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Everything posted by abbasmehdi

  1. i guess we got blazed and dipped.
  2. you guys clearly fail to see the bigger picture and how argent played an important part in this war.
  3. we will do one on a much larger scale soon.
  4. 10/10 I seriously read the whole thing and especially the akkadians part twice.
  5. Please ignore myth like all good people do. I am not stopping him cause I need him for the draft. As for Hart, I got dibs on him.
  6. lack of britishdude in the coup congratz to the new govt ccc O/
  7. courtesy of a pretty awesome artist.
  8. omg this war has 4 coalitions also I <3 you ogaden
  9. if only it was this easy to become a winner here
  10. walsh specifically said the war will be continued in defense of kaskus.
  11. I feel like I was lied to for my entire life.
  12. i don't like the fact this thread has been hijacked due to random reasons more than 10 times now.
  13. you are saying as if they will accept you.
  14. It's the decision of a person whether he should be in a big alliance or a small one. As long as he is enjoying it and he has no regrets then who are we to judge them, friend or not. Let's leave that derailing conversation which won't get us anywhere. Moving back on topic. Congrats to the newly elected M's on their coup and the new 00s.
  15. Beazy's thoughts have never been exposed this truthfully before even by his own brain
  16. Not sure if you know but the cat punting one is MI6 friendly
  17. lol that iron one made me laugh hard. also epic comics hart keep em coming
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