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Joe Kremlin

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Everything posted by Joe Kremlin

  1. Vox is too high, NoR isn't high enough, and I'd probably bump GOLD up a bit
  2. Spartacus, Lawrence of Arabia, and Zulu are all good pre-ww2 war movies. Barry Lyndon and Aguirre the Wrath of God are sort of a war movies.
  3. Kingdom of Heaven sucked. What movie were you guys watching? Also Apocalypse Now and Paths of Glory.
  4. I chose my first alliance because I liked their flag and they offered me $20k starting aid.
  5. [quote name='Kim Jaym Il' timestamp='1329976360' post='2926297'] Not necessarily directed at NADC in particular but more alliances in general, but what is the general purpose/benefit of "cleaning up" embassies. I mean it's basically a tradition in CN spanning back years but I just don't see what it accomplishes. [/quote] reminds people to keep diplomatic channels open I guess
  6. Nice post about one of the more interesting periods in CN history. Questions from someone on the sidelines: was Sponge's contingency plan for the break a self fulfilling prophecy that drove GOONS away or was GOONS likely to break away from the NPO/NpO power structure on their own? Was NPO rebuilding a power structure to challenge NpO really such a bad plan considering that NpO elements tried to set up a sympathetic leadership in NPO and had shown themselves to be a threat to NPO supremacy and even survival? Q worked for a while until it ran into the same problem WUT had of members growing strong enough to be able to go in their own directions that didn't include NPO.
  7. I think nukes make war a lot less fun and strategic. I remember when anarchy actually used to mean something.
  8. We didn't blame MK for perceiving us as a threat and dealing with it since that's what we did with them. But maybe if you keep bringing it up we'll attack them.
  9. Just because we aren't going to attack NpO again doesn't mean we can't dislike them. Can you really ask for anything more than that?
  10. I know CN can't get enough of our feud but sadly it had to come to an end. Thank you to our allies during this conflict.
  11. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1329366978' post='2921500'] Sure. I'd have considered producing it if people actually believed I was lying - turns out, TOP and Doomhouse spying on SuperFriends was the most believable accusation made in the 40 page thread. Hell, you could only muster one seat filler (in four alliances) to come in and deny it. Even Roquentin (who has made every third post in this 40 page thread) has ignored the entire issue altogether (my accusation) because he knows it is true and he was involved. Of course, if you'd like to double down and and make an issue of it, by all means, go ahead. tl;dr: Everybody already believes you're lying. [/quote] He already made an issue of it multiple times. Put up or shut up.
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1328112320' post='2912572'] Has the utter ridiculousness of MK's position on this matter after deriding everyone else as ~e-lawyers~ for the past 2 years impressed itself upon anyone else? [/quote] They feel wronged and they're in a much more powerful position. Why wouldn't they press the issue?
  13. You're one of the few leaders that tries to make the OWF worth reading. Much appreciated.
  14. If you think they should be talked about in public then make an unofficial thread about the cancellation here.
  15. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1325805463' post='2893556'] They are all awful names, the creativity has left this community. Do better please. [/quote] What happened to the geniuses that brought us Great Wars 1-3?
  16. I think retribution or vengeance would be better than grudge.
  17. [quote name='DemonSpawn' timestamp='1324668882' post='2885001'] "would like to slowly gain your trust" "Ill do anything to gain your trust" [/quote] this guy sounds legit you should let him in
  18. How do we know this isn't just another part of your elaborate spy game?
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