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Peter Ilyich

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Everything posted by Peter Ilyich

  1. <Public> Today the first funeral of a California Republic president has been held, as Gerald Herald was assassinated at his speech about Baja California a couple of days ago. The funeral was placed as soon as possible as the nation's future southern borders are possibly going to be under siege by the Republic of Texas. David Marxon, interim president, spoke honorably at the funeral, practically vowing to be Herald for the rest of the year. Gerald Herald had always been a large part of all of our hearts, since his time as a commander of the Separatist Forces. His ancestors fought in the Civil War and even the Mexican-American war, and he had practically devoted his life to serving California. His name represents hope in California, and San Fransisco is being renamed to San Fransisco de Herald in honor of Herald. The president's residency will now he on 102 Herald Avenue. Citizens of California were recently caught on film marching into Baja singing a song. A true representation of teamwork. A militia of 23,000 men has already announced it's devotion to the protection of Baja and the nation itself. But, as we see all this hope, we also see the dark, abandoned cities in the distance that show fear and death. Those are the ones that really hit you, and it is possible that despite all this effort, California may be overwhelmed and destroyed in the process of defense. Death has a large force that may overwhelm hope itself, but we must not let the Texans overwhelm us. But may we have no choice? There are many people in the streets announcing the imminent demise of the Republic. could, for once, these people be the realists? Even when this is a possibility, the people must not lose hope, for when they lose hope, that is when the battle is lost. President Herald always faced issues head-on, and that is possibly why he has died, yet, is Gerald Herald truly dead? Because I believe we can all still feel his heart in our own.
  2. OOC: I didn't want to do this. No choice has been left. President Gerald Herald spoke today about conflict in Baja California. "It has come to my attention that nations believe that we are becoming more aggressive. I can assure you this is not true, and we are committed to our allies and there needs, as proven from our moves for the Trade Committee. I hope that all nations understand that-" Right at that moment, a loud gun shot went off, with chaos and screaming followed. People saw the dead corpse of there leader, their here, President Gerald Herald. "Gerald was an honorable man. He never believed in the use of force, and his life-long dream was to achieve his goals without conflict, something other nations didn't seem to understand. But he always fought for what the people wanted, for democracy, and he never turned away. I remember when he first announced he would represent no political party, and he said that parties were for the selfish. He was like a brother to me, I loved him very much. I do not want Gerald to die for no reason, and I want him to be remembered, and celebrated. I wish to carry out what he never got to: Annex Baja California. And, as our president for the last year of his term, I vow to achieve all of his goals, and for respect to him, I vow to not run for another term after this year. This year will test all of us, and I am quite sure we will all pass the test. For we are the California Republic, and long let our colors wave alongside the seat of democracy." These were the words of Interim President David Marxon as he spoke at the funeral of Gerald Herald. His death did not come for nothing, and Marxon has vowed to dedicate his year to serving Herald. Letters would then be sent. First, Cascadia. Next, Texas. Finally, UCS. And then a letter to all three.
  3. A response to Texas: A letter would then be sent to Cascadia: PRIVATE California forces are not put on high-alert for an attack. 4 battalions are taken off of stand-by and listed as "Jefferson Purchase".
  4. Southern Baja Penninsula is being annexed now.
  5. [1/7] South Baja Troops would be sent to secure southern Baja peacefully, and they would bring extra food and supplies to the territory. As South Baja was expecting California, there was little resistance and most people were happy with being brought into California(87%, SOURCE: South Baja Census), and the South Baja Census was completed. Gerald Herald attended that night, and expressed his joy that all of Baja would soon be in the California Republic. [3/7] Baja California Regular Baja Caifornia, already being annexed, should also hold a census. With this information, the government could make estimations on how large the population would be following Baja annexation, and they would arrive in the area and give all of the people there California citizenship, since they had lived in "Baja" California.
  6. "As long as it does not lead to an excessive need for power like it has in the past, we support the move and have no need to expand territory to those regions, and we thank you for accepting the Baja Peninsula as California. The UCS is saluted." OOC: All posts in the Jefferson Issue have been letters, or private, so you would be clueless about what is going on.
  7. Military The Grand Army of the California Republic The Grand Army of the California Republic is the army composed of 101,119 soldiers(Source: Federal Library) that defends the nation. Although called the Grand "Army", it is referring to the entire armed forces composed of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Each has it's own set of regulations. Many soldiers in the armed forces fought in the separatist movement that won independence. Army The Army of the California Republic is known as "California's Own" and is composed of some of the best and bravest men on the planet, fighting for not just the California Republic, but also for the United States of America. It is composed of soldiers, tanks, armored vehicles, and others. The anatomy of the Army is as followed. Grand Army of the California Republic - Army & Marines 101,119 Soldiers fit into(Battalion Indicates Army, Legion Indicates Marines)- 1st Battalion - Nevada 2nd Battalion - Nevada 3rd Battalion - Nevada 4th Battalion 5th Battalion - Baja California 6th Battalion - Baja California 7th Battalion 8th Battalion - Baja California 9th Battalion 10th Battalion - Stand-by 11th Battalion 12th Battalion 13th Battalion 14th Battalion - Stand-by 15th Battalion 16th Battalion 17th Battalion 18th Battalion - Stand By 19th Battalion - Stand-by 20th Battalion - Stand-by 251st Legion - Stand-by 290th Legion 456th Legion 504th Legion - Stand-by 626th Legion Navy The Navy of the Grand Army of the California Republic is the first to be called for any overseas missions. They may be sent as close as Cascadia or as far as Druk Yul, wherever they are needed, they will find a way. It is not just for war effort that the Navy answers the call, as many of the ships are peacefully stationed across the oceans. The Navy, as well as elite navy seals, are all noted below. Grand Army of the California Republic - Navy & Seals 2 Elite-class Aircraft carriers -Enterprise - Pacific Patrol -Polk - Stand-by 3 Dominator-class Nuclear Submarines -Jefferson - Stand-by -Nevada - Pacific Patrol -Massachusetts 4 Californian Corvettes -Defender -Star -Utopia -Australia 3 Californian Frigates -Freedom -Liberty -Duchess 2 I-Class Destroyers -Peacemaker I - Stand-by -Liberator I 2 Peacemaker Battleships -Peacemaker II -Peacemaker III 3 Constitution-class Landing Ships -Constitution -Democracy -Republica Seal Team 1 Seal Team 2 Seal Team 3 Air Force Defending Republic Air Space, the Grand Air Force fights for liberty and freedom from the skies, defending us from any foe that attempts to take down this indestructible nation. All hail the Bear! Grand Army of the California Republic - Air Force Squadrons- Red Squadron Blue Squadron Manifest Squadron Shadow Squadron Tornado Squadron Fine Squadron Real Squadron Fin Squadron Madison Squadron Benji Squadron Yosemite Squadron
  8. Government Federal Government The Federal Government of the California Republic is the highest ranking branch in the nation, and is lead by a Monarch, known as the Governor General or more commonly, President. President is more of a de jure term than the true term, as he is, as previously stated, a monarch with multiple advisory bodies. Acting as the de jure Vice President is the Prime Minister, who appoints the ministers who advise the monarch. The only 2 jobs of the Prime Minister are to appoint and manage the ministers, as well as act as an ambassador or diplomat when it is needed. He is selected from the current body of ministers. The Ministry is a group of advisers to the monarch, each for their specific categories, of which are:Agriculture, Pacific California Opportunities Agency, California Economic Development for Arizona Regions, Californian Heritage, Citizenship & Immigration, Environment, Finance, Fisheries and Oceans, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Health, Human Resources, Indian Affair, Industry, Justice, National Defense, National Revenue, Natural Resources, Public Works, Solicitor General, Transportation, Treasury Board, Veterans Affairs, Western Economics. Each department's representative serves for life or until resignation, in which a new one is selected by the Prime Minister. Once a Prime Minister is selected from the ministry pool, he or she is to select their replacement. The Parliament is divided into the Senate and the House of Commons. The Senate is assigned the job of creating laws that are necessary for the security of the California Republic. They mainly manage what goes on inside of the California Republic. The Senators are appointed by The President, once again. This is to ensure that there is no bias. In the House of Commons, however, elections are held with any working citizen being allowed to vote. Outside of voting offices, slogans say "No Work, No Vote." Instead of Political Parties, they are called guilds, and they, rather than lean towards trying to change the entire nation, are in place to guide the nation in the correct direction. State Government During the Jefferson Conflict, the nation was split into Six States in an old proposal known as the "Six Californias" discovered following a search through old California State Files. The States were South California, Central California, West California, Silicon Valley, North California, and Jefferson. These states, combined with the up-and-coming states Nevada and Arizona, make up State Governments. The Lieutenant-Governor, or highest authority in the state, is appointed by the Monarch and acts as "Monarch of the State" in which he/she is appointed. The rest of the governments are made up of elected personnel, excluding the Senate. South California Lieutenant-Governor: Samuel S. Barnes House of Commons Seats: 24 Admission: 6 California's; January 23rd, 4 ABB(After the Battle of Bishop) Central California Lieutenant-Governor: Phillip Brady House of Commons Seats: 18 Admission: 6 California's; January 23rd, 4 ABB Silicon Valley Lieutenant-Governor: James Garfield III House of Commons Seats: 11 Admission: 6 California's; January 26th, 4 ABB West California Lieutenant-Governor: Andrew Nguyen House of Commons Seats: 15 Admission: 6 California's; January 26th, 4 ABB North California Lieutenant-Governor: Alex Schenski House of Commons Seats: 12 Admission: 6 California's; January 26th, 4 ABB Jefferson State Lieutenant-Governor: Lucas Hellenworth House of Commons Seats: 25 Admission: 6 California's; -Declared: December 29th, 3 ABB -Recognized: January 22nd, 4 ABB Nevada Lieutenant-Governor: Raymond Hudson House of Commons Seats: 25 -Declared: November 29th, 4 ABB -Recognized: December 2nd, 4 ABB Arizona Lieutenant-Governor: Samantha Houston House of Commons Seats: 30 Admission: Annexation -Territorial: September 2nd, 4 ABB -Statehood: November 30th, 4 ABB
  9. History Battle of Bishop Modern history of the California Republic would begin at the Battle of Bishop. This battle was the smallest battle in the California Revolution, yet was the most important in the entire war. To tell the story of the Battle of Bishop, one would have to trace back to why the civil war started. The reasons for the war were: Restore democracy, Restore a once great nation, and maintain stability. These were the three reasons stated in the Declaration of Independence that was written by General Gerald Herald during the war. The declaration was brief, however stated everything that needed to be stated. This declaration was modeled closely with the United States declaration. The founding of these ideals paved the way for the victory at Bishop. Major victories in the California Revolution were the Battle of Silicon Valley, Battle of San Juan, and Battle at Eureka. Major losses included Battle of Los Angeles, Battle in Oakland, the Sacramento Massacre, and the San Diego Purge. These losses, each in major cities and counties, would put their toll on the politicians and soldiers involved in the battle, and would only bring enemy moral up. The surprise came as General Winfield was bringing his 400 soldiers through Bishop in retreat. Much to enemy surprise, who had presence and a military hideout in the city. The soldiers quickly made the assumption that somehow, separatists discovered that this was their base of operations, while in reality they were only marching through the city coming from a retreat after the Battle of Oakland. The problem was that most of their troops were scattered around Oakland, so therefore instead of having a couple thousand troops at the base, their count only rose to a mere 460, actually giving the separatists a chance. Although General Winfield and his troops didn't know about the presence, Winfield somehow felt as if there was something going on, as it seemed far too quiet to be a regular day in Bishop. He sent two snipers to get on top of roofs and prepare, and the rest of his troops made a large circle. Winfield was attempting to lure the enemy out by creating a setup that could easily be beaten and destroyed. He then ordered his troops to point their weapons at some windows and shoot as if they saw enemy snipers. This lured the enemy out and into attack mode. Winfield and his men fought back, but were losing quite horrifically. Winfield, much to his soldier's surprise, called for a surrender. Although the enemy had seen the sniper's go up onto the rooftops, by this time they were preoccupied and had forgot. Winfield, when they were ready to agree to the terms of surrender, purposely looked up at one of the snipers, drawing the enemy commander's gaze to the sniper, and causing the commander to begin firing at the sniper. Winfield then kicked the commander's legs out from under him, and disarmed him. Winfield's soldiers retrieved their weapons and easily defeated the enemy, and the commander surrendered not just to the current battle, but to the entire war. Winfield soon learned that they had hit the lion's den and had destroyed the enemy capital without even knowing. Winfield then became a politician afterwards. Quiet Times The California Republic, following it's Reformation, faced many issues that were urgent, and California dealt with such issues. It was the unnecessary ones that California stayed quiet about during these times. These times allowed for large drops in the crime rate, as well as other internal issues. Peacetime under Gerald Herald was perhaps the best California has ever been at in terms of happiness and stability. Gerald Herald's peaceful, intelligent, and well-thought out ideas allowed for a thriving economy, relations internal and out, and a Highly efficient government. Many nations were known to be unhappy with the nations leave of absence following it's creation, and the very little relations California ever had with them. Under this time frame are every event from the founding of the World Trade Committee to the Jefferson Crisis. Although this was the longest time frame California ever had, it lasted for no more than 2 years before the entire world began to see California. The events that followed would shrink the importance of the Quiet Times to nearly nothing, and make it seem that those 2 years did nothing beneficial.
  10. OOC: Set your feelings aside, I am playing a game, not dropping a bomb on your house IRL. I have a military, just my numbers are not in official place yet. Should be up within 2 days, though, for now let's try to keep it diplomatic like civilized people. A response:
  11. Since the state's admittance into the United States of America, the State of Jefferson has long been composed of northern California and southern Oregon. Today the California Republic has finally discovered, in old files, an old proposal to separate the State of California into 6 different ones: South California, Central California, West California, Silicon Valley, North California, and even farther north, Jefferson. Jefferson was already a state proposal in motion at the time of this proposal, however in the Six California proposal, Jefferson was only in California. The California Senate has agreed to attempt to get Southern Oregon. In light of this, a letter would be sent to it's current owner, Cascadia. Attachment: PRIVATE: The Grand Army of the California Republic would begin to prepare for either a peaceful occupation, or a battle. In charge of forces would be Grand Admiral William Donney, seasoned military sniper, and former member of the California Separatist Movement that founded the Republic 3 years ago. The California Senate would prepare for a response either peaceful or hostile. President Gerald Herald also got back from Halifax in time to sign off on the military movement into Jefferson, which was now completely confirmed and ready. OOC: I have not finished setting up my military, so if you could not make any attacks of any sort while I am gone(which is until like 5 or 6 PM) I WOULD like to resolve this peacefully though, I mean it's not much land.
  12. Best Upcoming Player: Peter Ilyich / California Republic. Created in January, I love this nation more than ANY other one of mine, even more than my adored Bolivia(R.I.P.). While on Bolivia, let's look back at what made that great, well, sort-of. DoE News & Actions If I may say so, I believe that I have advanced quite a bit from by first few nations, and that I am not rerolling anymore. I am happy with California, and am prepared to remain California. Look at those RPs, and look at my most recent RPA one, which although they are still not my best RPs, I think they have improved greatly since I first started here. CBS If I have made my case for that, I think I may move on to my next nomination. Most Honorable Nation: Principality of Tikal Believe me when I say I love RPing. Me and Tikal had issues, yes, which got me aggravated OOC as well, especially if you remember the Peru Incident. But, there is no understating this: His nation lasted the longest, while remaining active the whole time, protecting 2 continents, putting fear in the eyes of everyone's nations. I mean, he was the United States of CNRP2. In fact, Tikal is one of the only nations still mentioned in RPs to this very day. At one point, I even thought about recreating Tikal, a couple weeks after it fell. It is just unfortunate that other issues made him leave. Especially now that CNRP and CNRP2 maps are almost never updated. For him, every weekend at least. Centurius = every 2 months or more. It's just aggravating.
  13. The California Republic would send a letter to both nations:
  14. [2/7] Baja California After all the destruction throughout the years, Baja California would need to be rebuilt from the ground up. The entire penninsula was about to get a makeover. It would start with government funding for new roads, that should commence within the week when roads begin to be layed out by hard-working citizens, some that are actually living in Baja California. More information on Project Baja can be found on the official government website. PRIVATE While expansions were taking place in Baja California successfully, the government sent funding to deploy troops to Nevada and secure it as a protectorate until it is decided that it is worthy of becoming a territory or state, which should be pushed in the legislature, possible to avail. The only nation to be notified of this event was the closest nation constantly active politically and militarily, Cascadia.
  15. Nevada is California Protectorate.
  16. "What can I say, he asked for my thoughts, I gave them to him." He looks over at the Cascadian. "Let's get something straight here, I do trust Cascadia to do what is in best interests. The only problem I am faced with is that you claim to be ready to protect the Americas from foreigners, yet you let East Asia come into Alaska. It is too late to get them out in a politically respectful manner, so we have basically already failed at the one simple task of protecting the Americas." His gaze shifts to the UCS representative on his way out. "You are the one I most respect here at this conference." Gerald Herald Got out a slip of paper and began writing.
  17. "By ending on a peaceful terms, do you mean giving foreign nations more American land, as what happened in the Alaska? Also, I do agree with The Cascadian when he says that you will likely take this as an excuse to make us defend you. I do not like to urge for war, but c'mon, all peace will do is give away more American land. Yes, the Alaska conflict ended peacefully, but we just gave away land. We cannot give power to a single nation, we must balance it. A Monroe Doctrine will not do that. By creating The Monroe Doctrine, you literally set yourself up to fail.
  18. Baja California is being annexed.
  19. "Sir, with all due respect, I disagree with forcing a nation to go to war. I believe an organization cannot be based on the idea of war, even if it is meant as a crusade. Couldn't the nation I don't know...simply leave the group? And do we really want to lose members of the group because they want to find a peaceful solution? The way you sent the letter made it sound almost desperate, and if we are so desperate, than why do you not seem to care if you lose members of an organization crucial to the security of an entire two continents? And why revive a Doctrine that all it did was give more power to a single nation, making that one nation a control freak and getting in the way of nations clearly based on the continent? The Monroe Doctrine gave Tikal all the power in the world, having soldiers almost every 2 feet across the Americas, why revive such a Doctrine a third time?"
  20. I do understand, as I stated first thing. However I will wait until I can draw an accurate conclusion on what the community wants, rather than settling on just one single person's feedback.
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