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Peter Ilyich

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Everything posted by Peter Ilyich

  1. The Republic of Alaska recognizes this nation and hopes for friendly relations in the future.
  2. Boeing 757 Crash in Browerville Browerville- Earlier, a Boeing 757 Airplane crashed while attempting to land in Browerville, coming from Anchorage. Above is a picture of the plane while in the air somewhere around Healy. It is estimated that over 90 percent of the people on the plane crash died and people across the nation are devastated as just after the independence of the nation they are already devastated with a loss of many. The crash, ironically, happened right next to the a memorial, however the building was not damaged at all. The President will be making a speech tomorrow in regards to the unfortunate topic.
  3. How Did Tikal Fall? Tenochtitlan- Following the collapse of a world superpower, Tikal, the Plains Federation moved troops into the Mexico City / Tenochtitlan area to secure it as a protectorate, and assist in maintaining it. However, the question of how Tikal fell continues to send questions to the people all across the world. In fact, there was recently some Political Scientists from Denver who took a trip to the anarchic lands to look into the topic. They concluded, after spending 5 weeks researching files and documents, concluded that debt may have been one of the main problems. To the outside world, Tikal was a superpower that was possibly the perfect nation. However, on the inside, it was a crumbling nation with no money and a terrible atmosphere. The nation, although a superpower, was one that was doomed to fall.
  4. Holy crap cent. You realize if you win, you will literally be mapmaker for every rp. Are you going to have time to update then consistently?
  5. Haha! Nice one, Shave N Haircut! Sorry Triyun, but that was quite funny. Although, I shall play Switzerland as I don't exactly know you. And Shave N Haircut, I am Foch, nice to meet you. Although, my name is (hopefully) going to be changed soon, so public service announcement: Don't get too used to the name. Anyway, on the topic. This RP really is becoming an OOC RP rather than IC. For me, if your OOC threads are getting more posts a day than IC threads, there is something wrong.
  6. Cent is being enemy-ist! Also, isn't the inactivity time 30 days, or am I just dreaming?
  7. There is all white space where Juneau is. Just sayin'.
  8. Government Formed, President Elected Juneau- The Republic of Alaska's government was formally elected last week, after early voting took place a month ago and official voting last week. Republican Sarah Thompson was elected to the office of President by winning over 70 percent of the vote, in a dominating victory over the Democratic party. Juneau will be the seat of the nation, and will hold most foreign embassies. President Sarah Thompson made her inaugural address yesterday, and discussed different bills, endorsements, and investments she thinks the nation would benefit from, most of which should make the Republican Party happy to have her as president.
  9. You don't have to give me all of Alaska's southern islands, but if I could have enough so that I have Juneau, I would be quite happy.
  10. Apologies in advance. Due to the fact that i have no clue what to write about on Bohemia, that is to be scratched. If I could have Alaska, as the Republic of Alaska, that would be great. Again, apologies. P.S. available Alaska, of course. DoE shortly.
  11. President Calvin Coolidge would arrive at Logan, and await Alfonso Boccelli. Once he noticed Boccelli arrive, we would walk up to the man, knowing it was him because, well, Coolidge knew an Italian when he saw one, and extended a hand. He would muster all the pride he could and said to the man, "Good afternoon, you must be Mr. Boccelli? I am President Coolidge, very nice to meet you. You are the guest, so shall we take a walk or should we head a few streets over to Fanual Hall?"
  12. I'm not doing no map. Go right ahead Mogar, I couldn't care less about being mapmaker.
  13. Thank the almighty lord that I have partners that deal with all this foreign & war crap, rather than me having to do it for myself. In other words, thank god for Mara and PD, I am very thankful.
  14. Witch Trials Remembered in Recent Prosecution Fitchburg, Massachusetts- The recent prosecution of a 67-year-old female in Fitchburg is sure to bring memories of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s. Sister Abigail Sands of the Fitchburg Catholic Orphanage was recently accused of Witchcraft, and apparently the case was enough to bring to court and soon, led to the first prosecution of witchcraft in over 200 years. The sister, as stated by the prosecutor, "possessed incredible, supernatural, skill when caught burying the body of a fellow nun," The fellow nun was supposedly Sister Sarah Andres, who went missing 72 hours prior to the accusation. The trial then went to Springfield court, where a 'superstitious' judge agreed with the attacking side. Abigail Sands was also recently stripped of her position on the Orphanage. It is unknown what the charge is, however it is confirmed that the charge will be somewhere from 20 years to execution.
  15. Many Bay Staters, in fact most, have either been to Italy or want to go. Massachusetts loves Italy, it loves Italian food, however the question is: Does the Massachusetts Government like Italy? And does Italy like Massachusetts back? Well, the Massachusetts Government decided to invite Mr. Benito Mussolini, or a different representative, to a meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, where they would meet. This was sure to be interesting. Dear Mr. Mussolini, I am aware we have had little to no relations. However, I believe that we should meet up here in Boston, and see if we can become allies despite our many, many differences. I hope you arrive as soon as possible, or a representative if you cannot make it. Thank you for the time, and will see you in Boston, hopefully. Sincerely, Calvin Coolidge President of Massachusetts
  16. From what I hear in the upper of this thread, you do seem like the kind of RPer that I would want to be around, however right now it just seems unlikely that a nation such as mine would ally with yours. However, let's see how it works. I will open a diplomatic meeting thread(In Boston), either shortly after this post of later today.
  17. Massachusetts Prints Money, as National Currency Springfield, Massachusetts: The government, yesterday, formally announced the beginning of the printing of the Massachusetts Dollar, the Commonwealth's National Currency. After a 2-month-long competition between men, women, and children all across the nation, the government decided on the one right for the Commonwealth. On the back, it features the USS Constitution, as well as the 5 other frigates approved in the Naval Act of 1794. On the front, the person changes. On the 1 dollar is John Hancock, who signed the United States Declaration of Independence. On the 5 dollar, the feature is John Quincy Adams, and on the 10 is John Adams. There are more, of course, with most going up by intervals of 5, however occasionally jumping up by 10, 20, or even 50. The highest dollar being printed is the 100,000 dollar, which features James Madison. People all across the nation, since our independence, have been using mostly US Dollar, however many other currencies are used such as Shilling, which is the second most commonly used in the country. However, now citizens can exchange for the nation's currency at the Boston National Bank, or the Boston Public Library, among others.
  18. I will echo Supercheese's most recent statement. Not recognizing the contest.
  19. Not sure if this is actually a rule yet, but I believe that you shouldn't be able to contest without anything to back it up like troops in the area, or it is your protectorate, etc. It is quite annoying to me that people can just contest for no reason.
  20. It was a cold day in the barren castle of Prague, as the king Wenceslaus walked out into the courtyard and directed his soldiers towards the main road ahead. Trucks began down the road and soldiers began marching as the men organized a parade down the road. Thousands of people lined the sides of the street and cheered as they recognized the existence of the King and his men. The people continued to cheer all the way from the first vehicles to the final soldiers. The king stood up and spoke with much pride as he said, "Hello nation! I am proud to be called king of this new land, and hope that you all feel the same way. All hail his new nation." Today, the new nation of Bohemia has risen into the world. The nation is excited to hopefully have friendly relations with all of the nations already out in the world. Hail Bohemia!
  21. Chech Republics Bohemian States as Bohemia. DoE soon.
  22. Hey. It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully you didn't think of me as a total crack-head. Sorry if I ever was a butt-crack to you, or anyone else for that matter. See you on the flipside, dude.
  23. Ben Collins, Governor of Colorado, was made aware of the situation via Plains Federation federal government, and would arrive to the meeting and fully represent the Plains Federation, that is, until someone of higher authority arrived.
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