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General Kanabis

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Everything posted by General Kanabis

  1. We know who our friends are. Do you? Embrace casualty dualism. Embrace loyalty > infra. Embrace Cybernations as it was meant to be played. Join COBRA
  2. It would be easier, I imagine, for some alliances to write down who they are not in a relationship with (for the sake of space). Since that's what folks really wanna know. Anyways. For COBRA- We invite you to come find out.
  3. Too low. Even by my standards. So moving on... Find your way to COBRA. Find your way home.
  4. Are they though? Tech can be horded Infra can be horded Wonders can be horded But casualties alone can be horded and distributed simultaneously. A subtle balance between greed and benevolence. It is this duality of the casualty that gives it value IMO
  5. Nationalism at it's finest! Congratulations to LUNN, and good choice. o/ TIE
  6. Someone pointed out that we'd eventually have to cover the hole leading into the cave. If only Sisyphus would put that big rock of his to good use...
  7. Do you like hanging out with COBRA but feel like it's not the right fit? No worries. And no need to resign yourself to a gameplay experience that is anything less than real! The Imperial Entente is a veritable home to intellectuals who enjoy a good book and making things with their hands: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=14637 Kashmir has a long history in this world and they are always quick to recommend the best jams: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=10170 Non Grata are tough and well versed in the skills necessary to bring pain upon a common enemy: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=10097 Sellswords, the rebirth of a legacy and a fairly active community that values loyalty above anything else: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=15977 Ordo Cyberneticus have a bright future ahead of them and they are eager to breathe life into a dying game: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=16209 Haven are a quiet bunch, their origin story is a patchwork of culture and friendship: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=15756
  8. Not entirely. Because a protectorate is still a treaty And because your ties with TTK weren't solidified until immediately after their last war ended. Lucius is also privy to certain details about your attempts to treaty another alliance recently. So if anything, it was actually a bit underwhelming. I'd have gone with the phrase: MUST TREATY AS MANY ALLIANCES AS POSSIBLE, just to be fair.
  9. Yeah but they didn't get to all of em lol Grats to WS Despite my personal feeling for CAWLS, it's a solid arrangement for you guys.
  10. Not quite But there are limits. We try to be reasonable. This isn't Bannedcare lololol
  11. Some alliances project their insecurities by staging recruitment thread wars and bragging about custom tech deals as if that idea was new or something. Here is a loyal Warlord and Kashmiri resident advertising an even higher tech rate, long before certain other "rerolls" created their nation- While these practices are not widespread due to logistical and practical reasons, we do what we can because we know where we come from. We're not massively wealthy, or in possession of treaties with all the major players for the sake of tech farm safety. We are the opposite of an elitist amalgamation of pixel hording cowards, and that more than compensates for not being able to offer 9tRiLlIoN-peR-tEcH-pOiNt lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
  12. Don't be a tech slave to a faceless, big-for-nothing alliance. Besides financial security and fair tech rates, COBRA offers; certain death, at least one good war per year, 3BR trade circles cus the other ones are overrated (Legend did the math bruh), memes, culture, and maybe even a personalized emoji! Did I mention certain death?
  13. Someone was bound to claim them sooner or later. It was either this or defend them in battle, but I respect both of those outcomes. Trotsky and his 9 billion dongs are safe now.
  14. Casualties are earned, for the most part. Agreed. Never thought I'd see the day we'd both be spectators. Question isn't if they could have or not. Question is, did they? And if their current state of affairs is an indication of the result, what next? What an interesting conflict.
  15. DoE, Always a sight to see Hard to find new players these days. Recruitment methods have changed drastically- Anyways, welcome back I guess. Make sure you visit the servers and mingle!
  16. Don't need a facemask when you have this- What a lovely day to join COBRA!
  17. You forgot to mention SNX. Also, you misspelled "Roll".
  18. It's the adventures you don't embark on that cause intrigue. Have fun at the round table
  19. KoRT has always stood for values I admire, including their passion for uncovering large multi rings. That said, their unwillingness to defend themselves in the past is catching up to them now. For years they have allowed the Doombirds/CLAWS to prey on them. Their upper tier thought to solve this issue by retiring into permanent Peace Mode. As for the current invasion; No tangible justification was given but it has been hinted at. I don't see Polar calling in their allies and this gives me hope for the future of CN.
  20. I don't suppose TTK will actually join in, just having some fun with the above request
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