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Everything posted by Jaiar

  1. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1339983371' post='2986900'] 30 wars is not an impressive blitz for 9:35pm EST. It would be quite horrible if both sides weren't in peace mode on different extremes. [/quote] Not many targets since MK is utilizing peace mode well. I'm not knocking them, it's a good strategy. All this talk about peace mode and how the blitz is carried out. Please, shut the $%&@ up about it. That goes for both sides of this front.
  2. Nordreich has begun their blitz on International - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=Nordreich&anyallexact=exact"]Blitzkrieg[/url]
  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1339908286' post='2986265'] The primary stumbling block is that potentially interested parties do not like you any more than they like us and are not willing to gamble for those they neither care for nor trust. In the past, the defeated broke up, scattered, or disappeared altogether, forcing reigning powers to turn on more sympathetic groups or one another. You and yours have instead chosen to stick together while hiding in peace mode, ensuring that there is [i]just[/i] enough distrusted power out there for us to wail on. You can try to reconcile and dig up new allies, but the efforts are transparent attempts to coalition build and those you'd cater know that your loyalty to them would, in the aftermath, play second-fiddle to your blocmates. That's actually one of the wonderful advantages of being on top. Everybody recognizes we don't really need more allies or people willing to fight alongside us than we presently have available, so when I stroll into an alliance of lukewarm or even hostile relations and express patience and kindness, they can take me at face value. It's easy because they know that I'm not going to leverage my casual manner into a demand that they march in front of a damn freight train. I can keep embassies active "by any means necessary" because I legitimately enjoy doing so; you don't get that luxury. And to reach a different point, I'm glad to see you abandoning the false confidence of your allies in favor of stage 2 on the road to defeat: blaming the uninvolved. [/quote] You are misinterpreting what our confidence means. You should know better than throwing out peace mode jokes; you are better than that. Me and mine are not the only ones utilizing peace mode; many who would fight in your "coalition" are in peace mode. It's early in the war and a week from now it will still be early. We care not for the size of your coalition; we know we may face some of them if this war escalates. Victory will be ours to define, not yours; you can figure it out from here. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1339942854' post='2986438'] Very well said. The people complaining about a lack of a valid CB are living in the past. We no longer operate by the rules set forth by the ruling party eions ago. Learn to adapt. [/quote] I just want to point out that my response to Starfox was not a complaint about the CB; although, reading it I acknowledge it does seem so. I take casus belli at it's simplest meaning so any declaration of war from one alliance upon another is just that simple. Their [i]cause[/i] for the war. I care not for most dictionaries including the word justification because people assume justification means justice. I despise those that sit around with the same goals yet are mules when it comes to at least agreeing to work together no matter how temporarily to topple the current power. It is us and it is them that welcome the boots at our throat through uncompromising attitudes.
  4. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1339901978' post='2986192'] Might has never made right, Roquentin. [/quote] And the complacency of the masses will not make things right either. Your alliance does not stand threatened today, but will you fight for your ideals in this war and join with those who are being wronged at this very moment? I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the great stumbling block for alliances in their stride toward a balance of power is not the current hegemony, but complacent alliances, who are more devoted to "order" or a "staus quo" or "it's not our fight" than to justice; alliances that prefer a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; alliances that constantly say: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree to fight at your side"; alliances that paternalistically believe they can set the timetable for a balancing of power; alliances that live by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advise to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute oppression from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
  5. I have to admit this takes some balls and shows you will do anything to protect MK's front and get things to trigger more favorably for your side. This is all it is. MK says jump and boy you guys did. Good luck.
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1339472154' post='2981219'] One more knife the back by someone who was constantly up my ass.... Anyways, You cant delete your nation without foreign aid expiring. After 10 days, my nation will be gone. [/quote] Link posts where I was up your ass. I recall all my interactions with you. You said Non Grata was incompetent. I quoted your post in another topic and replied that if incompetence is sitting as the top non-neutral alliance, then sign me up. Second interaction is my previous post. Third, is this post. 10 days for you to delete your nation when aid expires? I still bet you will be around. You won't delete. Or if you do and come back with a new Ruler/Nation...you will spill your guts and everyone will know that "____" is you.
  7. There is a delete your nation option. Why wait to 25 days inactivity? I doubt you delete. You change your mind too easily from day to day. You're doing this from the rush of some emotion and attention you want. This topic won't last active for 25 days and once the attention is gone you'll find another reason to stay. You'll pour your heart out to someone and think they're friendly enough to you and join their alliance. The cycle will just repeat over and over.
  8. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1339380948' post='2980503'] as I continue to coup impero. [/quote] Rumor is Impero and Goldie. You're kidding here but there is some truth to what you said. Hopefully that silly talk has died down. Good luck to both moving forward.
  9. Happy Birthday Tetris. Hope you enjoy today and as many more as our Great Admin allows all of us to enjoy. o/ Tetris 3 Years
  10. Great speech Emperor Brehon. Congratulations to all Pacificans. The greatness of an alliance is easily gauged when people are not surprised by results such as this. No one is surprised; this is expected. o/ Pacifica o/ 10,000,000 o/ Onwards to 20,000,000
  11. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1338860005' post='2977181'] Congratulations to the 2.8% of us remaining. [/quote] We'll all be 1 percenters soon though
  12. Congrats CoJ and double it. o/ CoJ
  13. [quote name='Desert Glory' timestamp='1338253956' post='2973808'] This about sums up my feelings on this thread [/quote] Instead of trying to look clever and searching for offensive images that denigrate people who were born with down syndrome why don't you go fix your nation settings.
  14. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1338250074' post='2973755'] ITT: Non Grata makes excuses for having 40% Aid Slot Efficiency. I read all of this and I dont get it, Umbrella and GOD lowered their aid slot efficiency... this is supposed to mean NG isnt lazy and high aid slot usage isnt a good thing? So to wrap this thread up, NG makes excuses for their laziness and incompentant alliance. [/quote] I would bet many alliances would want to be as incompetent as Non Grata sitting second only to IRON. (Sorry GPA, you're neutral and don't count). Alliance Strength: 13,672,344 Average Nation Strength: 51,789 Score: 51.79 Infrastructure: 1,875,975 Technology: 1,030,805 Nukes: 4,377 If those numbers are a result of incompetence, then where do I sign up?
  15. Aid slot usage is definitely not a good measure of alliance activity. In a 10 day span an alliance can recruit a bunch of new nations which probably won't have those slots full and cause a massive percentage drop in the aid slot use percentage. IRC and forum are one way to measure activity and how great an alliance can be. However, I think the best way to measure how good an alliance's members are is if they actually back collect and improvement swap and grow their nation correctly with the right nation settings. A nation can be 3999 infra and never sell or buy tech and just back collect and improvement swap and sit around buying wonders on a monthly basis with like 300 tech and be in much better shape and ready for anything than someone who never takes the time to learn these basics. Too bad there isn't a way to audit the nations in each alliance to see what percent would be considered to be in line with the common sense settings we all recognize.
  16. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1338230879' post='2973644'] I mean, there are tons of people like Leonichol. [/quote] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/failed_noexist.asp?ID=69742"]Leonichol[/url] - well, I guess Colin40 can compete now and has no reason to leave.
  17. Congrats on your 5 years and hopefully another 5 years to come. o/ Invicta o/ 5 Years
  18. [quote name='Colonel Herzog' timestamp='1338004727' post='2972605'] The STA has proven over the years that it is worth far more than the numbers that can be measured. o/ [/quote] [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1338005489' post='2972614'] This! Truer words were never spoken. Congrats STA, I'm proud to call you friends. [/quote] If honor would be converted to NS and alliance score, STA would blow everyone away.
  19. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1337991552' post='2972490'] Yeah but you can nuke every attacking slot at least once a day, IIRC and he has nuked many Deinos nations but no MK nations. Also, with all the rumours saying how well MK is at war, you'd think he'd nuke them rather then deinos. JS. [/quote] Going to peace mode allows him to build up from 5 nukes to 25 nukes in 10 days (2 nuke purchases/day) with WRC. It is possible that he tries to nuke one nation and misses 4 times and hits once. Then he can't nuke every slot. Next day he buys two more nukes...what if he misses twice? Then he nukes zero slots. All of this while he is getting nuked and damaged and not dishing anything out. I disagree with what Zoom is doing but he is doing the right thing when it comes to how to rogue.
  20. Good to see a speedy recovery and keep it going.
  21. [quote name='Ch33kY' timestamp='1337949643' post='2972091'] It's hard not to agree with ChairmanHal on this. There are ways of dealing with multis. [/quote] If there are ways why isn't it done? The only thing I can think of is how Netflix or HBOGO and others do it. "Register this device". I'm assuming only the registered laptop, iPad/tablet, iPhone/Droid/etc, would be able to be used to log in. You can't go and watch movies/shows at every device you log in to because you can only register a certain amount. Could something similar be done on CN? There has to be some way of identify directly the device being used even if someone is using methods to gain multiple IPs be it through proxies or going around town to WiFi restaurants to use their IPs to send tech. As far as Colin40...compete why? It's not a race for the biggest most infra/tech heavy nation. It's a political competition between alliances. You're entitled to your reasons but I wish you would stay and not waste your nation and let it delete. Don't you think you'll regret it? Hmmm, I wonder how you'll feel if it deletes. A major sense of what have I done or an enormous relief and satisfaction to have let it go. Good luck.
  22. Happy Birthday indeed and to many more! It's great to be allied with such a great community and hope to build the relationship further. o/ Polaris o/ 6 Years
  23. [quote name='Tank4ever' timestamp='1337755217' post='2970950'] What fun?? We have like 20 nations in range. Which are all less than 2-3 months old. [/quote] You should do some police action on - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=445021"]THIS NATION[/url] In your range Tank4ever and more than old enough. Let us know how it turns out for you.
  24. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1337754616' post='2970945'] The moralists sure seem to be out in force tonight. [/quote] Rush Sykes is a moralist? I'll let him answer that. It's not so much that the moralists are out in force, it's more that we are anti-stupid.
  25. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1337752398' post='2970922'] Enumerate the mistakes of the 13 to 14 nations that didn't attack you. [/quote] Oh, c'mon Biff. You're going to have to define [i]enumerate[/i] so USMC knows what you mean. USMC, what Biff asked is for you to [i]list the mistakes[/i] of each nation in PRIS that didn't attack you and the reasons why you are attacking them.
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