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Anu Drake

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Everything posted by Anu Drake

  1. UE, awesome as always. But a quick observation - there are a lot of alliances in the first graph (score) that had positive growth but are still showing in the red. I've noticed NATO has had this the last few updates and we've had NS growth every week this year. Thanks, Anu
  2. NATO wishes our brothers, sisters and farkers all the best in their offensive against OK. Tech scamming is totally not OK.
  3. After reviewing our treaty web NATO has realized that it holds a total of 15 treaties with MHA and NPO combined. Expect some cancellations to be forthcoming.
  4. All I know is the dark side, and I thrive on its power always.
  5. Congrats to the Sith, you have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger and your journey towards greatness will be complete.
  6. Any alliance not working off of this central tenant when it comes to general membership is doing it wrong.
  7. Do the Dew! But call her in the morning please. Congrats to our buddies at Fark and for yet another image treaty.
  8. Your assumptions about what hopes I and friends hold are off base. Although Vox has been a problem, at least they've been a highly entertaining problem. This is just annoying and an attempt to besmirch a good alliance with questionable intel. You've made yourself a target of anyone that has been interested in seeing what you come up with, of course people are going to register there under false names or otherwise. Posting the names of people that have registered and lurked on your forums does not hurt anyone. You're not a real alliance, and I'd be willing to wager that each if not all of the names mentioned did what they did with the approval or on orders from their alliances. To feed you crap, to see if there's any real fire under all your smoke, and to generally try to withdraw some lols out of this existence.
  9. So someone took an ultra secret screenshot and posted it somewhere with the title upnintel? And that means that UPN was behind spying on you and that the information being provided in that thread is grounded in reality? It reads more like a 15 year old gossip queen's view of their alliance than anything that would be considered reality. Who made the post? Where is anything that might be earth shattering within that post? And how in the hell can you sit there and complain about someone taking screenies of your forum when you do what you do? All of those questions are rhetorical. You've failed, and we had such high hopes for you after your videos too.
  10. Not nearly as good as The Tattler's most recent update, but not bad either. OOC: ES, I don't remember you getting permission from me to put my equation in your signature.
  11. Best flag ever. ooc/(Also, the sig almost 300 pixels too wide, definitely want to change that one)
  12. Burn all you want, we'll make more o/ Nod /ps - these pics were from a propaganda war game within NATO months ago and have no association with GDI or our allies in Nod.
  13. I don't have anyone on my ignore list, anymore at least. Used to have Tom Litler but took him off as he's more entertaining than offensive now. Does the friends list do anything to notify us of someone's posts? Kind of a reverse of the ignore list? That would be cool to have. Well, not so important now that Count is no longer in NATO
  14. And thus a public display of why its never happened Seriously though, is should happen.
  15. AK, how does Nod respond to this propaganda, obviously made by some deranged fake freedom tyrant:
  16. ORPLE is inferior to PURQUA. Especially since you all keep shooting down AUPURNGE. (congrats to both!)
  17. Lenny is the elder statesman of NATO. And I mean really elder. Also, AK, you are evil.
  18. Good stuff Athens, OA is a good alliance and their leader got a little passionate. Nothing wrong with that, and I'm sure it will be a good learning experience.
  19. Count da Silva: This global tyrant hegemonistic* dictator requests that you not play with Vox members anymore. *not a real word
  20. But it wasn't a gun in my pocket, I was just happy to see you. No, we had no intention of running him from the cyberverse.
  21. 1.7 Billion. Billion. Really? Sam fan club better chip in.
  22. My professed love for you is well documented. I'm sure a member of Vox would gladly supply evidence of such.
  23. Londo, you're sure to see a new Office make an announcement very soon, don't worry * But this is srs thread and went is srs diplomat. Lovable, nice smelling hair and a warm heart make went srs.** I'm not though, so I'll gratuitously post all our office pictures and one we never ended up posting. Just for my buddies in NOD.*** AK, thanks for being cool and I'm looking forward to watching NOD skyrocket. I'm the sexy one in the last picture. *The fun and bomby kind **I've said too much ***This is also for !@#$ and my fellow Virginian. o/ NOD, sorry about being busy, the consorts were arguing again and something had to be done.
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