread, cause they fought oh-so-hard last war they "deserve" to sit this one out.
  12. Have you met STA? :P Or read the insistence of some of their anti-coalition posts in recent announcements? ("a coalition side where some dont even acknowledge their belonging to it.")
  13. Those that can check their IC at the door, that is :-P Best of thoughts to you and your family vegeta100; having had similar loss within the past 2 months it's still fresh in my mind and heart how you must be feeling. There's never enough time.
  14. You don't need to "point out" my words unless you're trying to achieve something. I don't hide them or behind them, everyone can see/ignore as they see fit, it's only you who attempts to belittle me over it. Because youre a sensitive flower is not my fault. Toughen up, there's far more worrisome things out there than a couple small words. And you wanna talk about 'common respect' .....
  15. Your attempting to discredit my character and slander me based on my vocabulary. Your second paragraph supports this. A weak avenue to walk.
  16. You have no substance to come after me with except a few words i happen to have in my dictionary you don't that make you feel so morally and intellectually superior for not using that you have to attempt to rub my nose in them like a bad wittle puppy dog. You used to be good at this. So far you've fallen. At least Grub uses topics of matter. Come back when you have something worthwhile.
  17. I hold no illusions as to where we stand. Do continue.
  18. Very much enjoying it, yes. You're doing a much better job doing your whole sphere in this past month alone than we all expected to do just to you in our several conversations several months ago. Figures I talk about a weak mind and you're the first to respond with an unintelligible response to the post . Were your ears tingling?
  19. I'm quite chill. That you so quickly narrow down and equate broad actions to singular [i]negative conclusion[/i] is in your own mind. A sure sign of prejudice and a weak mind. Get the fuck over it, some people swear. Some people don't. Some speak English, some speak Italian. Our differences are what make us .. Different.
  20. lol you're still toeing this line? Haven't you guys fucked up enough to continue trying to push such retardation? I mean, I'm flattered we've managed to grasp and maintain so much attention with minimal efforts - but you're buttfuck stupid if you really think anyone beyond your own membership believes it.
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