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Everything posted by kingzog

  1. Cold comfort, as I'm prpbably older than the two of you put together. Nevertheless, I think you're doing the right thing. You'd get much less flak if you chose a different name, I believe.
  2. And once again, Mogar is famous for being famous. Isn't one Paris Hilton in the Universe quite enough?
  3. Dear Xiphosis, I, for one, didn't believe it for a second. All the best, /s/kingzog P.S. How are you? I am fine. It would seem we're on the same side. That's a little weird for me, but I'm gradually warming to it.
  4. First, I'm glad this has been settled. Second, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! /me facepalms again
  5. So many "/me facepalms" in one OP that I look like I've been slapped. You clearly do not understand what constitutes a good reason for going to war. Oh good grief. You don't even understand the mechanics of war, do you?
  6. Yes, I've seen it....but not in this war. Some days it's good not to be in charge.
  7. You know what would be great? 30,000 threads, each containing one person's thoughts on this war. That wouldn't clutter things up at all.
  8. You've said this a couple of times, and each is more hilarious than the last. We're not getting engaged, y'know....
  9. A collection of suppositions, half-truths, outright lies and statements that are quite simply wrong. tl;dr - I threw up in my mouth just a little.
  10. Arcades, I like you, but seriously....that's just a call for the waaaaaambulance right there. You're classier than that. I know it.
  11. STA: Cuddly kitties until they decide to eviscerate you. Welcome to the fight, my friends!
  12. I find my respect for TOP has been increasing quite a bit lately. Now, please don't betray Gr....oh never mind. That's getting old.
  13. I come back and you're on your way out? Christmas in April, anyone? OOC: That's really uncalled for. IC: That's really uncalled for. If you must poke the hornets' nest with a stick, at least be creative about it.
  14. I think the 'punking' may be accidental, though. It's just....well, odd.
  15. Consider the allies. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's funny. Once upon a time the Cyberverse was nearly unanimous in condemning the use of nuclear weapons. Except Redneck. If I understand correctly, he has always thought of nukes as gifts to be bestowed on nations one goes to war with. (Since he has been nuked something like forty times, this seems to me to be a very healthy attitude.) Also.... TTK, if you keep doing things like this I may just have to start loving you again.
  16. And thus Crohl launches a crusade against the alliance most loathed by his bĂȘte noire, (what used to be) the Norden Verein. /me looks out the window and sees: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! It's the apocalypse, kids! Also, hello Crohl. Long time no type. I hope you are well. I am fine.
  17. Null vote. One of the problems in attempting to define Fascism is that there is no such thing as a widely-held, historically-accepted definition of Fascism. There is further argument about whether Fascism was a strictly Italian doctrine, while other countries often labeled as 'Fascist' (Spain, Austria under Dollfuss, etc.) may be more properly termed clerical authoritarian regimes. And then, of course, the NPO is defined as the vanguard against this vague, ill-defined idea. In short, rubbish from beginning to end.
  18. It's....almost....like....you're....saying....something. Za Sibir!
  19. I wouldn't. I think individual members should have the opportunity to rant and rave as much as possible. For one thing, it allows them to let off some steam. Becuase of game mechanics, all of us are soldiers to one degree or another. Soldiers do not make policy. Their job is to fight and kill until there's nothing left to fight and kill. However, some of us are both politicians and soldiers.There is a very important distinction here, because those of us who are politicians in one way or another are obliged to look at the so-called bigger picture. Our comments must be measured. They must be appropriate. Even when we are angry, there is a limit to what we can say; a limit that does not exist for soldiers. So let them be angry. Let them rail against one side or the other. Assuming they do not possess the means to make good on their threat, it's harmless.
  20. Hello and welcome to the OOC section of the forum, where sentiments like that come across as being rather creepy. (But the PM you were sent was a bit over the top.)
  21. Also, switch to Red and vote kingzog for Red Senate. (The moment I'm in Senate range, that is. That should be around....oh....February or March, 2011.)
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