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Everything posted by Conred

  1. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qiwlv.png[/img][/center] Its been awhile since we have posted here, as we tend to get so busy being generally awesome on a daily basis, had to dust off the keyboard, but rest assured, we are still active and alive. This is not a progress report, were not here to tell you about our stats, our age, or how many times we can hop on one foot while holding our breath (166: personal record, [i]come at me bro[/i]). This is certainly not a Declaration of War, nor a treaty announcement. Now, I can tell what some of you guys are thinking, (and seriously DT, that's sick, cut it out), you're wondering exactly what we're here to announce, you want us to cut to the chase, to speed it up a little, dodge the pleasantries, get it over with already, stop rounding off the bush, to milk the cow already, just come out and say it, etc... Why, we'd be happy to oblige! For those of you who took the time to read the title, that's the writing at the top of the page GOONS, no, little higher, no that's the banner, lower... oh forget it. This is an invitation! And you are invited! No, not you PPO, sorry next time... maybe... probably not. This is an invitation to all black sphere alliances. Wed like to officially announce the: [size=5][u][b]Black Alliance Diplomatic Advancement Sphere Summit.[/b][/u][/size] Now, many of the black sphere alliances have already been contacted, and have shown there interest, support, or at the very least acknowledged the event was taking place, and asked us to get back to you when more details are available. The time is now! Place: The Shadow Accord forums: www.shadowaccord.co.cc Time: July 15th-July 31rst Let me address the obvious questions. [b]1. "Who can attend?"[/b] All black sphere alliances! Each alliance are allowed 3 representatives. [b]2. "Is there an IRC component?"[/b] Of course, we are going to have a #BADASS IRC channel! [b]3. "Will there be "I am a BADASS diplomat" shirts and merchandise?"[/b] We're working on it, no promises, but in the mean time I will be happy to hold your money in the event that it does happen. No refunds will be given in the event the idea falls through. We take cash, and yes, Johnny Apocalypse, checks too... thats spelled C-o-n-R-e-d, very good. Is this Umbrellas operating account...? [b]4. "But ConRed, I'm so busy, will I have trouble keeping up?"[/b] Why, noble reader, of course not. Its going to be all forum based, all you have to do is check in when you can, comment, quote, and say hi. Obviously the more activity showed, the more we can discuss. The IRC channel is optional, and mainly a place to hang, lurk, chill, etc. Business will be taken care of on the forum for your convenience. [b]5. "But ConRed, what exactly are we getting together for?[/b]" Good question, next question. Oh, I have to actually answer that? Well, this is an opportunity to get together with our fellow black sphere alliances, and discuss economics, relations, address important questions, and familiarize yourself with other black sphere alliances you may have not spoken to in awhile, or didn't know were still around, or have emerged recently, and... Non-Grata, please, put your hand down, I told you to go before we started... [i]Xander.[/i] I remember a NOIR comment awhile back about lacking communication lines between black sphere alliances, due to busy schedules, among other things, and that all we needed was a "push" to get us going again. Well hold on to your britches ladies and gents, The Shadow Accord has come to push, shove, and pull if necessary to get things goin. The beauty of this is that all black alliances, no matter how big, small, powerful, or ugly (even Asgaard!), can attend all as equals! So obviously a wide variety of things will be discussed, and any member of the summit can start a new topic, so we are hoping to cover all questions, concerns, comments, etc every alliance has to bring to the table. [b]6. "Ok, ConRed, I'm interested, what do I do now?"[/b] Register at www.shadowaccord.co.cc for a "Summit Mask". You can apply for an embassy if you do not already have one, but that's entirely optional. If you ALREADY have a diplomat mask and/or embassy, we still need you to post in the "Summit Mask" area, so we can make the area available to you. You can run over there now and request the mask, but only the bazaar, and "black bar" will be available for you until the Summit begins. [b]7. "ConRed, I heard that you and Outsiders were having an affair at The Shadow Accord... what do you have to say about the rumors?"[/b] No Comment. Next Question. [b]7.5. What about you and WorldPeace?[/b] Absolutely, all the time. Can we stay on topic here? [b]8. "Whose idea was this?"[/b] Well... WorldPeace had bought some leath.... what... oh the summit. Well, the idea of a summit was brought up by our Supreme Commander, General Milienius, while contemplating how great the Black Sphere is, how large we are, and how much a history we have working together. After discussion and input from literally our entire government, all of our aides, and a large selection of our members, we began contacting black sphere alliances one by one until we figured we had a large enough fan base to go public. [b]9. "I have a question you didn't address here... what can I do?"[/b] The best possible thing you can do is apply for a mask, and ask your questions there via the PM system to any government official. Alternatively you can email us at admin(at)shadowaccord.co.cc. Your security is important to us, and we promise not to release or sell your email to anybody without being bribed for a handsome sum of money. Finally, below is a list of the alliances we have already contacted, if you do not see your alliances name on this list, contact us ASAP (I may have just forgotten to add ya to the list). We tried our hardest to get a hold of everyone, but The Shadow Accord has been very busy lately preparing our forum for the event, and running day to day internal and foreign affairs. If you see your name is ALREADY on the list, please get together with your gov ASAP, let everyone know the official invitation has been announced, and figure out who your 3 reps will be. Please spread the word! The faster this information gets to people, the better the results will be. Tell your gov, tell your allies, tell your friends and neighbors, but dont tell my fiancee... Thank you for your time everyone. Hope to see our Black Sphere Friends soon. [b]List of Alliances Contacted[/b] [spoiler] Sparta Dark Templar Order of the Black Rose Asgaard Open Source Alliance The Hanseatic League Dark Nations Associations Military Establishment of Righteous Countries Ordo Teutonicus Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism Alpha Omega Knights of the Round Table Non Grata DarkFall Amazon Nation League of Small Superpowers Umbrella PAX \m/ Nordreich House of Lords Menotah Forte Synergy Justice League of Armenia Rosicrucians [/spoiler] [center] Signed, [img]http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee185/Master_Rex/Cool/RIA/TSAemblem-1.png[/img] The Shadow Accord [/center] tl;dr Sucks to be you, read it anyway. Edit: Addition of alliances.
  2. [quote name='Napoleon I' timestamp='1308682292' post='2737540'] Finally we get this thing posted. It's official. TSA is our lover. Haters don't be drinkin' that haterade o/ Ordo Teutonicus o/ The Shadow Accord <3 ConRed [/quote] I love you more. Its true.
  3. [quote name='Conred' timestamp='1298311295' post='2640754'] Lots of awesome bumps. [/quote] Where has this thread been?
  4. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1303768938' post='2699431'] Has the issue occurred again since the flush? [/quote] Yes, but far less frequent... I have realized that this only happens at work now since the flush on my home computer. I have looked up the link on bing and such, and found that the link was a facebook issues a few years back... so again, no Idea why Im getting it now... as long as it doesnt put my nation under scrutiny, I wont whine and complain about it.
  5. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1303746951' post='2699244'] It...might be a DNS issue. If you're in Windows, open the command prompt as an admin and type in ipconfig /flushdns. It's either that or a virus of some sort, though I would doubt that unless it's doing it for sites other than CN, they would pick bigger prey. But one trick viruses have is to change your DNS cache to have any site they like (Google, for instance) go to their sites instead. Can't hurt to do a virus scan, anyways. [/quote] Thanks for your help!
  6. Is there no progress on this? Should I not worry and carry on despite the issues?
  7. I am very, very sorry if this is the wrong place to post this :/ I read all the forums, and couldnt figure out where to ask this. While on cybernations, I keep getting redirected to: http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/xd_proxy.php?version=0#cb=f3e89117dfc893c&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cybernations.net%2Ff20fa8efaf8de46&relation=parent&transport=postmessage&frame=f24882d34cc3d14 In the middle of gameplay (usually while trying to leave one area, and go to another. i.e. From Infra to Tech, etc.) I understand that I *already* log on to my nation from three different areas (home, work, blackberry[both wifi and carrier networks]) But am positive I dont share any IP's with any other nations, so the question is not related to that... (as I know you wont do IP checks) The question is: Why am I redirected to this proxy thing... ALSO, more detail: I get a facebook icon on the tab of that window, as if Im on a facebook account, and it reads "proxy"(I dont have a facebook.... so yeah). This happens both at home and work. My main concern is that my nation will get flagged for some kind of cheating if this is an error on my end, because Im constantly on different IP's as it is... and now this proxy thing shows up. Can anyone confirm if this is just me, or if it is a game thing Im not aware of. Please let me know. Thank you for you're time, effort, and help. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=398667 Sincerely, ConRed
  8. TSA is watching your wenches very diligently... Ill keep them in good company
  9. Aw Shucks... o/ TSA and the Awesome Outsiders
  10. [center][url=http://z15.invisionfree.com/The_Shadow_Accord/index.php?act=idx][img]http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy199/D5r5k_bucket/TSACNalliancepost-1.gif[/img][/url][/center]
  11. Conred

    Blog War

    Not classy at all.
  12. o/ CORN They seem harmless... but in reality... [img]http://www.thehorrordome.com/images/products/display/PopcornKlownLG.jpg[/img] AHHHHH!
  13. You are still so awesome for posting all these. Thanks!
  14. STILL AMAZING. Our Alliance is using your charts to keep track of the war... keep up the good work.

  15. Thanks for the charts man...

  16. Conred

    War Chart

    This is going to be dangerous.
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