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Asriel Belacqua

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Everything posted by Asriel Belacqua

  1. Yes, they did kick her out, but not because she refused to leave. Anyone who tells you this, or leads you to believe this, is feeding you lies. She was warned for joking around, they said that they will give her another chance, they did, and THEN they kicked her out, over basically hot-air. NOT because she refused to leave, she was talking to people about leaving several times, but stayed until they kicked her out.
  2. By... well, pretty much a ton of people.
  3. A theme for an alliance simply makes it easier to create a culture. Sometimes. There is no "need" for a theme in an alliance, it's the culture that matters, especially with older nations. However, having a theme can make it easier to develop a culture (as most people who join will already have something in common other than being humans, or AI bots, whichever the case may be...), but sometimes you don't need to make it easier.
  4. These two pictures pretty much sum up my Karma war experience (pre-karma war and at the start, after a few wars (these only show two, I was in about 10 total during the war).
  5. I'd rather the NAAC did go out like it did, not because I want it gone, but because an alliance like the NAAC wouldn't be the same if it surrendered after GWIII. It'd be like the rest of AEGIS, which turned out to pretty much suck for them for 2 years.
  6. As my avatar is the winner of the Ugliest Avatar Contest, I must disagree with both of you, and that the one I am currently wearing, is in fact, the worst.
  7. So... I heard I was supposed to reply to you in an attempt to get you to reply back?
  8. Not entirely war propaganda, but you never said it had to be war. Ignore the little pieces about joining, and just look at the rest of the videos, since the rest of them are funny.
  9. That picture is hilarious for two reasons: One: I was trying to get the war in BEFORE NPO/TORN declared, (missed, sadly), and the second thing was, the guy who took the screenshot of it (not me) was trying to get only NPO/TORN wars against OV for the Wiki. Sadly, I snuck in and got my 5 seconds of fame which I then went berserk via Paint and created the worst posters ever for such a horrifically funny DoW that really shouldn't have been documented at all. ALSO: Somebody actually remembered that, and actually cared enough to quote it? Holy crap! I'M FAMOUS!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes this is me being excited, so suck it up because it's the one chance you've got at seeing it. Take your pictures, get your screenshots, because it'll never happen again. Thank you and good night.
  10. I'll see all your google pictures, and raise you a... DEMOTIVATIONAL POSTER!
  11. I have been looking all over the old CN forums for a particular quote, hopefully someone has it, but anyway, it was in a DoW thread, and a FAN member posted and analyzed the post like: the first line has [number] of words (etc etc, so on and so on), they must be referencing the bible (pulls out a bible quote and then analyzes that one too to determine that it was like everyone in FAN must be something funny). It was a really long post, but it was epic.
  12. I know I'm not very significant, but I'll add mine here anyway for history's sake. "I would rather have a good plan today than a perfect plan two weeks from now." "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't." "Always do more than is required of you." General George S. Patton
  13. That is very sound advice to yourself KP.
  14. How many people even remember Comrade Vader anymore? Like honestly! My favorite thing he said to me, in "The Intelligentsia" was something along the lines of: "I like you guys, I see you guys doing great things and someday being a top alliance. Also, how would you like to join me in spying on all the top alliances?" That was right before we changed names/merged/whatever and became the Browncoats the first time. Such a dirty liar.
  15. A lot of people say they are never-weres and never-have-beens, but, in all honesty, you will learn that sometimes the people who are the smallest faces in the crowd, are the most influential. You, whether you know it or not, from Belmont, to ModusOperandi, have been watched by a lot of people, not because you were a big name, but because you were not. Especially by me. Big-name people are fun to watch, but often you don't learn as much from them as the little guy, the one who thinks he's not important but really is. Congrats on the mile stone, and I hope you see many more. This is, indeed, a very fun game, and I thank you, and the others, for keeping me interested for well over 3 years. Thanks again.
  16. Makes it even worse that we're in the same alliance. Also, my sig gives it away. Also, I claim the title of "person who started wearing costumes before Nintenderek started wearing them or started this thread." I win.
  17. That may not have been, but how my crew was treated after we left was horrible, and how we treated ye was horrible, and I should've realized you were my crew and I had one job, and that was to help her keep flying or go down with her. What happened afterwards was a good bit my fault, and it ended up being for naught anyway. Also: I was quoting that more so I could remember to add that part in, not so much in response to your quote.
  18. Belacqua 2009 to Belacqua 2006: Join NAAC sooner, because you'll be sorry you didn't have more fun while you could've. Belacqua 2009 to Belacqua 2007: Don't ever leave Browncoats, don't allow good people like Lamuella to be thrown out, and don't ever give up on the alliance you worked so hard to start, because you'll just get crap and lose friends for re-starting it later. I truly regret nothing, other than allowing friends to be hurt by my actions. This includes you Lamuella. Especially you.
  19. 58 members is hardly a "Micro" alliance. Especially considering yours isn't too much larger. They may not hold that many anymore, but they did not too long ago. They are also some of the most honourable and anything BUT insignificant. In my more than 3 years on Planet Bob, rarely have I seen a group of people who's acts speak so loudly, yet are covered so quickly, under the guise of "just another small alliance." You'd be better off to remember that sometimes the big names aren't the ones you should be paying attention to. I may have not have gotten along with these folks when they first decided to break off of my former alliance to go out on their own, but they have proven themselves to be truly good folk. Every last one of them. They stick to their guns, no matter what. Next time you make a back-handed comment about a group of people, remember that it is small, dedicated, and good groups of men like them that actually do things on this planet that are worth remembering. To FUCN, since I ranted so long, you know pretty much where I stand on you guys, but I will expound on that: You folks, the original 7 at least, were not on the best terms with me when you first formed that alliance, I wasn't about to stomp you guys, but I wasn't about to sign a treaty with ya either. Over this last year and 2 months, I have had my opinion changed, as with Schattenmann, and others, about who you are. I have, through your acts, realized just what kind of people you are, and you are good folks. I wish you'd have kept flying that boat and doing jobs, though I realize that there is a time when you have to ask yourself, is it worth it right now? And when you ask that, it probably isn't. For that, I am glad that you chose to go to the League of Small Superpowers, as they are close friends of the Browncoats, and have been good folks for years, and as such, our good relations with FUCN will be able to continue to live on through LoSS. To you now-standing members of FUCN: May your future be bright, as your past has been. May you never forget who you are, or what you are, and may you prosper. ~Asriel Belacqua, Prime Minister of the Browncoats
  20. To be fair, it is a thread that kind of can be updated constantly and should probably be pinned... and should be updated constantly.
  21. Shouldn't it be feels... evil? Since, you know... you guys are all sithly and such?
  22. But... Corinan! YOU NEED TO TELL US SO WE CAN ACT SURPRISED! I am not amused. How does the fact that I now hate you all and think you're all evil make you feel?
  23. That's right. I keep thinking they disappeared for a short while, but they never did (just shrank... a lot). I stand corrected, thanks mate.
  24. OP should refer to your post, and read about LSF, who is a very interesting alliance, and has been using the system that you say fails for at least two years (I believe it is closer to 3 though, like... 2.5 or something, IIRC, I could be wrong). It is not democracy that fails, simply the one you described did. Also, idealistic governments are hard to do in CN, and real life. Extremely... hard.
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