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Everything posted by Firkked

  1. Another fine example of Purple Unity and congratulations to Valhalla and Tempest.
  2. Congrats Jacapo and Tempest! Looking forward to seeing more of you in our forums Go Purple!
  3. Through all this I have the distinct impression that you and ES have read up on Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness. Without directly stating a sense of glee over the misfortunes of IRON or having knowledge of the identity and aims of the attacker(s) you limit your official scorn, here, for the Host/provider of the forum rather than the CN nations leading IRON, but have not disagreed that the attacks have originated due to some issue in the game. Also do you have experience with the host company? or are you basing their "predatory" business practices off of some innate commercial acumen that we are currently unaware of? Making accusations like these only paints you as sympathizers of the attackers rather than Devil's Advocates. Perhaps you have contacted the host directly and given them your words of advice, or perhaps not; This all depends on your motivation in continuing this debate. Given the tenor and content of your previous posts I have my own conjectures and they have nothing to do with wishing IRON to get their forums back any time soon. Forums do not make or break an alliance, they merely provide a place to hang out and pass information, but they are not the only tool in the arsenal to be able to do that. Continuing the forum attacks will only allow IRON to show what they have always done - remain strong in the face of adversity and claim success at the end of the day. In the meantime the host and their other customers, regardless of the quality of service provided, is suffering unjustly. If either of you have advice that can mitigate the attacks I suggest you pass it on to the host rather than wring your hands and wail in here TYVM.
  4. This is probably the most lucent point I've read in this whole mess of a thread. Bama you have my respect.
  5. Welcome brothers of Soldier and as TPF has shown previously and consistently by finding gems for the OPP. I look forward to getting to know our new OPP partners
  6. The respective track records speak volumes here, this isn't another valiant struggle of David and Goliath - this is merely another of the many episodes of Bambi meets Godzilla... At least the Jarheads can take pride in all the new medals they'll be creating for IRON's young nations
  7. Another welcome addition to the table.... pass the biscuits please
  8. Congratulations on an excellent run during your time as President and I wish you well in your retirement. o/ IRON o/ Heft As always IRON has a deep and talented pool of people to step up and take charge for nearly any situation and I know Finster will continue to keep IRON true to her traditions and values. o/ Finster These are not mindless hails, just another former-IRON member wishing former comrades well...
  9. This has been buried far too long.... Terra Prime has grown, yet still retained that atmosphere of fun - we're dedicated to growing our young nations and our alliance Our latest charter is located HERE and our forums are HERE you can also join us on IRC @ #terraprime on coldfront.net
  10. Please PM me in game Here for further information. This circle is in the process of being scrapped and reformed with a different line-up due to difficulties in arranging trades. Thank you all for your patience
  11. Long term trade circle only. Only sign up if you have a history of activity and there are TWO slots open with your resources. This is non-negotiable. Must switch to Purple Team. Iron: Marble: Lumber: Aluminum: Montzigner Water: Wheat: Sugar: Cattle: Montzigner ???: ???: Pigs: Firkked Spices: Firkked Bonus Sets: Construction , Fast Food, Beer (+???) The following bonuses would apply: TBD when other 2 resources agreed upon. After over 2 months of being unable to get the needed resources this circle is temporarily on hold until additional nations who are willing to join a circle are found.
  12. Sweet, my psychotic dictator persona for TE is working
  13. Thanks for waking up my membership and getting them to be a bit more active in alliance affairs. For your actions of aggression in the Orange team your nation be on our ZI list for the remainder of this round.
  14. Charter of Orange Juice Preamble The events which led us to leave Planet Bob and establish a foothold on Planet Carl were many, of which the chief were: The ability to wage war at our leisure and a rejection of intricate treaty webs and power blocs. Our nations have banded together in an effort to promote military strength in attack and defense and the rejection of the hegemony of nations by treaty while displaying the virtues of individual liberty and alliance honor. Section I. Governance A. Orange juice shall be ruled by a Cabinet made up from the Secretaries of each department within the alliance. The Cabinet is the representative body for the membership to the rest of the planet and is responsible for protecting the security and stability of the alliance as a whole by overseeing the alliance and its governance in day to day affairs both foreign and domestic. B. The Cabinet shall be led by the Dictator for life who shall be appointed by the Cabinet after the Founding Dictator's term of service has finished. The Dictator for life is the representative of the general will of the membership. Section II. Membership A. Membership in any other alliance is incompatible with concurrent membership in Orange Juice B. Members will act in the best interests of the alliance and are expected to contribute to the overall well-being and continual growth of the alliance at all times. Advancement within the alliance is based upon demonstrated merit. C. Members are bound to confidentiality in regards to Orange Juice procedures, internal discussions, political and military affairs and other information relating to the alliance as a whole. This confidentiality remains in effect even after the member leaves the alliance and is effective from the moment the member pledges to and accepts the Orange Juice Charter as binding upon their nation. D. Any nation that is willing to uphold the principles of Orange Juice, to contribute to its growth and success may apply for membership. Nations so invited may become a member by stating their acceptance of, and pledging to uphold this Charter. E. All members have the right to free speech and to develop their nation as they see fit. Free speech is not guaranteed when it is used to abuse, harass or discriminate other nations, regardless of their alliance affiliation, or due to age, sex, race, religion, activities in other browser games, or just about any reason not covered in Section IV. Violations Section III. Military A. An armed attack against one or more members shall be considered an attack against the alliance as a whole. In such an event the alliance will take action as directed by the Cabinet, which can include the use of armed force, in an effort to restore order and stability to the alliance and its members. B. Members are encouraged to develop nuclear capability as quickly as possible, but to limit their use to a responsible manner. As such all first strike attackes are strictly prohibited unless specifically approved by the Cabinet. C. Members shall reserve one war slot at all times for the express use under directives of the Cabinet. Section IV. Violations A. A member who has attacked another member of this alliance, one of the alliance's designated friends or has persistently violated the terms of principles contain in the present Charter may be expelled from Orange Juice. B. A member who is discovered belonging to another alliance or in violation of the confidentiality agreement will be considered to be engage in the act of espionage against Orange Juice and expelled from Orange Juice. In the case of a former member found to be in violation of their confidentiality agreement a request will be made to the nation's current alliance for their suspension or expulsion from that alliance so that punitive action may be taken. C. Any member that has had punitive action taken against it by the Cabinet may have its privileges and rights suspended until restored by the Cabinet.
  15. Firkked


    good luck with that
  16. To paraphrase Dennis Leary: All OJ, all the time. No house, no techno, no rave, no Puff Daddy, no H&R Pufnstuff, no Puff the Magic Dragon, no Chemical Brothers, no Chemical Sisters, no hip, trip, skip, @#$%!' hop, no! OJ, 24 hours a day. That's right. All we do is we drink, we cry, we fart, and we fight. "Aw, man, I was down at Planet Carl last night, it was @#$%!' great! I $#@% my pants and they gave me new pants! I beat up my mom, she beat me up, it was great. Then we puked, it was excellent! OJ was there, man!"
  17. Hmmm... I'd worry, but I'm too busy having fun
  18. Please correct a mistake in OJ's IRC channel. The correct IRC channel is #orange-juice @ irc.coldfront.net
  19. We love a good frozen dessert after dinner, breakfast and lunch too, and we were developing a top-secret crème glacée orange that quite possibly could have united Tournament Bob as a whole in peace and frozen treat goodness, but we knew there were those that desired neither peace nor clean cold fun - purveyors of toothpaste! Toothpaste is our nemesis and we abhor it greatly, in fact we had our teeth removed so we'd never have to again face the morning with a glass of OJ after brushing our teeth. Then we visited our old dentist and blew his supply closet to kingdom come so that no child in our neighboorhood would face the dreaded toothpaste. Back to our secret treats - for we had built a research outpost deep in the frozen hinterlands, far from prying eyes in an effort to produce this cold sugary goodness that would bring in a new era of understanding and compassion. Imagine our surprise when an OJ tanker captain radioed in the message "It's gone, it's all gone, you bastiges!" and then dead silence. Even our air dropped commando team wept at what they found - the lands where are facility was hidden was now under attack and toothpaste factories were springing up everywhere! The evidence was brought back to our main offices and it was clear, a single tube of toothpaste with the crest of a castle on the label. Our nemesis had subverted The Citadel and crushed our hope of seeing all of Tournament Bob having one big picnic and playing well together. Tonight we ride to crush the forces of evil! Death to Toothpaste and big nasty welts and bruises on their minions - The Citadel! tl;dr OJ DoW Citadel - kthx buh-bye Firkked, Dictator for life, Orange Juice
  20. DoE - we're here to have fun and not worry about anything that gets sticky when we have a spill. OJ goes with almost anything, except toothpaste. We abhor toothpaste. We like vodka, almost all alcohols really, even beer. We come to CN:TE for fun, the politics of CN were left on our dresser at home. So come on over to our bar and have a screwdriver or some spam and eggs. Firkked, Dictator for life - Orange Juice.
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