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General Kanabis

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Everything posted by General Kanabis

  1. We don't need to mock your alliance merge, you do a good enough job of that yourself.
  2. How characteristically unoriginal and unclever of you. Thank you for making my point.
  3. You are the problem with CN. People like you who feign detachment from the CN experience. If this is such a dustbin as you call it, then why are so many of your allies recently active here, signing treaty after treaty and announcing their their own sense of relevance with anniversary threads?
  4. He does not Neither do his sPeCiAl fOrCeS dOoM sQuAd
  5. Some fine work there, Kap. Memes are the fuel that keep this game going. Let the ruling class tremble at a Trollish Revolution...
  6. COBRA salutes the NG initiative and we urge other spheres to consider a similar approach, especially if your allies show up on the DBDC war page.
  7. If you measure relevance by quantity rather than quality, then I truly pity you. Besides, when it comes to Walsh- He stands not alone...
  8. If you want war, just ask Or don't We also love surprises!🤰
  9. That would be when they let aNiMaLz take over their alliance and basically handed it over to Furry. Pic related;
  10. Welcome back, apparently. TLDR .Methrage and Junka were eventually defeated, but a bunch of Furries adopted their kids .Oculus thinks they run the show, but DBDC is actually in charge, Doom won .And pixel hugging is still a thing If you found any of the above repulsive, please visit gulag
  11. RIA, I hope to see more of you in the near future. o/ Non Grata :frogsiren:
  12. I'd make the 'sounds more like a merger' joke but someone already did.
  13. I'll give you that, in the distant past maybe. Going rogue on Nordreich (and WAPA), hiding, claiming retirement, then jumping back to AA was not exactly characteristic of traits once associated with your person. Strong word for a strong bond. We burn often, true, but we burn together and we burn for a very long time.
  14. And since you edited out my other response, I'll just post it again- These are all just numbers to you. To us, they are family.
  15. Oh darn, I guess I'll have to let you walk all over my friends now! Lololol You are a coward Cowardly moves are predictable
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