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Everything posted by Rhyd3r

  1. I think the "Hip" word we are looking for here is a misspelled version of hypocrisy. And as a philosophy major, I fail to see some general consensus or argument you are trying to put forth. Are you just trying to demonstrate how pedantic and vain you are? I got that much.
  2. Back in the day we walked FIFTEEN miles up hill to school and then FIFTEEN miles uphill back home. You darn kids with your skateboards and pop music. If I recall my alliance just won a war and exacted some reps. How are we getting more boring?
  3. Good luck joining a new alliance Xero555. You're going to need it after this topic.
  4. [quote name='Yerushalayim' timestamp='1329430768' post='2922048'] Yes. I am apparently a n00b at dealing with friends of friends. [/quote] Make better friends. I can't believe they burned your house down because they thought you had money. What kind of logic is that.
  5. [quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1329684426' post='2924170'] I don't get the impression crymson feels justice has been done, and let's face it. If it wasnt for crymson, I don't think this war would have happened. He's the only person I can recall !@#$%*ing about Grub/NpO. [/quote] I guess some people aren't aware that TOP is a democracy and we vote on these sort of things. I am pretty sure the vote to attack NpO was unanimous.
  6. You've played too much CN when you decide to join your actual countries diplomatic core because you actually want to influence policy decisions.
  7. Of course it's a war. It just doesn't have that much gravity since the purpose is obviously a tech raid rather than something more substantial.
  8. [quote name='omfghi2u2' timestamp='1329539567' post='2923083'] It seems you have already spent your time anyway. Why not be a useful lad and share it? -omfg [/quote] Maybe you should read the first page or follow the link in the first post? It will probably make more sense.
  9. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1329609263' post='2923631'] Still the fact is that you are a reps taking-alliance and in a war that TOP started (along with others) over some old grudge. Dont get me wrong, I know that reps is a part of 'life' here on Bob. But please dont try and sugar coat it with 'it is only punishment', long long after the transgression was made. You do it, because you can (after all you won the war), you do it because you want revenge and you will do it again, if you feel like it. TOP may not be worse then others, but you are no better eigther. *sorry for my bad english* [/quote] Exactly?
  10. Congrats. May you continue to grow and prosper.
  11. Congrats to all for achieving peace. I personally had fun sparring with Polaris, and look forward to rebuilding my nation with Polar tech Also I believe negotiations were in the works to have Upper tier NpO nations to come out of peacemode. Apparently, they were having none of that, so I hope they can be happy paying reps for a war they stayed out of. Sad.
  12. If we are speaking comparatively to the rest of the CN nations. Totalitarian state, only nuked about 2 dozen times, and a with Nordic Germanic population, living in Teutonica might not be half bad. The political dogma and public propaganda helps brain wash the citizens into staying too.
  13. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1320941392' post='2842728'] I kinda like londos Idea. Many of us would like to have a nice little war to relieve tensions. How about a pool of people willing to go to war with each other. Call it the gift of casualties. No AA reprecusions could be fun. [/quote] Isn't a war imminent this holiday season? Everyone on holiday with too much time on their hands, giving the gift that keeps on giving, nuclear anarchy.
  14. [quote name='Iceknave' timestamp='1320624432' post='2840706'] [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Iceknave]Iceknave[/url] There you go, RandomInterrupt, . Thanks for the congrats. Damn, didn't think I would win this either, lol. Was originally gonna take the 3rd year anniversary date for when I first joined NPO, but it was already taken. I took the next available slot, which just happened to be the 6th of November. [/quote] Congrats. Fun game.
  15. If they keep pestering you maybe you'll get fed up and join.
  16. [quote name='Baldr' timestamp='1320649468' post='2840959'] For those who care about CN enough to spend hours a day, every day, trying to keep up, the forums are fine, and this project isn't likely to help them in any way. But some of us don't do that. I have no interest in spending hours a day on the forums. But it is nice to keep up with major events. The "news from yesterday" did a very good job for awhile. I could look at that, and if one of the articles caught my interest, I could read the first post, or the full thread. It was useful enough that I had my bookmark from the CN forums set to start at that page. Ultimately, though, any project of that sort that is based on one individual doing it is doomed to fail. Anson has started a similar project, and he's done it in a way that other people can help maintain it. I think that's a wonderful thing. [/quote] Agreed. I don't have time to cruise OWF every day. RL calls.
  17. At least this guy got the attention he wanted.
  18. [quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1320790732' post='2841843'] I can confirm. RL logs: (I promise) Quote <Janosik> dude, this weekend was so sweet. After the Bama game I got wasted with some bros and we were hitting up sorority row <VladimirStukov> I just got off 6 CM's <VladimirStukov> oh man my nuke did so much damage <VladimirStukov> HAHAHHAHAHA I spied him below the 10m mark, owned <VladimirStukov> gonna declare on another <Janosik> we were inviting all these girls back to our place, kept inviting different ones every couple of minutes. what happened was they all ended up showing at our place, it was awesome <Janosik> are you even listening? <VladimirStukov> look at what D34th said, mega doosh <VladimirStukov> ahh nice, I peeled off another 40 infra with my GA <VladimirStukov> I need to temp for more uranium <VladimirStukov> my raiding is starting to pay for my military purchases <Janosik> srsly bro... <VladimirStukov> now I need to update the damage totals. today was good [/quote] Haha. Only CN on his mind. [quote] NoFish, on 09 November 2011 - 12:24 AM, said: Wow, ignoring your old friends because of this war, Stukov? Can't you see what war does to poeple?! How much more of this senseless destruction do we have to see before people learn to just love each other in peace and harmony! [/quote] Some people just want to see the world burn and I like it.
  19. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1320677866' post='2841074'] same here. Only no tech for MK or TOP, Dont want to interfere in their race now, do we? Do We? [/quote] If I get a secret tech gift this Christmas, I wouldn't mind .
  20. I will probably get drunk and forget to look at the clock. The real date you must worry about is 12/31/11 because the world ends the next day.
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