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flak attack

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Everything posted by flak attack

  1. Aluminum: Cattle: Monathin Fish: Iron: Akatsiya Lumber: Marble: flak attack Pigs: Akatsiya Spices: Monathin Sugar: Uranium: sumcallmeben Water: sumcallmeben Wheat: flak attack Sign up, foos. Also, this is also posted on the MK forums (here), so if someone signs up there before you do here, they get the spot, so be quick.
  2. It wouldn't at all have surprised me if GPA did something to avoid sanction. They really have no desire to be sanctioned, and when I was a member, several discussions were had on how to avoid getting sanctioned, including the possibility of a membership cap (though that was usually thrown out pretty quick). The fact that they have regained it with little effort says a lot about the community.
  3. I think he's talking about the NPO losing capital in Karma war, not the GPA during the war on peace. I think it's pretty much agreed on at this point that the war on peace happened because GPA was ahead of NPO in the rankings and had one of the most pathetic CBs of any war. We're talking on level with the NoCB war here.
  4. Unlikely. Look at who they have picked up recently, it's mostly fairly new nations or returning members. GPA doesn't look too highly on people that surrender during a war. Remember, half the alliance left during the war on peace. You think they want to deal with that again?
  5. No he didn't. See 'unsure'. Different word, same meaning.
  6. I'm almost certain that we will never see NpO sign a treaty with NPO again.
  7. That's because no one lives there. IIRC, GPA has several members over 60.
  8. What a ridiculous claim. I don't believe in sarcasm. Doesn't matter. Aqua still has the most nukes. IRON's nuke dump seems to have brought orange down from the top.
  9. Yeah, C&G. 10th in score but 5th in nukes.
  10. We only have 1/3 of the top 18 alliances. I fail to see how we're "beginning to take over the race"
  11. An interesting government setup. I look forward to seeing how it works out for you.
  12. Ivan was couped. He eventually left the game and came back, starting a new alliance, since he obviously wouldn't have been welcomed by the NPO.
  13. It's Adam Sandler. Billy Madison was the movie.
  14. Federal and Hindu. Gotta support Karma, you know.
  15. People got sent to pink because no one was on pink.
  16. PC has dropped some serious nukes. Didn't they used to be over 20 per member?
  17. Mogar got the !@#$%* sense of humor voters. It's apparently a powerful voting block. This man is brilliant.
  18. Oh what fun those were. Large part of the reason I avoided anything over handler like the plague.
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