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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. The remaining two divisions stay in place long enough to buy enough time for the second line to get set up. They use the little artillery vehicles they have left to hold back the Yacranians, but they’re outnumbered and casualties are beginning to rise. Since both flanks are needed for the next battle, Slavorussian commanders order the retreat. As the northern and southern flank units start to retreat they sabotage any equipment they’re forced to leave behind to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The Slavorussian army admits defeat in the battle, but the Yacranian's dreams of winning the war will soon be crushed.
  2. Haha. That's where I wanna be too. Ask Ty and Sarah make a Justin sammich.
  3. Who is BaronUberstein? I've never heard of that guy before in my life.
  4. Whatever floats your boat. As long as you’re not bothering me do whatever you want.
  5. You guys are totally godmodding, metagaming, hacking, cheating and everything under the sun. Nah I'm kidding. I only read the first 5 pages then skipped the rest, made an IC post and never clicked the link after that.
  6. I think what sparked this latest discussion is my choice to refuse to rp unplanned wars, especially the kinds of wars where one huge group of people gang up on one country for the lulz. I'm not trying to come here everyday and pretend like I’m an angel and that I've never done anything that would give anyone a reason to invade me, but at the same time I'm not going to play the helpless lamb so as to satisfy somebody else's spontaneous need for lulz.
  7. Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will represent Slavorussia at the meeting. His plane should have already landed.
  8. I was going to make it a protectorate, because my imperialist libido is starting to rage out of control. Then after that I’d sell it to the highest bidder, but if you hadn't posted that link I would have never known about the meeting.
  9. ooc: I don't think spying in CNRP isn’t as serious as it is in CN. If your spies get caught you just deny their existence and let the other government execute them. ic: That's a very good point. By defending a problem country the Commonwealth could be creating a monster that might someday cause them more headaches than they're worth. At what point does this doctrine transform from a noble cause to an unbearable burden?
  10. If they don't rp the war what makes you think they're rp you nuking them? El Oh El. Hello! Anybody home? Think McFly!
  11. No matter how this poll turns our I still plan on sticking to my decision. I'm tired of the Lulz wars, and I expect other players to respect my choice.
  12. Not in Slavorussia. Nordland's occupation nearly broke this country to peaces. Our economy was at its lowest in 20 years, the suicide rates skyrocketed the number of orphaned children, or children without at least one parent went up by at least 15% and faith in the church was nearly lost. But that's not the point. The past is the past and we cant afford to waste time debating Nordland's effects on Europe.. The countries participating in the blockade must make sure that food and critical supplies make it to Nordheim. This could have ended horribly if it was left unattended. We will participate with the White Cross and any other humanitarian organizations who are sending food and supplies to Nordhiem.
  13. Dmitry is awaken from his unscheduled nap by Slavorussia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who has a letter from Nordheim in his hands. Dmitry sits upright on the sofa in his office, squints, wipes his eyes then stretches and yawns. Still squinting slightly he looks at Sergey and asks, “Well what is it? A declaration of war?” “No.” Sergey shakes his head and smiles. Given the state that Europe is in the Primer always asks that question first, but this time it almost seems justified. “Well then, it must be a threat of war at least? Or a strongly worded letter of some sort? ” Dmitry replies in a joking manner. “No,” Sergey chuckles while handing the letter to Dmitry, “the civil war is over and they want to exchange ambassadors with us. Since we didn’t take advantage of the situation and invade the Baltic Governorates” Dmitry looks up at him and jokingly says, “Damn I knew there was something we forgot to do.” Dmitry puts his jacket and tie back on and sits at his desk. He chews it over for a minute. Slavorussia’s nearest ally, Finland simply wouldn’t stand for it, neither would Molakia and Procinctia. To accept Nordheim’s ambassador would mean Slavorussia recognizes the current regime, but it could strengthen relations with Prussia, and who knows where the Austrians stand these days. More importantly how would people at home react. If things went well history would write that he was the great unifier he opened relations with the Nords and helped bring peace to Europe. On the other hand they could write that he was a traitor blind and naïve. “Meh, even some traitors are remembered in a somewhat positive manner, look at Lenin.” he thinks to himself. “Approve their request for an ambassador exchange, Sergey, but send someone expendable, like the former ambassador to RUSSIAN.” he says. Sergey responds, “Yes sir, I‘ll see if I can contact them now.” After that Sergey dictates a letter to his assistant which reads: After much consideration the government of Slavorussia agrees that it would be a good idea to establish a diplomatic link between our two nations. Therefore Ambassador Nikolai Ushakov has been officially appointed as the Slavorussian ambassador to Nordheim, shall carry out duties related. We shall also make arrangements for Nordheim’s ambassador in Moscow.
  14. ooc: yeah, I bought the Space Agency a month ago but I’m just getting around to making it public now. ic: Thank you. Incidentally Slavorussia is interested in cooperating with our neighbors to create a joint space agency.
  15. The Slavorussian people will not tolerate the government sending troops to fight and die in another war in a non-allied country, so sadly we cannot help Europe expel the invaders by force. However if there’s any other way we can help please just ask.
  16. It’s a noble idea, and if the commonwealth can get all Europe to work together then they have our full support. However we are a little skeptical.
  17. Kweshtun... lol you like how I spelled that? It's probably something people have asked 100 times, but I’m too lazy to look through any threads. Q: Do you have to have the exact same ships in rp as you have ingame? For instance Landing ships are pretty useless, I wanted to make them subs. Also battleships not really used in modern navies, I thought about rping my battleships as Destroyers. What's the rule? Just wondering.
  18. I voted yes, because when I read this it sounded to me like people have a choice. Nobody is going to force you one way or the other. Therefore I'm pro choice.
  19. 3... 2... 1 Blast Off! The official opening of the Slavorussian Imperial Space Agency’s new Kapustin Yar-2 launch site was started by the agency’s long awaited space launch. When SISA first started planning a series of space missions in early 2007 they were hindered because of low government funding and a gross shortage of cosmonauts. At the time the government was more focused on eliminating the Dark Hand and not space exploration, however SISA eventually got their funding. The unmanned rocket lifted off from its launch pad around noon, while enthusiastic onlookers witnessed the momentous occasion from the viewing stations. While many bask in the moment, SISA director Anatoly Perminov remembers the many people past and present who made this possible. “The mission that started with the Sputnik Program continues today and will continue for generations to come. The Russian people are natural space explorers, and I expect our space program to do great things” After today’s successful launch the government promises to increase funding for future SISA objectives including a manned return to the moon, and putting the proposed space station Mir-2 in orbit. SISA says it will have to replace the Soyuz rockets and spacecrafts before manned missions begin, but they plan to have a functional prototype by the end of the year.
  20. Yes, but it happened after I said I would declare war on the Dutch. You piss me off all the time, but do I try to roll you everyday? I think if Lavo brought you a solid reason for you to be rolled you would agree with him, and therefore go along with it. But for instance the last war in Europe was bs, everyone knows it was just because everyone was bored and wanted to roll someone. If I elbow someone and apologize immediately after they (usually) don't beat me to within an inch of life. More to the point HHYAD doesn’t have to endure constant war, or constantly rebuilding from those wars. He sits in the middle of North America and can rp whatever he wants. I on the other hand have to make sure everyone knows I have border defenses, because I have unfriendly governments west, south and east of me. It gets really tiresome after a while.
  21. If I can't roll in nuke you destroy your entire army then make you my puppet and force you to run every rp idea you have by me first, then wait for my approval before you can post, then why should I allow you to destroy my country? Lets remember that the Americas, where you rp, are for the most part stable. You guys aren't constanly forced to fight each other, where as Europe and from time to time Asia are constantly fighting over the most trivial things.
  22. I put this under the idea that one player cannot force another to rp something they don't want to.
  23. I'd like to point out Nordland probably only won because I rage quit. The war began in the NC's favor but half the world was about to attack them, and apparently Sargun was about to betray them. I felt so overwhelmed at the time that I didn’t fully realize how much support I had, so I just gave up. In hindsight I honestly believe all that planning would have been for nothing if I had fought to the end. Anyway, on some level I agree with you merger. It could be less fun, then again maybe not. However constant war isn’t my definition of fun, I won‘t be upset if I go 6 months without a war. I’ve had my fill of drama for a while.
  24. Slavorussia's government openly denounces the actions of President Polly Richards. Your actions have opened the floodgates, and now that they’re open we doubt you’ll be able to close them. We pray The Curristan Democracy Front will be able to restore the country to it’s former glory.
  25. After extreme fighting in open fields and along roads Slavorussia’s poorly assembled defense finally breaks. The Yacranians psychological warfare tactics had been worn down the soldiers almost as much as their guns had. At the beginning of the battle the enemy had been surrounded on three sides by divisions of 5,000 soldiers, but now the center force was cut down to less than half of what they started with. The commanders of the middle line order full retreat to Vorkuta, while the other two divisions draw enemy fire by attacking their flanks. The battle on the landing grounds appears to be going much better for the Imperial Army. They have a large array of weapons, from machine guns, assault rifles and snipers, to tanks and artillery pieces. They also use their position on the high ground to their advantage. Artillery and tanks give the infantry cover by shelling the beach, at the same time machine gunners saturate the landing area with bullets. Enemy suppressive fire has little effect on the vicious assault coming from the hills. “Cut down every man!” shouts one enthusiastic soldier as he reloads his gun “Send them to hell where they can pay for their crimes against the Russian people!” The soldier’s voice is drown out by the roaring sound of machine gun fire, but the everyone around him who hear him shout in unison “URA!” The battle cry quickly spreads as more and more soldiers, and that soon becomes a “Za Rodinu!” meaning “For the Motherland!” ooc: lol I had no idea what to do after that outburst of patriotism, so it feels to me like it kinda got cut off too soon.
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