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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. You have no right to do anything with the world protectorate without consulting the world first. We could care less about what is in the area, and assure you that if we wanted it we would have made that clear a long time ago. It's a matter of principle, not desire.
  2. While the Slavorussian government denounces the actions of Borghese’s Blackshirt “thugs” the Patriarch of the Slavorussian Orthodox Church, Kirill I asks both Popes to do what is best for Catholics around the world, not what the politicians tell them to do.
  3. If you’re suggesting military action, I’m afraid that’s not a path we’re willing to take at this moment, because all diplomatic avenues haven’t been fully explored.
  4. The Slavorussian army quickly transports the Yacranian soldiers captured in Voroningrad to POW camps in various provinces of the Empire, most are situated in Tver, Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Komi. Captured soldiers in the POW camps generally get the same treatment as loyal Slavorussian soldiers. Low rank soldiers are housed in barrack like buildings, and officers have their own separate quarters and showers. The food might not taste good, but at least enemy POW’s won’t starve. Meanwhile Slavorussian troops depart Voroningrad, on their way toward Wildingrad, which is already under siege by the Slavorussian army, and air force. Artillery bombardment and Air strikes on enemy position are carried out every few hours. After a little recon and intelligence gathering, a few elite forces and sniper teams infiltrate the city and prepare to support the invasion force. At the same time thousands of soldiers, dozens of tanks and IFV’s converge on the city for the final attack on Wildingrad. A few hours later, as ground forces begin to move in and take the city, loudspeakers attached to armored vehicles play the national anthem at full blast, focusing the sound toward the city. As the song plays Slavorussian soldiers salute the flag that they plan to raise over the city when the battle is over. When the song ends the battle begins, the main force enters from the southeast, while two more branches attack from the south and northeast. To protect foot soldiers from enemy flamethrowers they march between columns of armored vehicles. within minutes the outer parts of the city become flooded with Slavorussian soldiers. They go building to building checking for enemy soldiers, or snipers, then advance. With each step Slavorussian soldiers take, means Yacrania’s defeat becomes more and more imminent.
  5. Just because we didn’t make it crystal clear that we oppose the claims doesn’t mean we don't. The World Protectorate is exactly that a WORLD PROTECTORATE, but we nor the rest of the world have never been consulted by those with a desire to claim parts of the protectorate. For that reason, and perhaps that reason alone we oppose any claims, and refuse to recognize those claims.
  6. SOI only factors in for the first claims. Where is everyone getting the idea that you can't grow outside your SOI through a little rp?
  7. Communist Insurgency Surrenders! Primer Medvedev met with leaders of the communist insurgency during his visit to Volgograd today, and formally accepted their surrender, effectively ending the insurgency. Slavorussian forces have been embroiled in conflict with former CSSR military since they stepped in to reclaim the lost territory from the defunct country in late July. The Prime Minister told the press, “I believe today‘s events are a sign that the country is on the right track towards recovery.” The Prime Minister has several skeptics questioning if this is really the end of the fighting. Some opposition party members in Parliament believe that communists insurgents will only fight harder now, using devastating guerilla tactics to accomplish their ends. General Viktor Makarov, the Premier‘s candidate for General of the Army and Chief of the General Staff told Moscow Star reporters, that the remaining insurgency’s numbers are far too small and weak to wage a successfully guerilla war. Local residents are glad the fighting is over, and eagerly anticipate the return to normalcy that the armed forces in the area have promised. However some locals fear their lives will never be the same. Many families suffered heavily during the war and the occupation, simply for their loyalty to the crown. Suicide rates in the south were among the highest of all the occupied regions, as many would rather die than be sent to CSSR labor camps. Recent data estimates that the suicide rate in the most populous parts of the south nearly tripled. Primer Medvedev plans to attend a ceremonial wreath laying ceremony for the victims of the CSSR occupation and the Nordlandic-Slavorussian Wars before he departs for Moscow tomorrow.
  8. Slavorussia has reached full deployment of 100,000 soldiers in Yacrania, most entering via land, because the invasion by air had devastating consequences. The bulk of the army marches toward the capital, while smaller branches fan out to capture or destroy important targets in the country. Their main focus are airports that can be used to support the massive army that’s sweeping through Yacrania. Despite the overwhelming numbers Slavorussian ground forces are forced to slow their advance to clear paths, or avoid being caught in enemy kill zones. During their downtime they’re constantly attacked by young enemy suicide attackers. Although soldier’s armor protects them from most damage some are unlucky enough to be stabbed where they have minimal protection. “Status report lieutenant.” “Sir, the enemy have retreated to their capital Wildingrad, where they’ll most likely make their final stand. We currently have air superiority over the southern and western regions of the country up to Voroningrad. However our ground forces are being slowed by enemy booby traps. That coupled with suicide attacks, and flamethrower infantry are causing the bulk of our casualties, which are slightly higher than anticipated.” “Send troops to capture Voroningrad, then have them support the attack on Wildingrad from the northwest. Order all aircraft in the area to target those Flak88’s, and focus artillery fire in the center of Wildingrad and enemy troops concentrations. I want to this war to be over before Sunday mass.” Upon the general’s orders Slavorussian artillery unleash havoc. They begin constant bombardment of Wildingrad and it’s surrounding areas. Slavorussia’s Msta artillery guns position themselves south and west of the city, guarded by infantry armor and anti-aircraft guns. They relentlessly bombard troop encampments inside the city, only stopping to reload. Meanwhile two divisions of mechanized infantry begin to converge on Voroningrad. The screeching of Slavorussian fighters and bombers in the sky make the beginning to the battle for the city. Tactical missiles are launched from the sky with the intent of devastating all the military infrastructure in the city. If successful the ground forces will surge forward into the city and clean out all enemy soldiers units.
  9. I agree, especially about having a seperate map for Antarctica. I've brought that up a few times already, and I know a lot of people have before me, but I have no idea why it never happened, especially since a couple blank maps were posted. Anyway if a new map is made, can we try to make it one with all major lakes already drawn in? I guess the mapmakers would do what they did the last time and make it fit today's RL borders.
  10. ooc: I r confused. So you've been controling the native people of AmpaSand's country the whole time?
  11. However the Slavorussian people have been forced to labor and toil under multiple oppressive governments, and frankly we agree with Promised Land's opinion. Even though we support healthy expansionism, we haven't seen sufficient evidence to prove the government in Morocco deserved to be attacked and conquered. Therefore we support any attempts to reestablish independence, if the native citizens choose to do so.
  12. This move is supported by the Slavorussian Empire. National sovereignty is a right no nation should give up.
  13. The palace guards break up the argument, then separate Justinian and Paul. Hoping to find out what started the argument, Justinian’s mother, comes in and sits with him. As she walks in the room she sees him sitting in a chair with his arm on the armrest, and his head resting on his fist, looking calm, and detached like in a trance. Even though he usually looks that way when he thinks, this time he seems very glum. She interrupts his trancelike state to ask him what happened, and although he doesn’t think she’ll believe him, he tells her anyway. While they talk Maria agrees that it’s a serious accusation to make against a royal family member, but she believes him anyway. A few minutes later Paul is brought back into the room. He sits at a tea table, across from Justinian, who stares coldly at him for a while. Maria tells him that she knows he has some kind of relation to Gregory Zorin, and advises him to tell the truth. The confident and snobbish aura he usually displays is completely gone, now all that remains is a sniveling husk. “I beg Your Majesties for mercy,” he says while groveling on his knees “I was weak, and I made a mistake. The general deceived me, he said he would help us win the war, and I could be a part of that.” “You betrayed me, Paul, I don’t care how nor why, but because of you I was forced to live like a rodent. For three months I had to endure unspeakable torture. I had to murder to stay alive because you wanted a taste of glory.” Justinian barks, as Paul shuffles on his knees over to him. “Please tell me what I can do to fix this. I‘ll do anything you tell me to, I’m not a traitor I swear, I thought I was doing the country a service…” Justinian leans forward, rising to his feet, and shouts, “Doing a service?! The only thing you managed to accomplish was our surrender and collapse of the government, I should let you hang!” *Ahem* Maria coughs lightly to get Justinian’s attention. “Mama, What do you think is appropriate punishment for his crimes? On one hand he helped cause the events that led to my captivity, but on the other hand he‘s extremely--stupid. Should I have him put on trial for treason?” “It‘s your decision, but I suggest some discretion.” “Hmm, you earn a yearly salary, as a royal family member don’t you Paul, how much is it? “250,000 rubles a year.” “You own property too don’t you?” “Yes, I have a home in St. Petersburg.” “Good. Paul, you‘ll give ¾ of your income to a charity of my choosing, and your home in St. Petersburg will become--an orphanage. However I‘m going to let you have a taste of glory. I’m going to pull a few strings to get you a commission in the army, then send you to Yacrania. After the war is over you‘ll serve as viceroy.” Justinian smiles coldly, “Enjoy the Siberian winter.”
  14. Because that's obviously too fast, and all the stuff Sarah said.
  15. Just cause other people did it, does it make it ok for people to do the same?
  16. It was more like a series of events that started with the NE invading Nordland to the collapse of the CSSR. I think people have given you the links for most of those events, so it's all good.
  17. I got some events for ya. Some, in relation to CNRP as we know it today, are ancient. Some of my favorite events. Also the links for all the wars with Nordland and Slavorussia are missing from here because im too lazy to find them. Maybe KM knows where they are. Also again, the naming of some of the events are kind of biased, but oh well. Date: March 16, 2007-May 18,2007 Name of Event: Coup in Moscow/URPR-Slavorussian War Link(s): http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/...c=58417&hl= Nations With Major Involvement: Slavorussia, United Republic of Puerto Rico, Russany Date: July 14, 2007 Name of Event: Ball in Moscow (Dark Hand attempts to assassinate world leaders.) Link(s): http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/...c=76901&hl= Nations With Major Involvement: Slavorussia, Russany, Procinctia, Norfolk, Transvaal, Ghost in a Shell, Kashlinkov Date: May 26, 2008- June 8, 2008 Name of Event: Stand off over the UAE Link(s): http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=23803 Nations With Major Involvement: Slavorussia, Sahrani, Rebel Army, Promised Land, Ishiopia, Ghost in a Shell, Neo Japan, Kanteero Date: January ??, 2009-April ??, 2009 Name of Event: Great Patriotic War(s) Link(s): ??? Nations With Major Involvement: Slavorussia, Nordland, Northern Empire, Vaule, Rebel Army, Mariehamm, Norway(ADI), Azerbaijan, Nova Roma, Magna Europa, the rest of the damn world…
  18. Invading Yacrania is more difficult than expected. Slavorussian vehicles have a difficult time getting over the rubble and debris left over from the bombings, but this is little more than an annoyance compared to the barrage of bullets coming from the enemy army. Casualties on the ground are higher than originally projected, but that doesn’t slow down the Slavorussian army’s offensive. Soldiers keep firing their assault rifles, and tanks keep firing their turrets. The paratroopers have their own complications to deal with. Some had missed their drop points, and have to survive long enough to regroup before they can start seizing important military installations, notably enemy airfields. By now the Yacranian government and military command should be learning the full scope of the counter attack. Roughly 50,000 soldiers 800 tanks 125 artillery guns and enough supplies to support the army moving on the ground, while an additional 10,000 soldiers, parachuting inland, mostly near airfields that the army can use to send another 25,000 soldiers tanks and artillery into the country. As refueled bombers take off for another run at the Yacranian's military infrastructure the Primer Medvedev makes a statement: “The government and military of Yacrania began this war when they attempted to blindside us during what they perceived as a moment of weakness. However due to the determination, might and superior technology of the Slavorussian Armed Forces the enemy invaders have been successfully repelled, and our ideals of liberty justice and equality have been preserved for future generations. At this time the full force of the Slavorussian military is engaging Yacranian forces in their borders. There is however a way out, if the Yacrania surrenders, but if not I fear we will only see more death and destruction, and it will be on your hands. The decision is yours."
  19. Should assume that since Prussia is no longer an independent state that the Treaty of Kalisz is now void?
  20. 1) Fascists are fascists, we care little for the subtle differences of your destructive and frankly backward ideology. For future notice we'll question whatever we want, whenever we want, and whoever we want. Learn this and you may have one less enemy. 2) This is what you say, but we'll see what you really do. 3) We have a fair population of people you would classify as "gypsies" and they are not criminals, murderers nor invaders. Forcing anyone to leave their home, without just cause or proper compensation is morally abhorrent, and we’ll continue to tell you that, until you either adjust your backward moral views, or your country collapses from the instability that you’re likely creating.
  21. We generally don’t comment on what’s going on in the western hemisphere, but we’re going to make an exception now. The CFNA government has been making a lot of noise lately, however this seems like an step too far.
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