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flak attack

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Everything posted by flak attack

  1. I don't see a picture of Stickmen. Does this mean the terms aren't valid yet?
  2. And GPA had absolutely no interest in fighting anyone, and look what happened. It's lonely at the top.
  3. Too many girls, not enough guns. Other than that, good to hear.
  4. I doubt any of those three will be allowed to continue fighting Vox or FAN when this war ends.
  5. MHA, GGA, TPF and NPO. At this point, MHA is the only one that matters. The others will likely find that they can either give FAN peace, or find themselves in FAN's shoes.
  6. Nothing is inherently wrong with it. I'm saying that it gives an alliance the political capital to have the control NPO had. Sparta would not have been able to pull off the NoCB war the way the NPO did, because they don't have the battle hardened relations NPO does.
  7. Nukes taken can be seen as a sign of status. Some people, like Moo, see it as a sign of their power. Moo is seen as a figurehead of Hegemony, so he was often a target of rogues. Others see it as a sign of experience. All other things being equal, would you rather fight a person who had taken no nukes, or someone who had taken 40?
  8. Based on Tyga's record, I find it hard to believe that he had anything to do with Gen[m]ay's terms. I find it most likely that Sponge's terms were never discussed with Tyga, likely knowing that he would never agree with them.
  9. No, but Sparta has never been as vocal as NPO, nor do they have the same amount of connections. NPO fought to get where they are, Sparta did it quietly for the most part.
  10. I #$&%ing love toads, especially ones that talk about battle.
  11. Also, TriCom declared on AiD, not TDE.
  12. It's usually up and down. A lot of people leave alliances after wars. Look at GPA and NpO. Both of them had half their membership losses in the two or so months following the war IIRC.
  13. I think there's a group of guys that will argue to the end that an alliance can be ordered to disband, and still come out of things rather well. You can find them here: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance...p?Alliance=Fark
  14. GPA had the top spot from the Unjust War to the War on Peace, so about 5 months.
  15. I chose my alliance based on my ideals, not my ideals based on my alliance. Sure, it would be nice if there was a form of protection for unaligned nations, but he can't expect the rest of us to put up with the NPO putting us on a beat down list every time they feel like it. He's dealing with an occasional tech raid, while the rest of us are dealing with an organized crime ring.
  16. I didn't even know they had put out terms.
  17. This is pretty much the best post in this topic.
  18. I just noticed that IRON has a higher average NS than NPO now. Per nation, they have lost less, and have had fewer surrenders. Interesting...
  19. You don't want to try and beat Doitzel on the PR front. Doitzel helped create an alliance of over 300 members in less than a week, as well as getting the only non-NPO member on the red senate in two years.
  20. Karma is interested in peace. The problem is that NPO clearly is not. EDIT: It sounds better than does.
  21. For large portions of Karma, that would be a reason to attack them, not a deterrent.
  22. They've put on nearly 150 members since the first day of the war. And TDO and GATO certainly seem to be taking advantage of the chaos. Both have thrown on large numbers of nations.
  23. I did that when I did update... If you had to do it too... WHOSE FACE AM I GOING TO BE BREAKING?
  24. Nah, we would make them they would make us fly Karma POW POW.
  25. What if Karma POW members started surrendering to Karma? WHAT WOULD WE DO?
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