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Peter Ilyich

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Everything posted by Peter Ilyich

  1. "Good Morning Eastern Germany. This is Darth Vader of the Galactic Empire. We would like to be the first to recognize your "nation" located over on Planet Earth, and as a gift I am welcoming you to the championship soccer match located over on Tatooine, at the Mos Espa Grand Arena. An Imperial Transport will be on its way soon with our tickets to transport you, if you feel so inclined. Have a nice day." -Vader.
  2. Well, I claim the Star Wars galaxy as Galactic Empire FTW.
  3. "The people of this nation were in a disaster. IN fact, it was not even a nation. Our lands were all but a wish, that never would happen. That is, until a strange ship came down, bringing these people called Ewoks onto our planet. This was frightening for some people, however they became instantly our friends when they staked out a Yugoslav flag. To our surprise, however, our Ewoks were simply the beginning, as a large Star Destroyer came down and put down there flag. Here, we have the Galactic Empire." Today, we declare the Earthly existence of the Galactic Empire. Free the planet! We ask for your existence, but we couldn't' t care less about recognition, we are already here! We rule the galaxy! What is not to recognize?
  4. I will make it if someone else is not making it. Simple as that. To be honest, I am not big on making the map, as I tried before. But, I will do it if nobody else is doing it.
  5. Sorry to post in a row, but FYI I will make a map around 5:00 ish, I got that place to go to.
  6. I could make a map out of the q-bam, if nobody else wants to do it. Galactic Empire, claiming former Yugoslavia(Tee Hee)
  7. To: Connecticut Government From: Massachusetts State House Dear Mr. Sherman, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts formally recognizes the Republic of Connecticut. I hope our two nations will engage in formal relations, and I will begin by inviting you to establish an embassy here in Boston. I await your reply Sincerely, Calvin Coolidge President of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  8. If JED is fine with you taking his Protectorate, I am definitely fine with it, then sur. And for this nation, as well as CNRP2, you'll need to make a Declaration of Existence.
  9. No, I meant RP it as the Commonwealth of Mass state of Maine, not be independent. He has permission to RP the State of Maine in Massachusetts, but not to take it as its own.
  10. Finally we are getting ourselves a new member to the community. Welcome, Xavier! If Centurius says no to your request, let me know and I'll see if I can find someplace that works for you. Also, I sent you a PM :)
  11. I have not been very involved, if at all, in this war. However, after reading a couple of Tryiun's posts, I do believe it is ridiculous that someone would have to look in the dictionary like, three times per post to be able to reply. It is, as I said, ridiculous.
  12. Governor Collins Tells Socialists to "Get out" Denver, CO- Yesterday Governor Ben Collins made a public statement to the public in regards to the growing Socialist party in the state. He talked mainly about his confidence that Republicans will continue to win and get the majority. However, near the end of the Govern0rs speech he told the socialist followers to "Get out of this state. In fact, out of the country for that matter. Your high taxes and wrong values are not accepted here." Don't be wrong, because it is very unlikely any Socialists actually left after that, in fact, it is likely that they judt want to dethrone him now.
  13. Centurius, I sent you a PM in regards to land claims. If you could read that, It would be jolly good.
  14. Massachusetts "Best Place to Live" Somerville, Massachusetts- After the recent travels of a Somerville resident all around the planet, she wrote about her travels and ranked the 10 "best places to live" in the world, counting from number ten to one. 10. American Commonwealth 9. Persia 8. Poland[/size] 7. Confederate States of America 6. Mexico 5. Denmark 4. United Kingdom 3. Second Spanish Empire 2. Kingdom of Ireland 1. Commonwealth of Massachusetts She had, thankfully, had multiple discussions with many different people living in the nations and their expierences as citizens. She had stated in her final "essay" the following- "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a melting pot of many cultures and beliefs. The strong Christian religion and the true patriotism, even for a nation that is not on modern maps, is amazing. The economy is thriving while many nations crumble as their people do not have money to buy bread. Here, many people may easily afford a suit, or a nice hat for even less then half the price of others. The geography is astounding as there are mountains in the west and gourgeous coastlines in the east." The spread of the word about the great nation is sure to bring many immigrants and tourists to the nation, which is definetly assisting in bringing in the dollars rather quickly. The number one problem in the nation, for sure, is whether or not to begin the printing of a national currency or continue using the rather valuable but common United States Dollar. Harbor party members are sure to go for the USD, however other parties may think differently. She, meaning the author of the piece, has resided in Boston for 18 of her 26 years of life, when at age eight she imigrated from the (old) United Kingdom as World War I began taking a large effect on her nation. Thankfully, the United States of America granted her family citizenship just before the death of the government, which led to the Commonwealth granting her family full citizenship of the new nation of Massachusetts. She attended the Boston Academy of Science and got a bachelors degree in Health Science before working in the field with an average wage. Her recent travels were part of a project to study various diseases in most nations of the world, and in her spare time decided to work on assisting the human race in finding the perfect place to set up shop. She stuck with her nation, and headed back 3 years after heading off.
  15. New Act Passed, Gun Rights Required Boston, Massachusetts-The top headline in all newspapers today is most likely the most ambitious desicion the government has made as of late. The highly debated topic has come to a close as Republican representatives won the vote for gun rights in Act 1 of our Constitution. All, no matter the religion or race or belief, shall have the right to bear arms. So long as these men do not mame another man's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Stated in Act One, of 19xx. The democrat's side of the story is that these arms will cause more crime and our country will be destroyed by the people inside it, while the republicans have a completely different side of the story, which is, unfortunately for the democrats, the more accurate prediction. Now, all men have the guarunteed right to defend themself if nessesary. However, the next article states- If one is committed of a serious crime in which he or she is required to have a parole officer, they may not come in contact with a weapon until the officer states they are safe with them. Fully automatic weapons are banned, likely because of the Fenway Bombing and Shooting a couple of months ago, however there are other factors, such as the March on Plymouth, the Western Dangers, etcetera. Our modern world is in need of a government that has the ability to delegate, and represent, and be productive. And this government is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  16. Denver Schools Send Students to Museum of Nature & Science Denver, CO- Schools all across the city of Denver are sending their students on a field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The schools have organized a schedule on which schools go when. Although most of the schools represent Denver Independent School District, there are other districs sending their students. Students under the age of 10 are required to have a responsible parent/guardian with them at all times. It is extremely crowded inside the building with possibly one oor two thousand students going in at the same time and it is recommended that people not with the schools do not go until the schools are finished.
  17. New Planes Issued to Air Force, Stored in Auburn Auburn, Maine: After a recent legislation was passed, The Massachusetts Federal Government ordered the restoration of old World War I biwings, to be stored at the Auburn Air Base in Auburn, Maine. The planes, following rectoration processes, will be painted blue and gold, the colors of the nation of Massachusetts. The one-seater planes pilots-in-training have been practicing in similar planes in and around the Bay of Fundy, by Nova Scotia. The exact amount of planes being restored is unknown exactly, however multiple non-running and no engined ones have been put for sale, and donated by the state, in fact, one is even being put up in the Boston Smithsonian. The planes will definetly provide much work for new and old engineers as they have no trouble finding jobs in our modern society. As new pilots are trained, expierenced ones are being brought along to teach the skills, and some are given the honor of flying the planes in the Force. What makes this even better, is that with the new planes, it is providing hundreds of jobs in the engineering and piloting categories as well as mechanics, which in turn gives already working citizens raises and provides the people with better quality living in the nation.
  18. To: Samuel Ireland, Plains From: House of the Governor of Colorado Dear Sir Ireland, I apologize if this seemed an outrage. The large, but private, corporation NACA hosted the launch and was able to keep up the costs of operation thanks to the endorsement of the Colorado State Government, as well as donation and endorsement of other private corporations. Thus, I welcome the Director of NASA, one Douglas Jericho, to a meeting with the team of NACA's best representatives in their headquarters, in Fort Collins, to discuss this issue, should I call it? I thank you for your time, and hopefully Michael Smith of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics will see you next week. Sincerely, Ben Collins, Governor of Colorado
  19. Land reservations are strictly a no-no until the map thread and point system are officially posted.
  20. Hurricane Georgia Hits the Coast Gloucester, Massachusetts- A new situation for the people of Massachusetts arose yesterday as meteorologist's across the nation, as well as the rest of the East Coast, tell the nations about Hurricane Georgia, a newly formed hurricane now ripping through the East Coast and coming up quickly to Massachusetts. The Hurricane continues to move up the coast, and has already hit Bay State cities such as Nantucket, Falmouth, New Bedford, and Brockton, as well as the southern outskirts of Boston. Although not the worst hurricane that has hit Massachusetts, the nation is attempting to recover after already over one million dollars of repair costs, as well as hundreds of injuries. People are being recovered and brought to hospitals in Boston and Augusta by planes in the Air Squadron and ships in the navy, including the CMS Victoria, Constellation, Lou, and Columbia.
  21. This is a good point, however I still believe that we should attempt to show the whole planet, but it is not a must. Also, I believe we should narrow down the time range to like I said 18th to 19th centuries. EDIT: Forget the narrowing down for the time being. The time range for muskets goes from 16th century to 19th century. We can deal with that later.
  22. Fair point, fair point. I am going to PM you shortly in regards to the process. Also, sorry to bother once again, but what about the fact that like, the top eighth is missing?
  23. It is good, but when zoomed in upon it gets quite pix elated. also, it is missing some important landforms like the Galapagos. I would suggest the Q-Bam used as a reference map in CNRP, CNRP2, and CNRP40. Also, for colonial period, we talking like late 18th, early 19th century? If so, count the thirteen colonies mine as the United States of America, if we are making reservations.
  24. Plains Federation Shuttle Program Begins, "Louis" Into Space Keota, CO- Today in the small town of Keota, the official Space Shuttle program was started as the Colorado State Government approved the program to begin when the shuttle "Louis" took off with nine willing astronauts, with the bold mission of releasing a small satellite measuring about the length of an average-sized couch. No specific measurements were given. The satellite will be orbiting Earth for 2 years and will take thousands of pictures of Earth, including the first nighttime pictures of our modern world, which clearly represent the technology of nations across Planet Earth. Keota will also be the site of multiple launches in the future as it gets transformed into an exploration empire.
  25. That would be jolly good. Need help just ask me.
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