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Overlord Wes

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Everything posted by Overlord Wes

  1. How odd that roal's activity page doesn't show him leaving OoT while also not showing him getting booted. what other ways are there to change AA? @Roal36what exactly happened that you are no longer on OoT AA? side note: if you delete your nation does any nation activity involving you get deleted from other nations' activity pages?
  2. Confirming that Laserwolf, GATO's alliance owner and brown team senator, is not a government official in any capacity
  3. how could they know how much aid was 'necessary' without a list? were they expected to individually check nation damages when presumably it was already being done internally?
  4. I'd be surprised if 99% of any alliance over 15 members was aware of TMG's existence lol. Or any alliance's existence other than their own for that matter
  5. Whoops, accidentally skipped over them when I updated with all of Atlas's protectorates; they had way too many :v
  6. do you mean autocorrect changed it to ojwardsc? in what context is this the correct thing to say
  7. not sure if someone used it in CN for something besides @Manis B's avatar on our forums
  8. posted on behalf of @Masterchief777 aka crv24: We heard TLR was throwing an old man party. We've cleaned up, wiped the drool off ourselves and brought out our best dancing shoes just for the occasion. Don't start the shuffle board tournament without us! The Global Alliance hereby activates our MDoAP with The Last Remnants and declares war on Avalanche. Sup?
  9. As a member of GATO gov I get a mini heart attack every time you guys post something. The cat titles make me think there's an announcement I somehow missed. This one was particularly bad considering recent events
  10. I'd just like to point out that this is the first TE war-map I've seen in years
  11. I love this misspelling because it makes us sound like a group of lazy dong-lovers
  12. Hopefully we'll both be around for the next one, Mr. Wise and Handsome
  13. I'd just like to point out that, somehow, the whole round war always came to OP [both offensively and defensively] while I happened to be not home and unable to really participate in war more than a day or two each time. This led to me having around 100k casualties and 6k infra at 2 weeks left in the round [my respective lowest and highest at that point in a round {i don't trade swap}]. Then with only 1 and a half rounds of actively participating in wars I finished round 41 with almost 800k casualties, one of my highest finishes. Late-round high-infra battles really make such a huge contribution to final casualty counts
  14. Unless admin pulls a fast one on us and starts the new round immediately once this one ends
  15. 8th time's the charm Also, some mod move this to the TE area :v
  16. For the record, none of Hardin's reports are GATO nations
  17. One of magicninja's aid packages to the front line got blown a little too far off course. Caisleaer risked his life going behind enemy lines to retrieve it o/ :v
  18. Whoever is sending Whimsical secret aid, we would really prefer if you'd not
  19. He didn't blockade me because I had too many blocking ships Looks like I know what wonder I'm buying today
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