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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Something tells me cooler heads prevailed.
  2. I think what he is saying is that they continue to argue that it is an ODP when it has now been announced as an ODOAP, and talked about as such in several places. I'll try not to put words in his mouth though and say no more on the matter.
  3. I recognize Cylon's avatar more than I do Moo-cows or Moldavi's... Is that a bad thing?
  4. Believe what you want. If you really want to escalate this debate, you can take a look at the thread in which we voted (unanimously btw) on it. We then took it to IRC and told CoJ with utmost haste since they've been waiting on our reply for quite some time.
  5. Let's add on to that: January 3rd, after the DoW: Kodiak (a higher-ranking member in 57th, and in an official capacity) says: "We want to end you. that is our goal." January 4th, former 57th member says that hatred runs deep on 57th's side (and he's still allied to them, I doubt too much hatred is between him and them). January 4th, Asriel Belacqua (that's me) says "I have received loads upon loads of hatemail from various people in 57th BEFORE this incident ever occurred (and in fact, right around the time we remade BC)." Those people include Veneke, and Lord Panda. So let's stop this madness about the gorrammed hatred.
  6. Saintsmaen, I still like you as a friend, please don't betray that mate, but honestly, Bubblegum War is way behind everyone. I have even forgiven Schattenmann (who as THE major player in that) and we're best buddies now. Also, I think you seem to forget, that while Nintenderek may be Foreign Minister, I am the Prime Minister. There is more to the situation than "he's a major player in it." If Bubblegum war 2.0 even tried starting, I'd end it. It's not, and hasn't, so please don't make that comparison.
  7. I wasn't going to, but now that you mention it..... Seriously, let's all sing Kum-by-ah until Veneke gets on and we can have a lovely chat about where to go. I wasn't really a fan of this war when it started and would like to see it not escalate any further. However, if it did, it might give all the whiners out there something to be happy about.
  8. No, it doesn't, however the "we want to end BC2" thing after the whole white peace thread had long been public definitely puts a little wrench in things.
  9. Not OUR hatred mate. I especially gave up on that rivalry long ago. It was a perceived hatred of us that was the motivation.
  10. Not really mate. The main concern was our allies.
  11. Aye, even I knew there was white peace before the official post. I'm hardly a relevant member of either side, according to most people here.
  12. To be fair, especially to my allies in LoSS, they did not declare until after the initial talks had ended with 57th's only leader who was on saying, in essence they want to "end BC2" and would settle for "nothing less." After that was stated, he said no more would happen until Veneke got on. It was after that point that LoSS came in defense of the Browncoats and declared war. Also, to those saying "Bubblegum War 2.0." No. Simply No. I hated that war when it happened (and was not a member of BC at the time) and I still hate it now. No. Just. Friggen. NO!
  13. Never said that was our motivation, just said it gave that much more reason.
  14. Already 50 DoWs up (nationally)... hardly any Peace Mode nations. This war's already bigger than the Blue Balls War. Hate to say it guys, but, small alliances have outdone all your grand alliances in terms of attacking capabilities.
  15. This goes out to the Browncoat's friends: This goes out to our lovely friends in the 57th: And this goes out to anyone who wants to know what we Browncoats are all about:
  16. Weee.. small alliances being noticed ITT.
  17. I like that name. I'm just not that into you. (B
  18. I would also like to agree with this. Browncoats never intended to "end" the 57th Overlanders. However, I hear that's what they want of us (insert Kodiak saying things here).
  19. That is a great idea. I think I should say that it should go for everyone as well, though I know I'll be ignored. Regarding the "Attacking aggressively via ODP" part: Look at CoJ's DoW topic, it states that we have an ODOAP with them, and we do.
  20. Actually, it has more to do with supporting allies than you'd think. It took a while for CoJ to convince us to even have that vote. You notice things started on the 27th, and the poll was taken around the 31st/1st of january? There is a reason for that. Noticing little things has a tendency to make your assumptions a little closer to the truth. As does 57th hate us. I would give logs, but logdumping is 2009 material, so I'll save you all the pain.
  21. Good to know that you guys have our backs, through thick and thin. It is always an honour to be your allies, and your brothers-in-arms on the battlefield. To arms mates, to arms.
  22. Yes, really Roosterton. I wasn't saying we were supposed to coexist peacefully, though I wasn't saying we should necessarily go to war either. Also, the poll on that screenie is not done. New members can join you see, and we count their vote as well. Also, that's not the only vote that matters. There were votes done at the government level after those screenshots that later determined we will not be going to war. Again, regardless, doesn't much matter any more. You guys chose to act aggressively, so we will all have to live with it. For those who are saying Nemesis came out of nowhere: We have been working closely with nemesis and have been developing strong ties to them over the past few months. You don't need a treaty to declare in support of a friend, however much your e-lawyers want to state you do.
  23. There are several problems I see with this, the biggest of which is: Browncoats, CoJ, etc, voted against going to war against the 57th anyway. The votes and such were in case the war that just ended, ended up going to our allies, which it didn't so this didn't matter much anyway. Regardless, you guys have made your choice, hopefully you can live with it.
  24. Officially nominate this war be named WWE: Worst. War. Ever.
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