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Everything posted by abbasmehdi

  1. the cherry was picked CODE RED, CODE RED
  2. sh*& just got real on yellow O/ FAN DoW's
  3. but it is broken :( also saxplayer what happened to the best of the rest rankings?
  4. That sir right there is an excellent question. /me ponders Anyways good game guys, Macintosh has put the period on this so I am here to put the exclamation mark. Now let's go back to rioting cause Netherlands(WTF) won 3rd place.
  5. not sure if sarcastic or what? sorry and ignore my cynicism if otherwise.
  6. heavens have mercy on us if that ever happens.
  7. Good game guys and <3 dk honestly didn't think we could have won this. So a bit too excited about this lol So guys see you hopefully in 4 years in the finals.
  8. Yeah and a 300k nation from another alliance.
  9. Britishdude wins again? /me sighs O/ the Vice Chancellor and Ministers.
  10. what? now everyone thinks we are gonna send them a well coordinated song in pms?
  11. yeah damn, 31 members lol. Also lol NPL. Just wow O/
  12. Farking and Drinking are like one and the same. O/
  13. Good game Pacifica IRON $&!^ just got real
  14. well IRON looks like you are next.
  15. finals, at 66 mins the referee will make his move
  16. Congratz Annukai, good to see small startups become mid sized aa's. This was quite fast and commendable. Goodluck to you guys and congratz to DoD as well. Turnip: You guys still haven't done anything about this fugitive.
  17. woah so this is what those rogues were talking about. This is some really poor planning to roll someone Defcon. Next time make sure when you send out people to attack, don't tell them your entire plan.
  18. bang your head on a wall and see if your head remains intact?
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