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Everything posted by Enamel32

  1. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1353728376' post='3056673'] Sparta and XX cant lead anything, they are , (and its the smartest , most relevant thing they have ever done).... waiting for Duckroll and NPO to do that which they were unable to do. 2nd class alliances (SF/XX) in 2nd class blocs in a 2nd class power sphere. It is their future. [/quote] ahahahahahaha, if I didn't like my JA sig so much, I'd swap for this. I thought about making a jerkbag response back, but I'll let you sink your own ship. Have fun rush!
  2. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1353727422' post='3056663'] Let's allow Sparta to lead the charge against our bloc and see how that goes. Come on big boy. [/quote] I'm working on it.
  3. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1353710566' post='3056611'] Spartan brilliance at work once again. [/quote] U seem mad, but please, quote me moar. Spread my message. SPREAD IT!
  4. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1353703569' post='3056591'] Not everybody feels that way. [/quote] As I said, they're in the hands of the blood gods. What happens is what happens. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353702815' post='3056588'] C&G was also screwed over by MK last war though, people forget that for some reason. [/quote] Relative, of course. They certainly didn't get [i]as screwed[/i] as everyone in SF/XX. I'd say they were saved by MK in the last war. Creating that diversion against an isolated group to get attention away from LSF/NoR was brilliant, and reminiscent in strategy to the FARK pre-empt on NPO. CnG defending LSF would have spelled disaster for DH/CnG. Until MK pre-empted, CnG was just taking incessant heat. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1353704540' post='3056593'] You're correct, MK and CnG probably feel differently about it. [/quote]LOL
  5. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1353692477' post='3056567'] I'm all for TLR and C&G deciding their own future, but you should hold MK to the same standard you are holding LSF to. [/quote] Save their own skin and leave MK out to dry? Oh man, that would be some funny !@#$. I'm not sure the rest of bob will allow CnG that honor, though. At this point, CnG deserves anything MK gets.
  6. Ahahahahaha, oh man. This is good stuff. o/ Argent
  7. No flags? This is kind of a big announcement..... Anyway, good luck to you all.
  8. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1353035473' post='3053165'] VVVV We're not so bad... once you get to know us VVVV [/quote] You know, I can't argue with you here. Out of everyone in both DH and CnG, I think I like GOONS the most.........................
  9. [quote]Military Operations The IAFG shall retain 100% of all military operations. There shall be a 3 man council, consisting of one member of the IAFG, One member of the SDU and one Person agreed upon by both parties. Government Operations One member of the IAFG must at all time be a member of the Senate/House/ Parliament etc. These people are elcted by the people of the SDU. These people may run for higher office if they wish. [/quote] These are very shortsighted terms considering IAFG doesnt exist anymore. You won't be recuiting; therefore, SDU will always have a higher membership level than IAFG. The issue is that IAFG membership will always wield more power compared to SDU membership, especially as membership of IAFG ascends into the abyss. Good luck with that.......lol
  10. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1352951219' post='3052591'] Coming next is the TOP-NpO MADP! [/quote] I lol'd. That would be so funny. Not going to lie. EDIT: daww, at first I thought you said TOP-IRON MADP. Well, they'd both be funny for their own reasons I guess.
  11. Bummer for both parties. Aweful funny in retrospect, TOP informing me of how much I didn't/don't understand the TOP-IRON relationship. Good luck to both of you guys.
  12. Enamel32

    From: Martyrdom

    No, I know that I could write a scholarly article, blessed by every god ever imagined, and you'd still be butthurt about who the $%&@ knows what. Quite trolling my blog looking to stir.
  13. Enamel32

    From: Martyrdom

    I refuse to address your mindless frothing WoT. It surprises me you'd think I'd waste my time on such a thing.
  14. Enamel32

    From: Martyrdom

    Butthurt much are we? Did you not extort enough stats from us in the last two wars or insert other complaint?
  15. [quote name='salsabeast1' timestamp='1352505264' post='3050619'] Wiki for winner12345's nation. [/quote] omg, link to every one of his threads. Sparta's entire wiki needs a facelift, but I'm not the guy to talk to about that.
  16. Enamel32

    From: Martyrdom

    Thanks for the post Shahenshah, The pleasure has been all mine. Thanks for the post methrage. I can agree with most of what you are saying, but I'd like to address the above quote. You are right. This is what Feanor's post was getting at. Sparta, or any alliance for that matter, cannot force all its' opinions on all its' allies. If we did that, it wouldn't be long before our allies told us to get lost. However, again as feanor mentioned, there's a balance. You have to know which fights to pick. You can't expect to get your way all the time. Every relationship is a two-way street. You have to respect your allies desires, and your allies have to respect your desires. When that two-way relationship begins to change to an undesired one-way relationship, that's when re-evaluation needs to occur. Regarding Umbrella, they burned our candle at both ends long before that war imo. Umbrella always seemed to be a great ally until war came around, where they were incredibly unreliable and you couldn't count on them for anything. War after war, Umb left us disappointed.-Moreso than any ally I can recollect. Several members of Sparta were pro-cancellation even before that war, but were consistantly overruled by Royalty. At no point do I recall sparta being pro-DH (or PB), but again, 'two-way' street. At the time of signing, PB/DH posed no threat to us, so we had no real reason to express opposition. Once MK decided they wanted to take down XX/SF, there wasn't much we could do. Cancellation of the Umb treaty would ensure our rolling, and we wanted to give umb one last chance to make good with us: Umb not complying with our request to cash in our chips would destroy our relationship, and it certainly did. To specifically address your statement, I think it was largely the Umbrella-Sparta treaty that held that war off as long as it did. DH was trying to get Umbrella to cancel it before the war. Sparta was trying to get Umb to move away from DH. The war didn't start until TOP/MK ensured that Umbrella was with their coalition. Umb was the last piece of the puzzle so to speak. Umbrella had the power the change that war: We had no expectations for MK, TOP, DH or PB, but we did have expectations for our ally, umbrella. I think that's what makes that war hurt so much, because that entire war was firmly seated in Umbrellas decision making abilities and JA was too dense to capitalize on it. They chose their path and I have no sympathy for anything that happens to them now. Great, thanks Methrage. Now you got me rage posting about Umbrella. I hope I addressed your queries thoroughly. /Enamel32 breathes into paperbag I'd say that's generally true. Again, relationships are a two way street, so if someone is dead set on a treaty, yeah, there may not be anything you can do about it. But that begs the question, if they are dead set on the treaty, they really aren't considering your opinion are they? To address you're first comment, I think it depends on the level of feelings toward the alliance. Sparta has definitely considered cancelling treaties because of allies of allies. I can't think of any treaties we've actually canceled because of allies of allies, but seriously considered? For sure. I can think of one treaty in the last few months. A cancellation was even drafted, but never posted.-Last minute changes of minds. To address the second comment, yep, there are a few allies-allies I know I could be happier about. That's for sure. *cough*MHA-Umb*cough* I'm sure there's alliances out there that could be happier to be indirectly allied to sparta too. It happens.
  17. Glad to see this officially on paper. Love you lots legion!
  18. Enamel32

    From: Martyrdom

    Outside the jab, I'm not sure what you're getting at, because the success of foreign policy is based on many, many more things beyond the case I've posted above. Besides, at no point did I claim to have a successful foreign policy. @Feanor, That's true. A balance is key. Expecting to get your way with allies all the time is setting unrealistic expectations.
  19. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1352153526' post='3049069'] You will learn as you spend more time here how futile your efforts are. [/quote]I'll futile your efforts.
  20. You will learn as you spend more time around here, the success of alliances is often times based on the control of information. What you don't know can't hurt you, so to speak. I don't want to speak for U_S, but I think he just saying he wants more information in the public eye in general. Public information, after all, is what really makes bob and these forums go around.
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