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Everything posted by Enamel32

  1. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1355977982' post='3066199'] Who hates MK? [/quote] Surely, I don't hate MK. They're like, my favorite alliance. If I had to rank my top 5 favorite alliances: 1.) MK 2.) MK 3.) MK 4.) MK 5.) [s]GONOs[/s] MK They're 5 for 5 on the favorite ranking. I didn't even think that was possible!
  2. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1355956992' post='3066020'] Can you get them to hurry up with doing it? I'd like a war for a Christmas present, thanks man [/quote] No, don't hurry. I like watching ya'll flop around. I'm actually not counting on MK to do anything to start a war. My money's on a GOONs raid gone bad.
  3. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1355882723' post='3065580'] No one is claiming that there's zero basis in fact for any of it, but much of what is based on kernels of truth is exaggerated or out of context. For example, a significant number of MKers don't like Airme. Brickyard exaggerates that to say that TLR's "g[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ovt is extremely unpopular within the membership." It's not completely baseless but neither is it accurate.[/font][/color] [/quote] heh. I guess. If I thought Airme was the only unpopular one. Trying to put myself in your shoes, I would have suspected several people before him.
  4. [img]https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/492411631/gold_bars_reasonably_small.jpg[/img] 24k gold! It's everywhere! I'm glad to see MK has their head on straight in regards to their FA agenda. I think one of the best ways to be successful at anything, is to correctly call a situation the way it is, whether you openly admit the truth or not. Doesn't say much about their allies though. Best of luck bricky. Thanks for the laughs!
  5. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1355048834' post='3062075'] [img]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa159/tlgf1968/myspace%20graphics/family%20guy%20myspace%20graphics/Stewie_Griffin.jpg[/img] [/quote]My eyes! They burn! This should not be!
  6. Ahahahaaha, this thread is hilarious. U gaiz so funny.
  7. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354989087' post='3061809'] Sardonic Ardus Jonathan Brookbank Isaac Mathew Sir William Winner12345 [/quote] Sardonic, Ardus, Sir William, or Winner12345. Hmmmmmmm That's a tough decision. Makes me realize how dry this planet has become. I'll nominate Electron Sponge in all his timeless glory. Shouldn't we be doing CN awards at some point? I forget what time of year we do those. Rush Sykes. WPE 2012!
  8. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1354770908' post='3060812'] If you says so, then it's just another example of how CnG keeps signing treaties that will put themselves in a bad position in a near future. [/quote] I'm placing my bet now, this has potential to set up INT for a free shot at Nordriech! On a serious note, I'm not sure what to think about this treaty. Looks like it will have more longterm relevance. In which case, I don't foresee short term "bad positions" mattering much. Edit: Congratz IRON, I guess. Even though I don't like INT, at all. Maybe someday I'll come around.
  9. Dawwww, this is sad. RIP Jack Tarr. My condolences to your friends and family. He was so proud of his engraved AR. I hope someone takes good care of that for him.
  10. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1354673238' post='3060450'] Fredimedes visits vengeance upon OsRavan. [/quote] [img]http://www.inpapasbasement.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Simpsons_Yes_Guy.jpg[/img] Yes....YES! I'm listening! He better visit JA too! Godmother$%&@ingdamnit!
  11. It looks like there are no losers here to me! Well done guys!
  12. Ahahahaha US, this is a grand thread! [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354328289' post='3058771'] NG is probably just trying to hoodwink DR/NPO into thinking they have a chance in this potential hopeless war that will further cripple any and all opposition to DH but I can't be sure. But ask yourselves why they are allied to 2/3rds of DH even though they claim to have issues with the other third.. [/quote] Drunken rant or not, this is an incredibly interesting statement. I wouldn't put it past them, and it would make things very interesting. :>
  13. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1354382470' post='3059057'] Y'know I really hate having to repeat the words "No, that's not what I was saying" but seeing as we're all selective readers who choose to be ignorant of the opinions of anyone on "the other side" I won't blame you. At what point did I explicitly state that treaties of convenience were an inherently bad thing? If you read my post [i]again[/i] you will see that I call not for the end of treaties of convenience but for some honesty. The reason for signing treaties should very rarely be in the pursuit of friendship, it should be for a shared political goal(s) between two parties. When the goal has been achieved a new policy can be adopted and the old ties can be cast aside for new ones. If one party ends up getting shafted as a result of that then tough !@#$, that's politics. It's what makes this planet fun. It's also why many of the treaties being signed now will likely be cancelled sometime after the next war because new agendas will surface once the common enemy has been vanquished. Also those treaties you're alluding to were far from convenient for me (which is a massive understatement regarding my dealings with you Myth) If I was truly an expert on treaties of convenience I would've cancelled those treaties but instead I had to operate under the guise of 'friendship' because that's what the treaty was based upon and because they were convenient for my predecessor, I assumed they were convenient for me. I was wrong. Friendship has no place in politics. [/quote] As with most of your posts, I'm glad others have found words with which to address your statements, for I have none.
  14. [quote name='Happy The Hobo' timestamp='1354321231' post='3058741'] Edit: Again for all the negative nancies in this spidey thread this is for you: [img]http://i.imgur.com/2vMpv.jpg[/img] [/quote] XFD omg, I love this
  15. [quote name='JohnGaltOU812' timestamp='1354341072' post='3058878'] OOOH OOOOOOOH I'll play!!!! DR isn't a bloc [/quote] Errr well, circle of friends
  16. congrats e'rbody! I think you've made a good addition to the bloc!
  17. [quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1354129032' post='3057856'] If you think that's something that 'could happen' instead of something that 'is happening', you obviously aren't looking. [/quote] Woof woof WooF WOOF WOOF! Grr! Grr! Woof WooF! Woof woof WooF WOOF WOOF! Woof WooF! Grr! Grr! THE HELL IS THAT NOISE........ [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PPSRNqKGmMo/SoDzh5lGtdI/AAAAAAAAAXM/h5Je1Ih-o9A/s400/Fritz.jpg[/img] #1 Gaurd Dawg says hai thar!
  18. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1353868684' post='3057007'] There's still the odd miconception, I see, that TOP was the leading force in how that war played out. MCRABT, amongst others who were present, can tell you that this was not the case. The preempt was a joint operation by TOP and the signatories of Duckroll, and the decision to launch it was formulated and agreed upon by all involved. Where this treaty is involved, we haven't had much in common with Argent since Janax left. I won't bother with the "good luck" or "this was sad but necessary" or other assorted nonsense, as it is all trite in the extreme. Cybernations has been taking a dump for years now. These things happen and I care much less about them than I used to. Everything there is to do has been done before, and none of it is very interesting anymore; CN has not much of a future left, and even less at stake. [/quote]Translation: I'm gonna take over dah world while these haters getting mad. Good luck to argent and top! EDIT: I don't know how I didn't see this announcement until today! Maybe I saw it and forgot? That doesn't seem possible...
  19. [quote name= 'Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1353742350' post='3056752'] Fixed. [/quote] Durnk? Nevrar! Well.....I may OR MAY NOT have had a few PBR's and several shots of Tehkillya....Regardless, I wish you were all here in st4chyland. There happens to be enough booze here for everyone! (Except for that damn Jgoods!)
  20. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1353739488' post='3056748'] An entire government that I am no longer familiar with and a treaty with Polaris and Legion. In my mind, yep. You have. [/quote] Whoa whoa whoa! While it's not my fault you went innactive and couldnt keep up with our govt, hate on our the government all you want, but don't make implications like that on our allies. That's crossing the line buddy.
  21. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1353739003' post='3056746'] Hey man, we haven't changed one bit. :> [/quote] Well well! Isn't that interesting? We haven't changed one bit either. :awkwardsmug:
  22. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1353733715' post='3056722'] I remember a time when we respected Sparta. They were good people who had good people to do the posting for them. Those days are long gone it seems. [/quote] OH ADMIN *sniff* YOU HURT MY DRUNK FEWINGS JGOODS! *sniff* IM SOWWY TLR I HURTED YOU. On a more sober note, Some might say the same about you, J. I remember a time when we respected people within TLR. They were good people who had good people to do the posting for them. Those days are long gone it seems. [size=1]fake edit: can I get in trouble for plagarizing on bob? I hope not, that would be truly terrible. [/size]
  23. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1353729433' post='3056689'] It is ironic that the best you could come up with was "jerkbag response" because you cannot challenge the substance of what I said. I will make you a promise though sparky (and I always keep my promises).... some day, before I leave planet Bob, I will show you dated logs ONLY from the previous 45 days, dates a timestamps included, of very high ranking leaders on the "other" side, clearly painting how it makes them feel to have to work with (specifically) Sparta and Superfriends. If people look at me and think that it makes a !@#$% for dumping those logs when I decide to quit, then for them, I am sorry that I may taint my rep in their eyes. But, I have sat and watched specifically a disgusting Spartan arrogance for far too long, and firmly slapping them in the face with exactly what their new "friends" think of them, when I finally exit this grand world. Your alliance is a joke, and funny enough, its even a joke to some of your DIRECT allies. I cannot wait to show you. [/quote] Oh man, I didn't even read what you said. lolbooooze Look at that response. Ajajajajajajajajajaja I cant stop laughing ajajajajajajajajaajjaa.
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