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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Slavorussia's border is wrong. I don't have any claim to land in Ukraine.
  2. the CSSR is a Central European Union Protectorate... for now edit: click the link and post there. edit again: the Ukraine and Moldova parts of the CSSR.
  3. The good news gets back to Slavorussia’s Royal Family in Moscow. Justinian, a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan considers it the “best damn thing I’ve ever bought.” He agrees to keep Mr. Stallworth on as a consultant with an increase in his salary, and various other undisclosed benefits. As soon as the deal is approved the Royal Family has the funds transferred to Mr. Stallworth’s account, and the Tsar plans a trip to Pittsburgh for the very first home game.
  4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Steel City, the home of the NFL’s most successful football dynasties. The Pittsburgh Steelers have six Super Bowl Championships as well as a vast number of conference and division championships under their belt. The fan base of this prolific team reaches around the whole world, even to the Imperial Palace at Moscow. Sitting in his home, watching television Justinian sees something on the gives him an idea. He jumps up and runs and rummages through a drawer, pulls out a checkbook and tosses it on the table in front of his mother, then says “Mama, how much money do we have?” She looks up at him over her reading glasses and frowns “A lot of it I suppose. Why?” He smiles and says, “call our accountant, a lawyer and the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I want to buy an American Football team.”
  5. ooc: You evil, dirty imperialists! Slavorussia declares war on New England. one hour later Boston is bombed with apple pie bombs.
  6. ***Private*** "Dammit they’re going to beat us into space by just a few days. Get me a Hollywood producer we need to fake a moon landing now!"
  7. General Belyakov’s soldiers have little time to mourn the death of their venerated commander. As sun rises over Volgograd communist insurgents take position at a military checkpoint near the city’s main railway station. Communist insurgents know that the train station is one of the main stops for Slavorussian supplies and equipment, taking it over will supply them with weapons, some vehicles, food and medical equipment and even disguises. Moments before Slavorussian guards change guard shifts, drive a car loaded with explosives into a military checkpoint, killing or injuring the soldiers. With the check point taken out busses loaded with insurgents have a clear path to the train station. The 200 Slavorussian soldiers stationed in the train station soon find themselves under siege from 500 or more insurgents with more making their way to the train terminal. The nearest Slavorussian reinforcements are camping at the airport 15 km northwest of the city, and wont be able to launch a counterattack for another 2 hours. With this in mind insurgents use their superior numbers and rush the train station. Even though they’re outnumbered the soldiers refuse to surrender and give up the train station. However the insurgents determination pays off. They send wave after wave of men to their deaths, gradually thinning out the number of soldiers guarding the terminal. In less than an hour communist insurgents manage to seize the train station and the valuable military equipment inside. Wanting revenge from the soldiers for inflicting heavy casualties the communist slaughter all but 20 surviving soldiers. Using abandoned Slavorussian radios insurgent leaders contact General Yudin, the new commander of the Slavorussian forces in the area, to inform him of the 20 hostages, and demand a ransom. The new general complements the insurgents on their victory, but refuses to negotiate for the hostages. Not long after the last transmission between Slavorussians and insurgents a Slavorussian air strike completely destroys the train station with the insurgents, soldiers and equipment inside.
  8. We would be more willing to listen to your argument if you were actually informed on the facts. We're not a part of the CEU organization, but even if we were this isn't a CEU operation. As for the effectiveness of the blockade, the fact is Italy isn't self-sufficient, we suspect they'll begin to feel the effects soon.
  9. I think the only thing we (supporters of the blockade) are trying to gain, freedom for the Northern Italians. Nobody is warmongering, except outside agitators. What Croatia is doing is applying diplomatic pressure with a blockade.
  10. Are European nations being criticized by a government that broke the long lasting African peace?
  11. Can you please add southwestern Russia to Slavorussia. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v284/Lyn...ngs/Ukraine.png Map fer yew.
  12. ooc: Why does anyone do anything? Because they can, or for the lulz. Anyway I just started buying a navy a few days ago, and for a long time before that I never had a problem finding things to rp about. edit: Me forgetting ooc tags = failsauce.
  13. ooc: since blockades don’t hurt Italy I feel less guilty about doing this. What’s the point in having a navy if you don’t use it? Ic: The Slavorussian government completely supports Croatia, and we would like to offer to send part of our Baltic Fleet to the Mediterranean for support. edit: after we get permission from about half a dozen other countries to travel throught their waters...
  14. “We’re were shocked when the cabinet and I heard of General Davis’s death, just hours after learning that our own General Ivan Belyakov had been killed. As the people of Slavorussia pray for and morn General Belyakov we hope they will also pray for General Davis and the family he leaves behind.” -Premier Medvedev
  15. It’s not a land transfer, it’s a reroll, and that usually means a declaration of existence will come along soon. edit: why is everyone using tags, isn't this an ooc thread?
  16. ooc: If anyone cares I made a bunch of mistakes in my first thread. 1. Ingame I can’t support 4 destroyers at the moment. I don’t know if that matters at all to anyone but instead of it being 1 aircraft carrier and 4 destroyers it’s more like 1 aircraft carrier 2 destroyers, and 2 subs. I’ve also added 5 additional ships to the fleet. 2. Also In order to avoid violating the agreement with FGR and Drakoria, and the fact that Rostov City isn’t on the shores of the Sea of Azov, any southern fleet would be stationed near Taganrog. There I gave you some of my sekritz
  17. ooc: huh, they changed the pictures of some of the resources.
  18. ooc: it's funny when I think of the chain of events that led to this moment, it kinda makes me feel like it's all my fault.
  19. ooc: Jebus Cripes weren't you guys having a discussion?
  20. That makes sense, we’ll agree to that. ------- Last night’s false bombardment and the constant propaganda campaign in Rostov City really takes it’s toll on the insurgents. Deprived of sleep and food for days their will to fight is nearly broken. Every time some worn out insurgents surrender they’re immediately interrogated by Slavorussian intelligence. Intelligence agents gain valuable information about insurgent positions and movements. The final remnants of insurgent fighters General Belyakov gives his field commanders authorization to begin clean up operations. Outside the military’s temporary command building several kilometers to the northeast, the General’s transport helicopter and it’s escort land on the lawn to take him back to Moscow for a meeting with the General Staff. Unbeknownst to the Slavorussians a group of insurgents operating in the town have been watching the building for a few days. They’ve watched as helicopters fly in and out of the secure zone, and relaying information to other insurgent cells. The helicopters take off from the landing area and fly north along a major highway with the general in tow. Insurgents already set up near the airport where the general is most likely flying, get word that the helicopters are coming their way. They’ve been told not to attack aircraft going in or out of the airport until their allies in Volgograd made their move, but the opportunity to kill the highest ranking military officer in the country is too much to pass up. General Belyakov and his escort unknowingly fly directly toward the insurgents, and before the pilot of the leading helicopter can react and rpg flies directly into the flight deck and explodes. The second helicopter tries to take evasive actions, but is hit in the tail by another rpg, which sends it spiraling out of control just before it crashes in the streets below, thus ending General Belyakov's long and successful military career in fireball of burning wreckage.
  21. The main problem here is that they're beginning to get petty concerning a small stretch to water. If they feel they need to protect the canal from the "big mean Tsarist Russia" that's fine, but what danger are power and telephone lines to them? edit: spell check
  22. Rostov City is sits on both sides of the don river. Certain things are reasonable, like a no fly zone, but destroying bridges and power lines is not. Civilian infrastructure is not a threat to you. It’s starting to look like you’re just being petty now. The passage is yours the land is not, but we will treat the river and canal like we would treat an embassy since armed guards need to be on hand to keep the water from-- whatever...
  23. I believe the area in question here is a city named Rostov-on-Don, sometimes called Rostov City. It’s a city we have control and administrative power over, the river, which is part of two canals, one that connects the Volga and Don rivers and the other that connects the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov is the only thing that is sovereign territory of another nation, so unless Pax Pacis let their soldiers swim in the river they haven’t trespassed into any other country. As most of you know we’re currently being engaged by communist insurgents from the former CSSR in the aforementioned city. It’s an especially difficult thing to do mainly because the insurgents are targeting civilians as well as our military. In recent memory we haven’t been forced to fight around our own loyal citizens our commanders hoped that enlarging the military presence in the city would frighten the insurgents enough to surrender. If Pax Pacis intruded into the river, and so far we haven’t seen proof that they have, but if they did, Slavorussia’s government and military command take full responsibility. In the confusion we didn’t take the time to explain the situation with the river, and it’s link to the canal. We were far more concerned with protecting civilians and law enforcement from insurgent attacks than we were about a few kilometers of water. Anyway we appreciate the help from Pax Pacis. The short time they were there, they helped us arrest dozens of insurgents. The number of civilian, military and insurgent deaths has decreased considerably thanks to your efforts. Again we take responsibility for the alleged soldiers who may or may not have trespassed into the river. There should have been more foresight used on our part, and we should have informed foreign soldiers about the situation.
  24. In line with General Belyakov’s commands a small Slavorussian artillery brigade is brought just outside Rostov City limits. Mechanized infantry units with loudspeakers drive through the city streets giving the insurgents instructions on how to surrender, and using variety of physiological warfare tactics. With the threat of foreign assistance the already outnumbered communist insurgents are on their toes. They’ve faced constant attack from Slavorussian forces, throughout the day and night, with little time to eat or sleep. Now that they’re tired and hungry, Slavorussian soldiers expect the insurgents to surrender soon. At just around midnight when the fighting calms down the artillery brigade starts firing their dummy rounds at the city. They constantly use this tactic to frighten the nearby insurgents, and every hour they fire a few live smart missiles at insurgents encampments to keep them awake and aware. After a few hours the false shelling starts to achieve the desired effect when small numbers the communist insurgents begin surrendering. Victory seems to be well within Slavorussia’s grasp, but that will end when communist insurgents in Volgograd make their move.
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