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General Kanabis

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Everything posted by General Kanabis

  1. Wrong. Those of us who joined up did so as volunteers. This is not the case with your side- Planet Bob must rid itself of your negativity. Your PoV is what ruins the game We are surrounded by Furries pretending to care. Time to clean up house.
  2. Dear OWF It was very kind of NPO to send poor Jonesing reps. Those of us who were watching feel compelled to stress the importance of discipline: Highlights of this season: -Canik loses the meme war: -NG forces entrenched but not defeated -Furry promises to storm NpO but they don't: -RFI is losing a grip on its members due to boredom (more about that later) -Oculus still won't admit they are in it for Furry and they refuse to address peace talks -And FtW has yet to lift its ongoing sanctions on a COBRA nation This broadcast has been brought to you in part by contributions from the Nusantara Elite Warriors. Bless them. o/ War
  3. 2748 In game activity always helps
  4. You'll like Holden, I hope. McCarthy is always an excellent read. Back to topic; .Furry bad .Non Grata bold .Oc mad .Rest of game, cold
  5. I may have skipped the content but I was not attacking the poster. The reference, believe it or not, was a sort of compliment (Neutrals being like the Centaurs of our world; neither here nor there, but fiercely independent and highly intelligent). I have plenty of literary characters I can compare you with, here's another you might recognize: "You're a formidable riddler and I'll not match words with ye"
  6. Seeing as his mouth is currently puckered up firmly against IRON's ass...
  7. @Martialis don't take the bait. It isn't worth the time. To paraphrase Hagrid in HP, "Never try an' get a straight answer out of a neutral. Ruddy stargazers. Not interested in anythin' closer'n the moon."
  8. All he said was you talk alot for someone who is a neutral and that your assessments, though correct most of the time, are superfluous. Wall of text not necessary imo
  9. iirc, members on your side were having a similar issue last April. Similar, but not identical, seeing as the latter left the game very much against their will.
  10. A 150 day old player (who gathered 30+ nations in less than half a year) might not seem like much to someone who measures merit solely in terms of sycophantic meanderings, but try to keep up; As you are drained by this ulcer that stunts your growth, others out there are thriving. Pic related-
  11. Yeah, people like you ruining this game. Don't be so surprised that folks aren't exactly flocking to your side of the argument.
  12. I had no idea FtW was a humanitarian group. Well done, Furries.
  13. I'm just getting warmed up. Sorry I'm not as verbose as the crowd you hang with Care to elaborate on those "facts" you provided earlier? Or are they as imaginary as the "exciting and accomplished CN career" you brag about all the time?
  14. There really isn't much of a difference. You are quite irrelevant to be sure, but as you lend your voice to defend Furry, it is evident you are all one and the same.
  15. Canik and Deebo be like: Meanwhile, the rest of CN:
  16. You gonna get on your tiny bicicleta and pedal away if we validate your relevance?
  17. Exactly this !@#$%* attitude that kills the game. Gtfo and don't look back if it's such a challenge to participate beyond making useless doomer remarks. A clown is a clown, But aren't we all? In a world full of hunger and greed... When mayhem is law, And chaos yet breeds, Your view, coulrophobic indeed.
  18. Enough to to warrant a full scale Oculus Invasion. By all means, tell us exactly how you plan on fixing that aside from being ignored in every thread. It's by design. Do stop by again, admin knows there isn't anything else to look at here. You're welcome.
  19. NPO actually, but it's pretty much the same thing at this point. I have trouble understanding some of his messages, but only because I'm not fluent in idiot. @Smitty256 care to translate?
  20. Speaking of dolts- Challenge accepted @Stonewall14
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