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Anu Drake

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Everything posted by Anu Drake

  1. Congrats to C & G, always good to see a new addition to a bloc. And a big congrats to Revanche for the diplomatic coup, this will help get Vanguard into an excellent position.
  2. Very good show GR, you've proven yourself to be a good ally. We are doing the same thing with our friends from DE and have full confidence that they will be the great alliance they have promise to be.
  3. Very happy to have our names on this one again. Good luck in all you do in the future.
  4. If this isn't a joke, and the summaries by uninvolved parties are accurate, NATO kindly requests her friends at DE to visit us.
  5. Wonder how we missed this last year. NATO was formed on June 1, 2006.
  6. Very nice. Congrats MK, here's to hoping those nukes are used on someone other than me
  7. That would be nice. And yes, Purqua is not an attempt at Aqua/Purple unity, which is why it has remained only 3 members. It was formed as an MADP upgrade to the CDT back in the day.
  8. Normally this wouldn't be an announcement I'd venture in to, but given the amount of flaming done by Vanguard and STA in our thread, <insert witty trolling> Yeah, got nothing.
  9. Ever since wentworth turned this donkey wheel he found in an ice cave we've been skipping around all over the place. OMG, can you believe Ivan retired? No, never mind, there he is talking to Liberal Extinction...
  10. This is the fourth treaty we've canceled in the last two months. We reviewed each one by one so that nothing was overlooked or taken for granted. Instead of just dropping them all at the same time we reviewed where they were in the world and how that matched up with where we want to be. And we notified GOD of the cancellation well before any incidents with KM and Zenith. Given how tied we are to RoK and Fark, the conspiracy theories fall flat.
  11. Sorry to see this happen, but old treaties that don't match up with current relations are never any good. Hopefully there can be a tad more respect exhibited between the two sides.
  12. Please stop posting things that doesn't get anyone excited. Day to day alliance management and propaganda are boring to read in our own alliances, much less here.
  13. Congrats to our good buddies here, as our triangular aqua love continues to grow. Very nice on the image treaty, glad to have started a trend. (also, to whoever did it, its deceivingly tough to make, isn't it?)
  14. Thank you for pointing that out, let me clarify. Yes, Count is speaking as a member of NATO and thus we are responsible for his actions. As such, if he made disparaging comments about those that we are friends with or if his statements were presented as official policy, I would have a very different approach to it. As it has been so far, Count has been voicing his opinion, a right that everyone here has. Since it has generally conformed to our foreign affairs outlook (overly simplified as NPO good, Vox bad), we have no objections. Just because its not the way I would go about things (this bickering is pointless in the end) does not mean it is not entertaining. Its good sometimes to see someone posting in support of those things that the rest of the opinionated community tends to rail against.
  15. Count is not a member of NATO government and does not necessarily speak for the alliance. At the same time, he is not insulting or flaming our allies and generally speaks in accordance with our overall strategy. Just because we do not raise public opposition to his essays, doesn't mean we aren't watching. These have all been mostly academic and philosophical dissertations, and we do not discourage any of our members when they wish to speak their minds.
  16. Real Life will tremble at the power of our strength! As thrice called upon defenders of MHA, NATO declares war on Real Life and it was not just so we could post this picture...
  17. This is great to see, congrats to the fine recipients and very happy to see a NATOan on that list.
  18. A guy that goes to school with a guy in NATO told him that IRON was preparing to go to war against us.
  19. Liter... o/ CH, congrats on our birthdays. Since I've experienced most of that story from the other side I'll have to write up my own sometime. Although two year birthdays deserve some happiness bonuses cake.
  20. However: Others played far more important roles in the destruction of Nordland. Kuru summed it up in his first log dump, which I can't find right now but if I could I'd quote it. Slayer and I were the prime architects of that war.
  21. 60 Million for one man's conditional freedom seems a little ridiculous. At least drop the PZI for that type of payment, imo. Oh well, I'm sure there is a lot of this I don't know about so I'll assume DK isn't getting fleeced or intimidated into this. I do trust bigwoody to be fair.
  22. o/ NATO indeed Our two good friends getting closer, definitely a good thing. Congrats to you both.
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