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Everything posted by NoMutantAllowed

  1. I've never seen anything so stupid. Also, why is somebody named after a character from Family Guy? That's pretty dumb. Edit: P.S what's a fark? Edit: anybody seen the wizard of oz?
  2. You don't have to redact your !@#$ list, I know I'm in the #1 one spot.
  3. Will you be my friend? I'll be on IRC later. See ya then, buddy!
  4. Leave Brittany alone....I mean SNX. Hi Yosodog!
  5. Atlas walks into a bar and orders five shots of whiskey. The bartender pours them, and watches as Atlas downs each one in quick succession. As soon as Atlas had finished the bartender jokingly asks "what's the occasion?" To which Atlas replies "my first GATO blowjob." The bartender immediately offers a congratulatory shot, and Atlas replies "if five shots didn't get the taste out of my mouth, I doubt the sixth will help."
  6. 10/10 would read again. I enjoyed the free pretzels too, although they didn't effect my review of this blog.
  7. "Insert unnecessary post here" lulz CN politics
  8. The only sad thing about this is that Gotham has been this way ever since the beginning. I joined up about 2 months ago and I was MoIA and I had to deal with this stuff daily. Hardly anyone is active in Gotham and the ones who are active can't get there !@#$ together. Why do you think we have went through so many Government leaders in just a month? THE PLACE IS A HELL HOLE! I'm glad I finally got out of that place. Also Helena left CN yesterday over all this, I can't say she won't be back though.
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