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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. The first line marches forward to meet up with the enemy ground forces. Although outnumbered the imperial army is supported by dozens of Msta artillery guns, which lay down heavy suppression fire, while tanks and soldiers sweep around to the enemy’s flank in a pincer movement. They hope to engulf the enemy and force them to surrender but their determined blitz discourages Slavorussian soldiers, causing the line to falter. The hesitation to fallow through with the movement leaves the center weakened and taking the brunt of the casualties. As enemy aircraft approach the ground forces have only one method of defense, the 9K38 Igla portable SAM. At the same time, Slavorussia’s airbases farther inland launch squadrons of more modern MiG-35’s to intercept and engage enemy planes before they can inflict too much damage on Slavorussian ground forces, as well as escorting military transports carrying supplies and soldiers to the front line. Meanwhile, soldiers amassing on the northern shores of Nenetsia cheer as each enemy ship sinks, only to quiet down when they hear the screams of frightened and dieing soldiers as they slip into the icy unknown. In the sky the Su-27’s regroup for their final attack on enemy ships before they land.
  2. It's in our nature to overreact. Europeans are like tiny dogs, skittish but vicious. Anyway as long as no wars are started by this then we have no opinion either way. For those who choose to join the Holy Roman Empire good luck, for those who don’t, it’s understandable and good luck to you as well.
  3. We were hoping that once the conflict with Yacrania is over The Slavorussian and Dragon Empires could sign an optional defense agreement with trade options if possible. We just wanted to see if the DE was interested before we wrote the treaty.
  4. War With Yacrania! The Ministry of Defense has confirmed reports of a Yacranian invasion from the northeastern by land and sea. Slavorussian soldiers stationed in the southern bases of the Komi Republic have begun moving to what the military’s first line of defense. 50,000 of the Imperial Reserves, nearly half, have been called for active duty. The remaining 70,000 were informed today to be on stand by incase their service is needed. Government and military officials stated that the nation will be at DefCon 1 until further notice. This means that Slavorussian territorial waters all non allied military and trade vessels, with the exception of Grøenlandian vessels heading for Arkhangelsk, but Slavorussia’s EEZ remains open for all non military vessels.
  5. 20,000 Slavorussian soldiers arrive in the area accompanied by 300 Slavorussian T-90 and T-80 tanks as well as BTR-90 and BTR-T heavy IFV’s and the 2S19 Msta mobile artillery gun. The majority of the ground troops are equipped with AK-74M assault rifles, but the military feels this is a good chance to test out the new AK-105 model, so 500 elite forces have been equipped with the gun. The army sets up the first line of defense 205 km from the border. The remaining troops take up positions in Vorkuta as well as the on the northern shores. This is the fallback point for the remainder of the border defense troops, but those making it to the safety of the line are few and far between. In the opening strikes 1,000 of the 1,500 border patrol defense personnel had been killed or gone missing. It’s a devastating blow, but one that the empire expects to return in multiples to the invading forces, as Slavorussian bombers fly high over open fields and near roads unleashing their payload in enemy soldiers. As enemy ships approach the coast Slavorussia’s costal artillery, and SU-27’s unleash heavy fire on the ships off shore. Two of the fighters planes break away from the group and fly circles around the ships to draw away their attention, while the remaining 8 planes each fire one of their anti-ship missiles from over land directly at the ship’s hulls. If all goes well the majority of the Yacranian soldiers would die at sea, and the survivors would killed or captured once they swam to shore. ooc: Slavorussia is in Europe, the eastern border mostly runs along the Ural Mountains that separate Europe form Asia.
  6. I also think his name is Otto Vertidger too, and like many others I dont think he's posted in a few months.
  7. Native citizens are foreign entities now? Interesting.
  8. Operation: Oh no you didn’t! Slavorussian border patrollers are completely taken by surprise by the Yacranian surprise attack. The majority of guards stationed directly on the border are customs officers, not soldiers. They radio to the nearest military base near Vorkuta, in the Komi Republic, but it will take several hours before a substantial amount of troops can be deployed. The guards, armed only with pistols and a few automatic rifles make their stand, but are cut down within minutes by the massively superior numbers the Yacranians have brought with them. Fortunately early warning systems Vaygach Island give the costal defense operators time to prepare for the Kreigsmarine’s to attempt to land troops on the shores. One thing Slavorussia has in abundance in the area is air power. Vorkuta Sovetsky airbase is the largest airbase currently in operation in the far northeast. Stationed there are mostly long range bombers, and an aging squadron of Su-27 fighters planes with anti-ship capabilities. The bombers with a small escort are dispatched to fly bombing runs on the enemy ground forces, while 10 the Su-27 squadron fly to the shore loaded with Kh-35 anti-ship missiles, similar to the ones used in the costal batteries. In Moscow Primer Medvedev addresses that nation from his office inside the Kremlin. “Fellow Russians, citizens of the world, earlier today the military of Yacrania launched a deliberate and unprovoked attack on the Empire of Slavorussia from land and sea. Yacranian soldiers attacked our border crossings without provocation, and killed hundreds of border guards, while a Yacranian fleet sits outside our territorial waters. This attack on our sovereign soil, constitutes a deliberate act of war, one which we return to the Yacranian government. Our forces ever vigilant in their mission to defend this great empire are responding with the full might and unbreakable will of the Russian people. With confidence in our armed forces and the unparalleled determination of our people we will attain absolute victory over the invaders so help us God!” ooc: My ground troops will be ready to meet yours in the next post. Allies are welcome, but try not to be too overwhelming.
  9. There have been a lot of attempts to justify Slavorussia’s support of the UFE, and it’s imperialist regime, which as usual are not based on the facts. We realize some people still live in a different reality than the rest of the world, so we will have patients with those poor souls. They have the right to say, or believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how wrong they are. We admit the UFE used us as an unknowing meat shield to gain a foothold in Europe, while RUSSIAN forces beat back Belkan and Nordlandic invaders the Asian powers amassed a grand army off the coast of Northern Africa. They struck through the Meddeteranian, not through Byelorussia or Rossiya proper. So our hands though sullied by blood were only made that way because we have a right to defend ourselves from the western invaders. If there is any blood on our hands it’s because we didn’t do enough to prevent the Nordic and Asian hegemony from ransacking Europe, but when you really think about it, what reason did the west give us to defend them? Constant invasions from central and northern Europe have since Napoleonic wars, to the Great Patriotic Wars, the plight of the Russians was caused by the imperialist west Furthermore The negotiations with the CSSR were publicized by and monitored by the press, the Ukrainians invited the Dragon Empire to mediate, which they did. If you have any doubts about this feel free to contact the Dragons. Sadly the nation fell upon it’s own weight, but the Ukrainian people, our cousins are resilient and are already back on their feet. If the blood on our hands is enough to last a lifetime the former and some current leaders in the west have enough blood to last till the end of time. More to the point, we wish the Eurasian Union more success promoting peace than the CEU had, and we want to stress that we won't let the words of one brainwashed country effect our opinion of the whole organization.
  10. Anchor: Ever since Igor Kovalenko, a communist insurgent leader in Rostov City, surrendered his forces several days ago Channel One news and our competitors have been feverishly trying to get an interview with him. When we caught up with Mr. Kovalenko during a transfer he gracefully agreed to give us an interview, and our own Viktor Baranov was on the scene. [cuts to an outside balcony overlooking the Sea of Azov. Baranov and Kovalenko sit across from one another with a small round tea table in-between them.] Baranov: Mr. Kovalenko, thank you for taking the time out to give us this interview. There’s a lot of questions I’d like to ask, but because of time constraints, I’ll skip to the most important. Anyway Mr. Kovalenko I think the question that’s on everyone’s mind is, what exactly were you and your comrades fighting for? Kovalenko: We were fighting to maintain order, much like your government, only we wanted to preserve the communist ideals the C.S.S.R. had brought to us. I honestly believed the doctrine of the communist party in the Ukraine, and I wanted to protect that. Baranov: You say you were fighting to maintain order, but when Slavorussian troops first arrived you were starting riots, and harming civilians. What do you have to say to that. Kovalenko: I am not the highest commander in the insurgent army, and my regiment wasn’t the only one operating in that area. I don’t know who was responsible for the riots, but I can assure you It wasn’t me. I wish all my comrades were dedicated to the cause as I am, but some are just in it for money and power. Baranov: If you’re not the highest commander, then who is? [an intelligence agent off camera begins interrupts before Kovalenko can answer the question, causing Baranov to become slightly aggravated.] Agent: Due to security concerns and an ongoing investigation Mr. Kovalenko is not at liberty to discuss that. However we can assure the public that the insurgent leader is on the run and is no longer a threat. Baranov: Mr. Kovalenko, there have been rumors that you’ve cut a deal with the government to avoid prosecution, can you elaborate on that? [again the intelligence agent interrupts] Agent: That’s also classified, but Mr. Kovalenko is cooperating with the government and it’s investigation. [now visibly aggravated Baranov asks his last question] Baranov: Well sir, thank you for your time, is there anything else you wish to say? Kovalenko: I’d just like say that despite my actions, and the actions of my former allies, I was fighting for something I truly believed in, to those suffering from our actions I sincerely apologize. I feared that Ukrainian communists would be wrongly persecuted by the Slavorussian government, but I was wrong. We used violence to achieve our ends, and we hurt more people than we helped. Baranov: Thank you Mr, Kovalenko. [cuts back to news room] Anchor: you can find out more about this interview and ask questions of your own at www.!@#$.com.
  11. The FGR is hardly a European nation. With the exception of Arkhangelsk, parts of southern Russia and Monaco, the FGR is either North American on Asian, but we agree with your point. Libya doesn’t seem to be directly or indirectly threatened by the Kreig Empire, so what’s their angle?
  12. ooc: we panicked so much we accidentally launched our invisible nukes. Sorry.
  13. Then I think we all have a responsibility to keep it that way. Another Nordland--well I dont even want to think what would happen.
  14. We’ll give you a moment to think about how absurdly ridiculous your statement is. … Done? Good. Now watch as your account of events is picked apart for the world to see absurdity of it. First, the C.S.S.R. surrendered, negotiating the return of our land was a curtsey we didn’t have to offer. Secondly, We didn’t lie, or falsify anything, our southern regions were going to be returned no matter what, we were willing to negotiate the infrastructure built up by the C.S.S.R, which by the way was very little if any. Shortly after the C.S.S.R. diplomats walked out of the meeting the C.S.S.R. fell into anarchy, and we moved in to reclaim what was stolen from us. The Polish can support this.
  15. This is an interesting situation. We're allies with both Prussia and Bavaria. On one hand, we agree with Bavaria 100% we feel the Commonwealth should leave Lubeck's protectorate since they are doing all they can to make it independent, but on the other hand we respect the Prussians for their efforts in restoring Europe. On top of that they've been a responsible member of Europe's community. In many cases a situation would force us to be neutral, but that doesn't seem likely. The Slavorussian government urges everyone to take a step back and rethink this whole thing. Why should Europe be the battleground for another war? The commonwealth should embrace a newly independent country in Central Europe and work with Lubecks government to ensure a smooth transition.
  16. Although the jury is still out on this bloc, we can't help but let our views of some of the signatories taint our opinion about it. I guess we’ll see what the future holds.
  17. Slavorussia’s government would like to ask about the possibility of signing a treaty with the Dragon Empire’s collective nations.
  18. Engineers inspect the border In response to increased tensions in Yacrania, Slavorussian engineers are being sent to the border to inspect border defenses and make sure all is in working order. Slavorussian General Linked to the Dark Hand In internal leak from the Ministry of the Interior suggest that a little known General named Gregory Zorin is suspected of having strong ties to the Dark Hand terrorist group that has been operating in Arkhangelsk and the Komi Republic. The general disappeared in early April after Molakian troops captured St. Petersburg, and was assumed dead, but recent claims from within the ministry debunk this story. Although the Ministry refuses to comment officially, our sources indicate that the General was arrested a little over a month ago, and has been interrogated rigorously by Slavorussian Intelligence. If these accusations turn out to be true the Gregory Zorin could be charged with treason and promoting acts of terrorism, and since the military doesn’t operate by civilian laws he would surely face execution. Tatiana Zorin, the general’s wife chose not to answer any questions, but she did say that since her husband’s disappearance her husband hasn’t tried to contact her. She went on to add that she could neither confirm or deny her husband’s involvement in any organization besides the Slavorussian military. ooc: I wish you could Jed.
  19. This practice of ethnic politics may not end well for you. edit: lol mistakes.
  20. We thank you for the offer, but our soldiers can train near their bases. However threats of nuclear retaliation get thrown around too often by nations that should know better. We take these very seriously In our opinion this is not how two allies should talk to each other. Your tone feels very threatening, is Molakia failing in it’s struggle to prevent the Nordic rebels from gaining power, because if so, that means what remains of the Molakian Royal Family could be in danger giving us justification to restore the rightful government. ***Fallowing is Classified*** - In response to the increasing nuclear threat, Slavorussian spy satellites are scanning likely locations where these weapons could be found. The government has increased intelligence and heightened national security measures (aka DefCon 4) - The "Berlin Project" Slavorussia's nuclear weapon program has been reavtivated. The Army expects to be able to detonate a nuclear weapon sometime next month. ooc: I wunt n00kz
  21. The assertion that strategic and nuclear missiles are being deployed to Novaya Zemlya, just 20 km north of Slavorussia worries us. More worrisome is the fact that Buryatia doesn’t feel the need open a dialogue with it’s neighbors. Although it is their right to defend the island the weapons they’ve confirmed deploying are of an offensive nature, not a defensive one.
  22. Who said anything about military movements? All defensive drills are being done on or near bases and airfields. Some wires seem to have gotten crossed. Perhaps it would be a good idea to pull out your current informants and send in new ones.
  23. Due to recent tensions in Europe the military concerned that in a worst case scenario the armed forces wont know how to respond in time. The General Staff ordered the various military branches to begin routine defensive drills. The Ministry of Defense promised that the border would stay open, but rules and regulations at border crossings have been tightened.
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