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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. I like where I am. If anything I’d buy as much land as I could afford and claim as much of the Russian Empire as possible.
  2. Zoya is unsure of exactly what to do. She had had many encounters with royalty, but she’d never met a God-Emperor before. She nervously runs through the usual protocol in her head. She curtseys slightly and says, “It‘s a pleasure to meet Your Majesty,” as she slowly rises from her curtsey she smiles she adds “I understand Poliz is interested in trading with Slavorussia?”
  3. Great! Lord Vetinari, I thank you on behalf of the Prime Minister, His Majesty and the Slavorussian people.
  4. “Lord Vetinari, what you said, is exactly what I was thinking on the plane. As a matter of fact, I had one of my assistants draft a treaty with those exact parameters in mind.” Sergey takes a piece of paper from his assistant and places it in front of Lord Vetinari.
  5. I prefer to use a number closer to the real world population of the area I control, but I think this is a good modifier for people who control less populated areas.
  6. ooc: Just in a few cities in the south, where CSSR loyalists are trying to stay in power, but it would probably be too much trouble for you to get anything through there.
  7. We would certainly like to establish an embassy in Poliz, and we’d be honored to house one of yours in Moscow. The Foreign Ministry has dispatched Zoya Eltsina to the Polizian capital, and pending further talks will be appointed as Slavorussia’s ambassador to Poliz.
  8. No you haven't. If you're trying to smuggle weapons into my territory they'll be confiscated, and the smugglers will be arrested. If an interrogation finds out your government is funding this there's going to be some rocky roads ahead.
  9. “Yes, I had a nice calm flight, and when I landed there was plenty of sights to take in. I really liked driving through the city. It gives me a different feeling than most cities I‘ve been to.” Sergey takes a seat in the chair provided for him and continues talking. “Anyway, should we get down to business?”
  10. “Our territorial waters extend out for 12 nautical miles from the shores.”
  11. Sergey sighs as his plane flies out of Helsinki airport, heading toward Bavaria. He was relieved that things went so well, so many things are said about fascists, but Finland’s government seems to have broken the mold. A few hours later his plane arrives in Munich. As he’s driven through the city to the meeting place he remarks at how different the city is from Moscow. It’s very much a modern city, but it’s kept much of it’s old world allure. Every building has it’s own story to tell, but that was for another time, he had arrived for his meeting with the Bavarian government.
  12. "In situations like this we generally cut it down the middle. For instance the line would go halfway between Vaygach Island and Novaya Zemlya, and continue between the coast of Novaya Zemlya and Nenetsia and eventually out into international waters."
  13. "Excellent! I’m going to charter small jet and have one of my staff take this back to Moscow, as for myself I have to make a stop over in Bavaria. I promise you the treaty is in good hands though."
  14. Dmitry glances briefly at the map, while shaking General Zelin’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to be here General Zelin. I was just thinking that this is quite a tall building for a diplomatic meeting, does Buryatia do a lot of government related things here?”
  15. Sergey reads the paper a couple times to make sure everything is in order, then nods and reaches for the pen. “I can sign this now, which means it has the Foreign Ministry‘s mark of approval, but as a formality I‘ll need the Tsar and Prime Minister’s signatures. Once they‘ve done that our alliance will be official.”
  16. “That’s alright. During the occupation I was frisked quite often, I’ve gotten accustomed to it by now, it‘s just a minor annoyance.” Sergey chuckles nervously thinking about what he’s about to say next. “Mr. Gustafsson, the Prime Minister expects me to be honest with you. As you know we were on opposite sides of the issue over North Italy. Although we agree that the way Croatia handled the situation, especially toward the end, was wrong, the Prime Minister wants me to inform you that we‘re still actively working toward a regime change in a North Italy. We can‘t sit on the sidelines and ignore a government that would use lethal force as a first method to end a riot. … Anyway Premier Medvedev just wanted to be sure everything was out on the table before you agreed to sign anything.”
  17. Private conversation between the Tsar and the Prime Minister... and sort of public. “Mr. Medvedev, If I had to understand this situation to save my life, I don’t know that I would be able to. Why would a nation give up it‘s sovereignty like that? It‘s really ridiculous don’t you think?” “Hmm, indeed, Your Majesty.” “You will relay my concerns to the Dragon Empire during our next communiqué won’t you Mr. Medvedev?” “Of course Sir.”
  18. Slavorussia’s Romanov’s and Molakia’s Romanov’s are decendents of the RL House of Romanov. So far comrade and I haven’t decided what relation they have to each other.
  19. After Minister Lavrov’s plane lands in Finland, he briefly greets the press. He answers a few of their questions, then asks to be taken to the meeting with Finnish officials.
  20. Sergey Lavrov, Slavorussia’s Foreign Minister accepts the invitation.
  21. Premier Dmitry Medvedev accepted The Kingdom of Buryatia's invitation, and after a long flight across Siberia his plane finally lands in Buryatia's capital.
  22. An aggressive act against any first party aggressors against other aggressors will be met with equal aggression against the aforementioned aggressive aggressors for their aggressive aggression... Aggression!
  23. General Peter Yudin is not known for his morality, in fact he’s been reprimanded for using excessive force, and ill-treatment of POW’s in other conflicts. What he is known for is his extreme almost militant dislike of communists and the CSSR especially. He resolves himself to kill every last communist insurgent or communist supporter, but after his last stunt at the Volgograd train station Moscow will surely be keeping a very close eye on him. He quickly has to decide who in the chain of command he can trust, and who could potentially be sending information about his command back to Moscow. Under orders from General Yudin transports taking captured insurgents from Rostov City to the prison of war camp are told to stay off the main roads. Instead they use a new route, that curves and winds along the Donets River. In many places there‘s side guards on the road, which significantly increases the possibility of “accidents“ happening. The general’s trusted commanders in the area facilitate a number of accidents, killing scores of communist POW’s. On the battlefield the General’s commanders use equally deadly tactics. Claiming not to be able to understand the Ukrainian dialect commanders order their soldiers to shoot communist insurgents as they try to surrender. All this happening under the noses of Internal Affairs investigators, who lack evidence, witnesses or even any allegations to remove the general from his command. The General’s slaughter of communist and their supporters forces Igor Kovalenko, one of insurgents leaders to enter secret negotiations with the Slavorussian government. Although he’s reluctant at first, the Prime Minister offers him a light sentence for inciting the rebellion, and the establishment of a semi-autonomous Rostov-Volgograd province, in return for a formal complaint against General Yudin and more importantly convincing other rebel leaders to lay down their arms. He hesitantly agrees and the next day the four other powerful rebel leaders in the region surrender together. Each of the leaders file formal complaints against General Yudin and his commanders for murder and attempted genocide and other crimes against humanity. The doors of a full Internal Affairs investigation are about to be flung open on General Yudin. The question is, how will he react?
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