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Peter Ilyich

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Everything posted by Peter Ilyich

  1. I will look further into it and see what I can find out. Thanks for the tips.
  2. I was exaggerating a little. I am still going to want Louisiana and modern-day France, plus mot likely just a little more. I was not 100 percent serious though.
  3. If all goes well on the topic of this RP, Napoleon I should be ruling over all dark green shown here, as well as the American state of Louisiana and the Canadian Province of New Brunswick & Nova Scotia. The French Empire shall rule again!
  4. Kevin, as cool as a swords & shields would be, it would not work. The main "swords & shields" concept is that in Europe, so everybody would be fighting over that one continent, and which, if you remember, at the time all these nations were empires with large pieces of land, so only a couple nations would be able to fit. Also, the New World was not yet discovered. Muskets A.K.A 17-1800's is perfect for any time period behind CNRP40.
  5. Sounds good! Private Message me in regards to this topic and we can discuss it, that is, if you would like some assistance from me.
  6. Similar to what I said. I agree completely with Hereno.
  7. nevermind. Thanks for the tip!
  8. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/124507-the-boston-herald-the-portland-press/?p=3319545 I try to type, but as you can see there is like, double spacing. How do I fix this? It is quite annoying, if you ask me and I just want to know how to fix it on both posts on my thread.
  9. Changes in Government Structure Put Into Effect Boston, Massachusetts- Today in the federal government, the Legislature approved a change in governments at the city, state, and federal level. First off, they took the 30 states of the nation and divided them into two, Maine and Massachusetts. Second, the state government will consist of the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as the Executive, then a state judical. The cities will have the Senate, Executive, and a city judicial branch. The new government will be put into effect on Tuesday. On this map it shows the three branches of government. The largest of changes is in the Legislative branch. It is now divided into the Congress and the House of Representatives. The Congress 15 representatives from each state are elected to two year terms with no term limit. The House of Representatives has 10 representatives from each state who are elected to 2 year terms as well, but with a 4 term limit. The Executive branch remained the same for the most part besides the addition of Independent Agencies. The Judicial Branch is now divided upon the federal level, state level, and city level judicials. Going along with a similar topic, the President was recently given a 2 term limit and the Vice President would take over following his death or his resignation. For extra protection the President has been admitted personal transportation vehicles, the plane known as Air One, ship Marine One, and land vehicle Terra One.
  10. How Malcolm Nichols Will Transform Massachusetts How The Newly-Elected Harbor Follower Will Change the Nation Concord, Massachusetts- Just recently elected Harbor Party member Malcolm Nichols is a very smart man, but is he smart enough, and powerful enough, to take over State Street and transform our entire nation? The Boston Herald tackles this latest debate. Although the Harbor Party failed to win the first vote to recreate the United States of America, the party is still on it's feet, and Malcolm Nichols himself stated that the loss is only a "Minor setback that should be able to be put behind us rather quickly." Whether this will happen should be discovered sometime within the up-and-coming months as the party begins to enter a cool-down phase from it's recent frenzy on State Street. However, we are trailing away from the debate. The idea that Department of the Interior cabinet member will be able to transform Massachusetts is an interesting one. He has already established the CMS Constitution as a exhibit at the new Charlestown Naval Mueseum, and has come up with the idea of building a "Freedom Trail" with several monuments that represent American Freedom. Nichols has already begun transforming the Commonwealth of Massachusetts into the United States of America, State of Massachusetts. With likely many more ideas on the way, Malcolm Nichols is only just getting started on the road to the New United States. The question, unfortunately, that every single person in government has asked him is what if the other nations say no? After all, all three nations are in fantastic political, economical, and social positions as well as cultural. Unfortunately, the government has not been very revealing of their actions as of late and this information is the maximum the federal's have revealed.
  11. Ok guys, sorry to bother you again. But, just an F.Y.I for anyone interested, I am looking for a partner to RP the Maine section of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and hoping I may find someone rather soon. I am beginning a new thread to where I will post articles from the Boston Herald and my proposed partner will post the Portland Press Herald. Anyone interested please Private Message me. On another note, thank the lord we have a timeline. Over in CNRP2 it is quite insane at the current moment. I believe Uberstein needs a pat on the back for that.
  12. What I would suggest, Lyser, is a RP set somewhere around the 15-1600's because that is right when exploration was at its peak in the New World. I would also suggest you use the real world map because from what I have seen, alternative maps never do work. Meet this criteria, and i'm in.
  13. The Harbor Party, in a way that nobody knows, was able to rent out the retired CMS Constitution for a night, arranging the ships final sail the night before the big vote in a couple weeks. At that point, Malcolm Nichols, Chief Officer of the Harbor Party, then would present himself to the people of the Commonwealth just and spoke on behalf of his political affiliation. I do hope the great United States of America may one day be a single, forty-eight state nation once again. And although I am quite certain it will not occur soon, I have dedicated the remainder of my life to this one goal. I hope that this commitment will one day inspire people to follow their own goals and be dedicated enough to stay with those goals through their life. Thank you, and God Bless America. As the race for Department of the Interior heats up, the party continues to get stronger and stronger. As a result, thousands of people, all across Boston, cheer, causing a near-earthquake. Malcolm Nichols, following his address, would turn around from the podium and walk up the steps and open the door to the State House to talk with his good friend, Vice President Baxter. "Hello Malcolm. Nice to see you showed up." Said Baxter, his facial expression and tone suggesting a joke is in play. "Well, Percy, you know I am a man of my word. Anyway, shall we get started? So, what I have here are documents of your time in office with Calvin, I have a copy of the constitution, I have every single act passed from four all the way to one hundred twenty. And, what I have concluded is that the only way to change your political affiliation without taking advantage of your power is to go straight to the legislature. And, under Article 17, Mr. Coolidge has the right to request the removal of your political position if he feels you are taking advantage of your position, if the party you affiliate with is changed while in office and he does not agree with it, if he believes you actually broke a law, etcetera. So, unfortunately, it is a large risk. What I would do is discuss it with the President following his return from Kingston and see if you two can work something out. Possibly while you two are running for reelection you may discuss changing your affiliation?" "Well, I will definitely consider what you have said. I thank you once again, and oh! Good luck running or office!" Replied Baxter. With that, Nichols stood us, shake hands, and stepped out of the building to ponder what else he should do for his thriving campaign.
  14. Polls Open for Cabinet Elections AROOSTOOK- Yesterday the first of the elections began as the states of Aroostook, Washington, Penobscot, and Somerset were the first to have polls opened up. Options will include the Republican, Democratic, and Harbor party candidates for the positions of Department of Agriculture, Human Resources, and Department of the Interior. The next states to begin elections will be tomorrow when Piscataquis, Waldo, Hancock, Franklin(Maine), and Kennebec. Then, early next month when the states of eastern Massachusetts such as Suffolk head to the polls, the legislature voting will begin in the states currently voting for cabinet. This method has been termed the "Domino Effect". Going in the Department of Agriculture department is Paulette Thompson for re-election, front-runner in the democrat community. For the Republicans is Riley Garret, and Harbor party is Joseph McBride. By far, the front-runner in this race so far has been Riley Garret, who is known for his leadership skills and speaking skills, however Paulette Thompson is not doing bad. The Human Resources race is a blow-out as the republican candidate Henry Green bowed out. Not to mention the Harbor Party candidate is struggling to manage his time. Obviously, Democrat Will Flores for re-election should be winning this. The most interesting, by far, is the Department of the Interior. This one is likely to be the closest of them all as all three candidates are doing quite well, especially Harbor Party member Malcolm Nichols, even considering he announced his intention to run just 3 weeks ago. For re-election, Peter Logan has been representing the Republican Party well while cooperating alongside other politicians, especially president Coolidge. Logan has taken a lot of the weight since Calvin Coolidge left for Kingston a while ago, while attempting to keep himself out of the spotlight. These two will definitely be in a race, right down to the wire.
  15. Going Home: Ebola Patients Walk Out of the Hospital KABUL, U.S.A- Yesterday, amazingly, seven patients all across the city of Kabul walked out of the hospital healthy. When they went in, they had the Ebola Virus Disease. Today we come from downtown Kabul, where an amazing event has happened. Seven former Ebola patients walked out of the hospital healthy. Ebola patient Josef Nik spoke about his recent experience with the virus. "It was the worst thing ever. I was asking for the vomit bag, then two minutes later, then two minutes later. On and on for four straight months. I couldn't breathe, couldn't see my family because they were in quarantine too. It was just the worst thing." Obviously not going to be the same after a time like that. However, while the virus has already killed hundreds of people, which just shows you how lucky these people are to be alive, in fact, four of them were in the same hospital. Luckily, our technology, as you can see, is obviously beating the Ebola Virus Disease and the good news about technology is that unlike a virus, it keeps advancing. So, quite clearly, there is nothing to worry about.
  16. Could you be so kind as to post the new update you said you had finished?
  17. Meeting the Mastermind Behind the Harbor Party CAMBRIDGE, SUFFOLK-Although many characteristics behind that day the Harbor Party was founded had remained secret and unknown, one more piece of the oversized puzzle has been fitted as the true founder and Chief Officer of the Harbor Party has announced himself as such. Former Mayor of Boston Malcolm Nichols(1926-1930), born in the late nineteenth century, announced just the other day that he is the official founder of the Harbor Party and is also the Chief Officer. He said that he was supposed to be one of the six Officers there on Founders Day, however the proposed Chief Officer backed out and the remaining officers elected him. Some more highlights of his announcement are- "I was the one that came up with the idea." "No, I will not publicly announce the others names. We have no intention of giving each other more attention than we need." "Why am I announcing this? Well, this is because I have every intention of running for Department of the Interior in January." "Yes, I did consult with by fellow members. We will be having a Bay Convention next month, get your questions answered there." He apparently will be running for Department of the Interior, hopefully for his party giving them their first cabinet seat in the nations history. Besides Mayor of Boston, Nichols actually does not have much political experience at all, which should be a large setback coming up on January, next month. The race is heating up as the members from each party have now announced their running. Get it all as we track all 30 states and their outcomes and results from the election!
  18. CMS Constitution Retired After Centuries of Service The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has had many ships in their Navy over the years, but none like the CMS Constitution, also known by it's nickname Old Ironsides. The ship was ordered March 1st of 1794 by the United States of America, and named by President George Washington in honor of the Constitution of the United States of America. However, since it was owned and operated by the United States, it was known as the USS Constitution. It is the oldest frigate the Commonwealth currently has. In 1881, Old Ironsides was retire from active duty with a flawless record. There it served as a receiving ship until the United States government fell, and she was abandoned at the Charlestown Navy Yard. The Massachusetts government, at the time of its founding, immediately took Old Ironsides and added it to their navy. Although not in any "real" wars since the Commonwealth era began, it was assisted in defending the coasts, including Cape Cod and Boston Harbor. Once last year it got in a battle with an unidentified naval ship, later found to be named The Independence. Recently, the ship was declared "not up to code" by the Naval Command and was thus has not sailed since. However, just a couple of days ago the ship was announced to be retired and turned into a museum to be completed sometime next year. It is required that when any ship is retired that there is a replacement built under a similar class. The replacement is already being built, and Vice President Percival Proctor Baxter has named it the CMS Constellation, named after original USS Constellation, which was, as well as the Constitution, one of the 6 original frigates authorized under the Naval Act of 1794.
  19. OOC: Sorry, having trouble copying and pasting right now for some odd reason. Just go into fantasy RP, click "Load More", and you should see "Commonwealth of Massachusetts News & Actions". It is in that thread. I apologize for the complications.
  20. Walking calmly out from the State House, Vice President of the Commonwealth Percival Proctor Baxter would formally address the people of Massachusetts: "4th of July, 19XX. The first day the Harbor Party swing the legislature in their favor. I don't have much to say, but what I can say is that the representation the party has had at it's recent rallies was nothing short of legendary. I have, if you were wondering, gotten a letter, to the capitals of the American Commonwealth and Confederate States of America, approved by the President and also by the legislation. No, it is not requesting a merge. But it is keeping them in the "loop", I should say. So do not, I mean not, get ahead of yourselves, friends. Now, it is your turn to finish what has been started. in exactly two months, the final vote, voted upon by the people themselves, will be held in every county of this nation. You will decide. Good luck Bay State, and God bless Massachusetts." In two months, that is, it would be a strong possibility that the United States of America, destroyed by war and debt, would once again begin to be drawn on maps. Until then, Baxter would send the approved letter of informant to the nations of the American Commonwealth and Confederate States of America to make sure they were aware of the historic event that was about to take place in 60 days: OOC: JEDJCT and Aggresivenutmeg may now post here IC.
  21. The legs of the Bay Staters moved, cluttered and disorganized across the streets of Boston. By simply looking at the legs in the city throughout the day, that simply represents the diversity of the people. Different shoes and pants worn by nearly every person in the city, all there for different reasons. Work, tourism, get some food at the hall, going to see the Red Sox Game. Just by looking at the feet, you could tell the poor from the wealthy, the rich from the penniless. All by looking at feet. As yet another headline protest was going on, once again organized by the clearly determined Harbor Party of Massachusetts. It was actually beginning to bug the government, as they were having trouble doing anything about the protests that would please the people. Other American nations, from what they had seen, had no interest in making the largest merger in the planet's history. Harder still, the party also demanded the capital of the nation to be Boston. Calvin Coolidge, who was only just now getting this news through the telegram, was in Kingston at the time. His teams struggles to please the people were not a very good sign, however he had confidence his Vice President and good friend Percival Proctor Baxter, would soon get a handle on the situation and at least attempt to give the people what they wanted. The growth of the party, while a great sign for the people, was turning out to be a disaster for the government and politicians. The Vice President sent a draft of the letter to President Coolidge, who told Percival to "Continue your work and bring me an appealing latter. This is a very serious issue and must be treated as such." The President, although it may sound harsh, was actually correct. They were about to ask a nation they had never met and another that recently demanded they leave an island if they would become one. It seemed the odds were not exactly, in their favor. After a while longer, Vice Baxter had the letter completed and approved by the President through telegram directly. Now they would be faced with the hard part: Getting the letter approved by the legislative branch, full of republicans and democrats. Well, they never said running a country would be easy.
  22. July 7th, 19XX. Boston, Massachusetts. John Finnegan, an immigrant to America from Ireland years ago, rises through the crowd of Harbor Followers and makes a bold statement: "The year 1915. This is the year I immigrated over to America from Ireland. Us Irish were treated terribly over there by the British and I was tired of it. It was enough. Right then and there I decided I was coming to the United States of America. I thought it was not going to be as perfect as the rumor had it, I thought there was to be some racism, or mistreatment towards an immigrant. Well I moved to Cape Cod and settled in about 1918, around the same time the war was going on. A couple years later, I had completely settled in and discovered there was a large population of people just like me in America. Next thing I know, the United States dissolves the government, and I am not safe anywhere. I then, during the first few months of Anarchy, stayed with a friend in the newly formed Republic of Ireland before coming back. Now, the USA must come back. The melting pot. Reunite the Country!" People would roar through the streets and give Mike pats in the back and show support. The party was only getting larger and their pride and passion was also becoming so, to the point that the police had to calm them down in a peaceful manner. The people once again marched down multiple iconic streets and went to various locations supporting the rebuilding of the United States of America, with the "proposed" capital to be Boston. The passionate people, possibly the most passionate of any party, were formed 7 months ago and have since grown to the 2nd largest political party in the country, recently passing up the Democratic Party and now a strong competitor to the Republican Party. Meanwhile, in government, Calvin Coolidge and his team of politicians have been scrambling to find a way to contact other American nations, if they should do it at all. Multiple attempts at organizing votes in the legislature without much success, and the success of the Harbor Party has Republican and Democrats worried about their representation after the next elections. However, the rise of the Harbor Party is great for those that believe in it's ideals and values.
  23. OOC: Please, this is public, but do not reply in this thread. Also, this is simply stating the actions of a political party in Massachusetts, nothing more. Do not think this is an actual proposal because it is not unless I state so IC in a reply IC: The people marched. They marched down Yawkey Way, past the rebuilt Fenway Park. They marched down past Bunker Hill, past what is known as the New State House, no longer in use. The streets were crowded and traffic was at a maximum as people in their cheap Ford's and expensive Bugatti's were yelling at the people to move. But they didn't. They kept marching, Walking down famous Washington Street and finally reaching the address marked "206". The State House, seat of the legislature and home of the executive branch. Then, the people took out their signs. from "Reunite", to "Connect the Nations", to simply holding up that flag that ever-so represented the people's campaign. It began with thirteen famous stripes, each switching between red and white as you slowly scanned the flag, from the top to the bottom. Then you would direct your eyes to the upper-left corner, where a blue box was located. Inside the box was forty-eight white stars, representing the forty-eight states that were once united. The most recent of many flags that defunct nation held. Upon the Betsy Ross, to the Star-Spangled Banner, to the rare but well-recognized '76 flag. These were all the people needed to get attention. For all of them, they already had representation inside that building. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts well-known, Harbor Party. formed six months ago, this political party had 10 representatives in the legislature, and were gaining them every election day. The one goal: reunite the former United States of America. Then, everyone at once, the people began to disregard the national anthem of the Commonwealth, Massachusetts the Grand, but instead began to cry out the former national anthem of the United States of America, "Hail Columbia!". Some who did not want to sing this decided to read the American patriotic poem, The Defense of Fort M'Henry by Francis Scott Key. After a while people came out of surrounding buildings either aggrevated, and they went home, or cheerful, and joined in on the rally. Then, people came out of the building which interested them the most, the State House. Harbor Party Member Richard Cain of Essex exited first, and called for the attention of his fellow members. "Friends! Please, clam down for a moment... No, I am just joking! Reunite!" Nobody else would exit until about an hour in, when the singing of Yankee Doodle began, when Vice President and Republican Percival Proctor Baxter exited and stated. "Attention. Your actions here today could not be understated. Although your movement is not what I follow, thanks to the representation here today, and the continual request for our discussion of the topic, I am sure this will be put into serious consideration, I will make sure of it." And so, on that day July 4th, 19XX, the Harbor Party took over the Massachusetts government. And on that day, they promised they would remain active in rallies and protests in the days coming up. Even as only the 3rd largest political party in the country, today, it felt like the largest in the world.
  24. Private Massachusetts forces have been removed from the island of Greenland.
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