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Everything posted by Conred

  1. I purchased the Federal Reserve Wonder as soon as I saw the announcement, which should allow me to purchase 7 banks instead of 5. (Yes, I have the stock market as well.) However, upon improvement swapping, when attempting to purchase 7 banks, you get the standard 'You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You selected an invalid purchase amount for that improvement type.' error message on the "/activity_denied.asp" page. I found that I have to purchase 5 banks first, then go back to the improvement page, where 'Banks' will still be listed as an available improvement, then purchase an additional 2 banks afterwards. (this you can do in one shot: 5 + 2, alternatively, 5+1+1 also works.) Selling the improvement works the same way. Trying to destroy 7 banks at once will net you another error: You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You cannot destroy that many of that improvement type. Be sure to enter a positive number to delete this item. However, you can sell 5 (or any number less than 5) and then sell what is left over to reach 0 banks. At first I thought it might be by design, similar to how the Border Wall improvments work (+1 at a time)... but I figured it might be a bug when it also did not allow me to sell all 7 banks at a time. Thanks for your attention on this matter. ~ConRed
  2. Good luck to our friends in MCXA and AfterMath Alliances everywhere.
  3. LULU LIVES? Miss you pal Ill have to dust off my Terran login Gotta get my religion in somewhere! Glad to be running in your circles. o/ The other (Alpha) Omega. Been awhile since Ive been around AO too.
  4. Extremely sad indeed. Condolences from all your friends in The Apparatus. ~ConRed
  5. Thanks for keeping our stuff straight RD, your the best man.
  6. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1348748901' post='3034728'] Enjoy getting the shAFT. [/quote] I must know. How long did this take you? [quote name='Jesusfreak' timestamp='1348752698' post='3034757'] Can't wait for 12/21/12 (jk) [/quote] No no no... we decided it was gonna be 13/13/13! Thats right folks! Indian Summer is coming!
  7. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1347583253' post='3029873'] I am deeply humbled to be recognized in this way. I hope that my offering has, in some small way, helped to honor The Order during this joyous anniversary. I am also deeply amused that poetry + Cybernations seems to lead to an almost inevitable use of the word ennui. [/quote] Congrats Moon!
  8. Congrats on 1 year ya'll. Miss the good times that TSA had with MONGOLS.
  9. [quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1346245486' post='3026327'] But but, Sammy, Jack doesn't mix well with coffee. Offers some Baileys instead. Thank you all for your kind words and best wishes. [/quote] First of all... Jack goes good with anything. Anything! But Id take baileys over Jack in my coffee too.... Second: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ♫♪♫♪♫ Happy birthday to you... ♫♪♫♪♫
  10. Glad to see you up and moving again Joe, if you ever need anything, your old TSA friends are chillin in App. TTE will take great care of yall. o/FTC o/TTE
  11. Woot!! Glad to get this out. Love us some TTK.
  12. o/ TTE o/ Invicta o/ Arizona I think I got it all... o/ Yuurei
  13. [quote name='KemMo' timestamp='1341032198' post='3000420'] Good luck to my friends in the Apparatus and to HB. o/ App [/quote] Have i ever told you how much I love your Boardwalk Empire pic?
  14. I dont think he wants it bad enough... make him want it more.
  15. [quote name='tiki51' timestamp='1340929508' post='2999701'] You won't even be worth dropping down for in a few days, leerjet. Nor will anyone in your alliance. [/quote] Why are you sending peace requests already? They just started man... at least pretend you know what youre doing a little longer.
  16. Oh hi! LeerJet sent peace requests: make him beg?
  17. You guys dont have slots... so Im guessing... TOP? slow on the uptake. Welcome TOP
  18. [quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1340744303' post='2997504'] We have only been officially at war with RIA and The Apparatus.. When we are given targets or a friend asks for help, we are there no matter the case. Viluin is doing his own thing which we haven't supported nor aided, so I'm not understanding your attempts. Anindyadhara is a ghost and attacking multiple alliances, we do not condone his wars, and haven't supported him. [/quote] A rogue alliance not condoning rogues in its AA? ....wat?
  19. [quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1340740839' post='2997470'] [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1340740724' post='2997466'] I think they used to be Amazon Nations and Octava Orden. [/quote] A lot of us are just former Non Grata but went rogue and all have stayed around and just enjoyed war. [/quote] Way to miss the sarcasm.
  20. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1340740724' post='2997466'] I think they used to be Amazon Nations and Octava Orden. [/quote] Aw Man... we used to be stuff?
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