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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Stop spamming the forums with doctrines that do nothing but state what's obvious. I'm sure somebody will come here and argue with me just for the sake of arguing, well to you I say, shut up.
  2. ooc: If you noticed the gun first, I have bad news for you.
  3. Anti-communist propaganda, most likely made by "evil" Slavorussian oil corporations.
  5. Because we said so. Your point has nothing to with the comments made by the Slavorussian government, and therefore you have no need to remind us of anything.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen our own Channel One reporter Edward Nikitin has a breaking story live from Kolguyev Island. [cut to videa then live reporter.] That‘s right, Peter right now I’m at bunker on a government test site in the northern part of the island, and what just took place is being hailed by many as a huge leap forward in Slavorussian’s national defense. Just a few moments ago the military successfully detonated a small nuclear device, and Peter I have to say, the turnout for this event was larger than expected. Although it’s not open to the public, I’d guess there’s at least a few hundred government and military spectators here. Chief military officials, Ministry of Defense personnel and the Prime Minister are among those who attended the test detonation. If you look behind me, way off in the distance you might still be able to see the mushroom cloud formed by the explosion, and what an explosion it was. I’m sure you’re wondering exactly what went on here today, well basically a military plane took off from a base on the mainland and flew over the target several kilometers away from us. When they were directly over the target they dropped the bomb, which detonated before it hit the ground. After that we saw a bright flash and a huge fireball fallowed by a loud explosion, then watched as the visible shockwave emanated from “ground zero” and over the landscape. Althought it was small, just in the kiloton range, it was an amazing display and a huge historical milestone for the armed forces. I talked briefly to the Minister of Defense , who said that this moment has been in the works since the German’s nuclear attack on Helsinki during the Gebivan War, but was put on hold several times because of pressure from the Tsar and Parliament to avoid the temptation of turning Slavorussia into a nuclear giant. The Minister added that now that the flood gates are open there’s no stopping the country’s nuclear program from expanding. The military already has several rocket delivery systems in mind, and plans develop them more as time goes by. As far as how exactly nuclear weapons will effect policy is up to the Prime Minister, but the question that seems to grip everyone here is who will have authority over their potential use? Some want the authority to stay strictly within the Parliament, but others believe in times of crisis the bureaucracy of Moscow could only slow down and ruin any chances for a nuclear counterstrike. One thing is positive however and that’s that Slavorussia will adhere to a no first strike policy, to ensure that Slavorussia’s nuclear arsenal will remain a deterrent, and not become a offensive weapon like past European regimes seem to think. I think we can all say for sure the next few weeks are going to be very exciting as the military hammers out the details of the nuclear program, while politicians in Moscow determine who has the right to use them. Back to you Peter. [cut back to newsroom] Thanks Ed, make sure you keep us updated on the events unfolding there. In other news, eating too much could make you fat. Find out details tonight at eleven.
  7. “Slavorussia has been very unsatisfied with the choices the Dragon Empire has made lately. Although the Dragon Empire’s constituent states Dragonisia and the Melvin Republic have been greatly helpful and kind to us in the past they have recently fallen off the path. Hopefully they can learn something positive from this." -Premier Medvedev
  8. To whom it may concern, the government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia, We are greatly honored that you have invited the Slavorussian delegation to attend Buryatia’s independence celebrations. Prime Minister Medvedev and Foreign Minister Lavrov have expressed interest in attending. Conditions permitting both hope to attend, but if one is unable to attend the other will surely be there.
  9. “It‘s not easy being the Tsar,” Justinian says to his mother while he watches the palace guards escort Paul out. He expects her to say something back, but she doesn’t, she just frowns at him. It’s not an unfamiliar frown, he’s seen it hundreds of times growing up, and every time it precedes a long boring lecture on why it‘s his job to uphold the ideals and values the monarchial institution is based on--and blah blah blah. He doesn’t know she’s looking at him like that though, he thought he’d exercised a good amount of restraint, so he asks, “What‘s wrong with you now?” “I cant believe you‘re asking me that question Justin. You just sent your own flesh and blood to a place where the people are going to rip him apart.” “I know.” he replies calmly. “It‘s his punishment for his treachery. I‘m trying to sustain an empire here mama. We have communists fighting us in the south, Germans in the northeast, and fascist from all over. I won‘t tolerate fighting from within, especially not from my own family.” “I cant believe you‘d condemn your own cousin to death. You‘re walking a thin line between what you‘re trying to protect and what you‘re fighting against.” she snaps, as Justinian walks away from her toward the door. “I‘m not putting him in immediate danger. I’m sending the Imperial Guard will watch over and protect him, but he needs to be taught a lesson, and since you wouldn’t let me hit him I had to try a different approach.” “Yes, but…” “I’m done talking about it mama, I’ve made my decision and it’s final.” Justinian replies while checking his watch and walking out of the room. He notices it’s already noon and he hasn’t eaten yet, and his stomach starts to rumble. Just as he rounds the corner toward the dining room he looks up and sees an old love interest, Christina Radziwill. He stops dead in his tracks and moans, “oh crap.”
  10. The behemoth Ulyanovsk class aircraft carrier, The Vindicator and her escort the destroyers The Vigilant and The Victory are keeping a watchful eye over the Gulf's sea lanes.
  11. ooc: Guess who is the largest Baltic Sea power. ... give up? It's ME!
  12. “What‘s this now? Do they think anyone is really going to buy that load?” says one confused soldier to the rest of the members of his unit. “It‘s the last desperate act of a dying government trying to save their @#$% from being sent to labor camps.” replies the unit’s leader. “Ignore it, we‘re only a few blocks away from the Yacranian‘s Parliament.” The enemy attempt at taint the loyalty of the army had ultimately failed. The only anti-propaganda technique the Slavorussian commanders use is the national anthem, played over the loudspeakers. The anthem acts as a rallying cry, and calls the Tsar’s armies to defend the Rodina. When they return home they’ll all be heroes, they’ll have all the things promised to them by the Yacranians and more, the Prime Minister has even promised them a parade when they come home. Truly nothing the Yacranians can offer could trump what they know they’ll return home to. A huge force of Slavorussians begins to congregate around the Parliament Building. The ground forces set up a multi layered perimeter around the building, guarded by armed guards, tanks and watched over from attack helicopters in the sky. Nothing comes within 5 city blocks of the Parliament and nothing leaves the perimeter. The Slavorussian special forces take a few hours to set up, and form a plan on how to proceeded. When the time is right Slavorussian Special Forces teams make their move. They shatter windows and bombard the building with tear gas. As the teams storm the building they toss concussion, flash bang and smoke grenades in to distract and incapacitate the Yacranian soldiers. Slavorussian soldiers take no chances, they use highly aggressive tactics as they enter the building, and neutralize any perceived threat. “Surrender” they shout as they enter. Anyone who refuses to fallow their orders is given a free ride to the gates of St. Peter. The Slavorussians move relentlessly through the building with one target in mind, the perpertrator of this fiendish war, Markus Wilding.
  13. It'll take a lot of time and hard work to even begin moving forward from the past. Ultimately it's the people's decision whether or not we can put away our recent past together and move on, since they were the ones who were hurt the most. “I didn't know they had any such concept down there in the south Pacific. I’m learning new things everyday." -Same MP
  14. So Vaule reemerges to plague the world with it’s indecisiveness and cowardice. What a shame. -Bitter Slavorussian MP
  15. I feel at times like this it’s important that we be completely honest with those around us. I must admit it came as quite a shock to myself when I heard of your relationship with another woman. I, being of advanced age and deeply influenced by the church, had my misconceptions, my opinion of your personal relationships has no bearing here. However in matters of international politics I believe this new approach could harm your country and the good name of your family. If it’s respect you seek I’m afraid you may only find pain and suffering. I just want to advise that a certain level of discretion could mean the difference between happiness and sorrow. Either way, on behalf of your cousins in Slavorussia we wish you the best, and may you be happy Sincerely Maria Romanov-Zagwe, Dowager Regent
  16. … we’re now going live with Edward Nikitin outside the communist party headquarters here in Moscow. ----- After a huge blunder by the government prosecutor in the Yudin war crimes trial, several notable communist party leaders have come forward and accused the government of “putting on a show trial to protect the imperialist leaders from public backlash after it endorsed the murder of POW‘s and innocent non-combatants in the Rostov-Volgograd region.” Some more outspoken communist party leaders even alleged that General Yudin’s orders were not his own, but in fact came from Premier Medvedev. Peter Yushchenko a known communist hardliner called the Prime Minister a thief and a terrorist. However tonight as thousands of furious Slavorussians protest outside communist party headquarters it seems like the communists may be regretting their words. Most are here directly protesting the accusations made against specific government members, mainly the Prime Minister. This is because many Slavorussians feel that the current head of government is a savior. His approval rating skyrocketed after the CSSR dissolved, and continued to climb gradually along with the economy. “He‘s helped us go from complete ruin back to a regional power in just a few months. I don’t know how anyone could even try to slander him like that.” said one protester outside the communist’s headquarters, and the majority of people would agree. Since he was elected Premier Medvedev has played a roll in the dissolution of the Greater Nordlandic Reich and the CSSR, and that was had a major impact reclaiming lost territory. The Prime Minister’s national defense initiative has also gained him huger support, Slavorussia now has an effective strategic missile defense shield, a respectable navy, a larger army and more advanced technology. The demands of the people gathering at the communist party’s headquarters are simple, they just want the comments withdrawn and a public apology. However communist party leaders say they stand by their words, but as the protesters numbers grow larger by the hour it seems more and more likely that they’ll have to or risk loosing the popularity they’ve gained in the past couple months. Right now it looks like if the communists want to keep their seats in parliament, they‘re going to have to withdraw. I’m Edward Nikitin reporting live from communist party headquarters in Moscow ----- Thank you Edward we‘ll be sure to keep up on these events as they occur. In other news, have you heard the bird is the word? Find our more from chief ornithological analyst Peter Griffsky on Channel One news at eleven…
  17. “It’s the viewpoint of the Slavorussian Empire, that these false Christians may possibly pose a threat to the Royal Romanov bloodline of Molakia. At the current time we have the option to invoke Article 4 of the Romanov Pact, but we’re waiting for Molakian government to clarify the severity of the threat. At this time Slavorussian special forces are organizing and planning just incase their presence becomes necessary.” -Premier Medvedev
  18. Patriarch Kirill I of the Slavorussian Orthodox Church finds this kind of violent behavior to be unchristian. "Hate begets hate and violence begets violence."
  19. You asked a vague question, so you got a vague answer. As stated before, it would be easier to give a more specific answer if you asked a more specific question.
  20. We dont shroud our threats behind veils, please make sure you remember that in the future. You've invaded a protectorate which the people of the Hansa entrusted to the world. You're disrespecting the wishes of the people and their leaders, which you apparently must have had great respect for or else you wouldn’t have relied on them so much. What you're doing in unacceptable and makes you look like a irresponsible member of the world community, it would be a good idea to withdraw and go about this the right way. Also To answer you question, one would need more clarity. There's a lot of things in that area, and many countries have owned the region recently. What's there could range from geographic formations, to old ports and facilities, or sacred artifacts.
  21. No ground forces would be needed to convince you withdraw your declaration of war on the world. Consider yourselves on notice.
  22. Slavorussia’s Mi-24 series attack helicopters descend from the sky onto Wildingrad. They support ground forces perform reconnaissance missions. The information they gather is extremely valuable for the Slavorussian army. The Yacranian suicide attacks are carried out with varying degrees of success, S-mines and booby traps kill or maim hundreds of unprotected infantry, or disable armored vehicles, but the Slavorussian army has built up too much momentum to be stopped. Troops and tanks fan out throughout the city, securing almost all North south and west exit routes. They plan to leave the east open, so that the Yacranian Wehrmacht will have the option to retreat and be captured later, rather than possibly force them to fight harder. As they press into the city their main target becomes apparent. Yacrania’s Parliament Building must be captured or destroyed. Slavorussian commanders opt to capture it, but wont hesitate to destroy it and everything within a city block if it becomes absolutely necessary.
  23. Invading another nation's protectorate is essentially an act of war against the protector. Basically we believe you have declared war on the world. Maybe it would be a good idea to revoke your claims and try again the right way?
  24. Preemptive nuclear attacks will go well for you, there's no way they wouldn't.
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