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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. I like the fact that there has been really no resets in over 3 years of this game (I believe there was one at the very extreme beginning but feel free to correct me if you know and I'm wrong), though it does create an unlevel playing field. Would I personally be upset if there was a reset? No. I've played this game for far too long to care if my nation gets destroyed again. Do I know others would be? Yes. Do I think those people would leave? Yes. Would those people leaving be worth it to create a level playing field? Probably not. My two cents.
  2. This topic is too LOUD and full of LOSSers that I can't stand it for too long, but I will say that I love the LOSSers in LOSS and am looking forward to hopefully meeting the LOSers in LOUD who tend to make a lot of noise. Hopefully there will be a LOSS in that department and the neighbors on the treaty web won't be so LOUD. K, enough puns for me tonight. Congrats to two very awesome alliances! B)
  3. This nonsense is because of my thread in our academy isn't it?! CURSE YOU NINTENDEREK FOR BEATING ME TO THE PUNCH OF ASKING CN WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT! I hate you... I really do. But I'd have no one else as my MoFA, that's for sure.
  4. Sweet, good job getting on this, I was going to set you and Sandler up today with some trades but it looks like you've got it, so, good job!
  5. To Thierra: *Insert Generic Title Here* *Insert Generic Greeting Here* *Insert Alliance name here - in a generic fashion* *INSERT GENERIC ALL CAPS REASONS TO JOIN HERE* *Insert generic non-caps reasons to join here* *Insert random things dealing with absolutely nothing* *Insert generic salutation* *Insert Signature* kthxbai.
  6. You may have won a battle, but that doesn't mean you won the war. You should probably remember that. In any case, as for your friend, one nuke isn't much, and anybody who is even the least bit prepared can survive one nuke. Question is, what is he doing to make his enemies fear throwing another at him? If he can survive 100 nukes, then I would be impressed. I don't speak for Fark in any way, shape, or form, but I know that if you had done to me what you had done to them, you would not be seeing peace before at least one round of full war is over.
  7. Because I am the leader of a very old nation who's citizens demand that I take things seriously, lest we fall into danger due to some sort of a prank. I do like my fair share of jokes, but they are often shared with my friends, family, and other people I know I can do so around. On the world stage, however, I choose to remain serious so that everyone knows, without question, that what I am saying is not simply a joke, and is to be taken as the official, political stance of my nation.
  8. I am saddened to see the number of people belittling what someone else considers an accomplishment. I congratulate the Huns. I have been around this planet for over three years and I want to make that clear since people seem to think that years is all that can matter to a person. So let me tell you right now, I am not the longest-ruling leader on this planet, not by any means, however, I am, by most standards, quite old. While two months is not very significant in the large scope of things, neither is an artist's scribbles in his first notebook. However, it is the beginning of what becomes known as the greatest artist in the world in later years. They have made it two months, and even though there wasn't much hardship, it is an accomplishment, and one that they consider significant, and therefore I congratulate them on this accomplishment. Once again, congratulations to the Huns, I await the day when I can make a similar announcement for my new alliance.
  9. It's been said before, and it was also in the announcement that you apparently didn't read too well, that they will be protecting only those who are being raided by unaligned nations. Not aligned nations.
  10. Asriel stands up slowly and begins clapping his hands, as Schattenmann steps down he speaks I have known Schattenmann for years, literally. While I disagreed with him on many issues, I have found that, over this time, he has never made those decisions because he was selfish, or juvenile in any way. I have found him to be an excellent friend, who was willing to help me out, even though I was unwilling to extend my hand to him. I have, more recently than a while ago, come to the realization that he is, in fact, a friend, and a great person to have around. On behalf of the people of Surda, and the Browncoats, I hail this grand person, and the alliance that I have also come to know and love in recent days. May there be many more ahead of us, and may Justitia bless them.
  11. If he was, then I have no idea what he would be talking about, and I apologize for the shpeal, and I ask that he explain further what he means by "at least we back up our allies" because if it doesn't concern me or my alliance, he should probably send it to someone who's alliance it does concern.
  12. Browncoats z3.invisionfree.com/The_Browncoats - Forums #CN-Browncoats Brown Team
  13. You just said you weren't talking about the past, then you go and bring it up. I have never personally backed down on my allies, and neither has any of my crew. Nintenderek included. He kept trying to "foil" the plot of the BubbleGum Crisis, and, in fact, if it weren't for him, Schattenmann's "war" would've been successful. Before you tell me that I don't back up my allies, look at my personal record, not the record of people who aren't even involved, thank you. I'll give you a hint, it includes fighting with NAAC even after "disbandment" because some of my allies in there were still at war, advocating HPS' entry into the "wrong side" of a curbstomp for the allies we had on that other side, being pissed off at Schattenmann and BC1's whole ordeal for well over a year, and never breaking a promise to a friend to help out their alliance for as long as I could, when I was physically able to. Just to name a few times. Before you talk to me about honor, Desperado, realize that you're talking to the person who has been put on PZI lists, ZI lists, etc, etc, for battles he had nothing to do with other than backing up a friend. I realize that your alliance has stood up for friends, and I like that, and applauded it several times, both in public, and in private, but don't come in here trying to tell me that just because of that one act of yours, that you can paint me as dishonourable because of acts other people made that I had nothing to do with. No, I wasn't even in BC1 at the time that the particular "war" you are talking about happened. Nor was most of the current BC crew. Only one person was even in it at the time, and he was the reason that the "war" that was meant to get out of fighting with allies, didn't work, and that they ended up fighting against huge odds anyway. Thank you.
  14. As elborrador said, you've got your own problems. We knew we would have ours, due to the past, but we move forward anyway with our heads held high, and we are going to show the world we are made of different mettle, even if the world doesn't want to give us the chance. Thing is though, most have been receptive to the idea thus far, so I don't see a problem on our end. I for one welcome our new drunken overlords.
  15. Just thought I'd pop in and say to all the people who update this: THANK YOU!!! also, 1,200,000 views. Win
  16. I am going to retract all statements in this thread that I have made as they have no relevancy to the topic at hand, and any problems that did exist have now been resolved. If anyone has any problem with this, feel free to query me.
  17. There were OOC remarks, not in our public channels, but in queries. The death threats, however, did not occur.
  18. Chron, I'm asking the 57th how they can justify doing that. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. I'd also like to know where all of you guys were when The 57th came into (OOC: Browncoats channel) and our queries, and did similar things. I do not agree with what youwish did, nor Lord Panda, but I also don't agree with 57th justifying what they did to us while they also yell at NSO for doing the same thing they did to us.
  20. Hey there... I'm not the only one in Browncoats.
  21. The one time I get sig'd and it's not even in a signature. For shame Krunk, for shame.
  22. Asriel walks slowly up to the podium, which is surrounded by the flags of the Browncoats, the League of Small Superpowers, and his home nation of Surda, in his traditional Browncoat garb, holding a scroll in his hand. He waits for the applause to quiet down, takes a drink from his silver flask, and begins to speak Friendship, something that unites everyone in some way, is something that should be cherished. No matter who it is with. Today I stand here, a witness to a great friendship which has lasted a long time between some of us, and has started to thrive between those who have not been around quite as long. Asriel pauses, taking out some more notes and begins reading from them The League of Small Superpowers has been a great ally, and a great supporter of us Browncoats, since before we even announced our existence to the world. Through their friendship, and support, we were able to succeed as well as we have thus far, and with their continued friendship and support, I am sure, that we will be able to succeed well into the future. Asriel takes one final pause before saying his final piece, taking one last drink from his flask. I am not here today to merely talk about friendship though, I am here to show you that although friendship does not require a piece of paper to exist, that sometimes it is best for the world to know. From dusk, until dawn shall this treaty exist, but for eternity our friendship will last. Asriel unrolls the scroll and begins reading the treaty aloud to his audience Before leaving, Asriel clears his throat one last time. There is beer, wine, rum, cookies (the best kind!), and almost anything else you can think of here, so feel free to celebrate with us on this day. I will be providing refreshments in #CN-Browncoats and #LOSS, so there is no need to bring your own. Thank you.
  23. Join us, we have the best rum, wimminz, menz, beer, wine, and non-alcohol related items! B)
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