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Lord Levistus

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Everything posted by Lord Levistus

  1. I like this thread, if not for the reasons mpol intended.
  2. It was never a block, unless you wanted to consider it a weak optional bloc. At it's core it was all about communication and working together when we could, it had nothing to do with defense or aggression, we had treaties for that. We just put a name on something that already existed and exists elsewhere with other relationships even now with out a title. Still, while it had run it's course, it was something that I was glad to have been a part of and it saddens me to see it gone. On the matter of ML, we in Valhalla have had a very long relationship with them, and while it pains me to see them fold, we're heartened that many members have decided to join our ranks rather than continue to fade away. Too many people we've come to know in this realm have disappeared already. We only hope we can prove to them that they made a wise decision. ..and finally so there's no confusion: The 5 members left under the Molon Labe Alliance Affiliation are under Valhalla's protection as well, for as long as they wish to remain under that flag.
  3. Good luck to my friends in Umbrella who got roped into government positions. Congratulations to those who escaped. =D
  4. Congrats to our allies in Umb and to AB. We hope you have a fruitful relationship.
  5. I guess "trite and uninteresting" is how you describe not being able to puzzle through an answer that everyone already knows.
  6. I've been using the same avatar for several years on this forum and others. Last night I noticed my avatar was broken here, and since I had been having issues with the old rapidshare hosted copy going down I was going to try and change it to a copy hosted on my photobucket. Did we at some time stop allowing offsite avatars, or am i just running across a specific issue?
  7. I'm disappointed by the lack of resumés I received. I figured I'd at least get one from Bringme or SCM.
  8. Glad to see everything wrapped up. Props to Goldie and Oro for getting this done.
  9. That's how i read it, which is why the financial clause stood out to me. I'm a bit hopped up on cold meds however.
  10. I don't see how that quote has anything to do with the context of your op-ed.
  11. This war was one of the worst I've experienced in the beginning, it settled down and the coalition came together to at least a working relationship in the second and third month. EQ from my standpoint was the opposite. Started off alright, but deteriorated and then blew up towards the end.
  12. The funny thing is, Farrin offered us tech reps as well as a much lengthier aid restriction at one point, we declined. Agree with the terms or not, an aid restriction on less than 10% of an alliance's nations doesn't strike me as all that harsh in the grand scheme of things.
  13. This took far too long, but it's now thankfully done and we can move on. Good luck to all participants in their rebuilding efforts.
  14. Nice to see this wrapping up, cheers to our allies in DoD, VE, and IRON as well as the others in closing this out.
  15. You are. However if you want to jump on TOP's bandwagon and parrot their propaganda, feel free.
  16. Farrin's final offer was productive in every way except that he went backwards on time, which is why it was rejected. He then immediatly stormed out of the room and has yet to return. Edit: I stand corrected, he rejoined about 2 hours ago, but I hadn't noticed since there hasn't been any activity there yet
  17. Farrin, we made progress, we should have had this closed out and done. Acting like a petulent child and storming out of the room in the previous talks, followed by grandstanding days later... One would think you wish to extend this war. Oh please.
  18. Regardless of in character party lines we're all part of a community here and our friends in Non Grata and those who've interacted with Tito have lost one of their own yesterday to tragedy. While some may claim that this is just a meaningless game, it's this game that allowed Tito to touch so many who can make note of his passing and remember him. My condolences go out to everyone here who shall miss Tito and to his friends and family outside of the game who shall miss Andy.
  19. Surprised it took to post 15 for it to get mentioned. I'm not perfect, and never claimed it to have been a brilliant move, it was just the most logical at that moment. I explained this on your forums and leave it at that. I give you credit for not exaggerating though.
  20. Valhalla understands why this was cancelled and holds no ill will towards NG. We wish Non Grata luck in their future endevours and thank them for their assistance when we reformed.
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